Rich use more Public services than the poor.
Taxes are not a punishment. They represent the costs for the public services one uses. You don't think a high income earner makes more use of public services than a low earner?
Absolutely correct! The rich take advantage of, and use far more government services than the rich.
No I don't. If anything I'd argue it's reversed. The low income earner makes more use of public services via assistance programs like welfare, food stamps, etc.
And the $685 BILLION used to fund the defense department is being spent on poor people and/or protecting the assets/rights of the poor. Ummmmm NO. Exxon, Mobil, Haliburton, Boeing, etc, etc need the US defense dept a lot more than the poor fuck making $15k/year.
Oh and it's probably the son of the poor fuck making 15k/year that was killed in the shit-holes of Iraq/Pakistan then the son of some rich person.
Lets not forget about educations costs... Wealthy people seem to have less kids than those who are poorer and frequently send their kids to private school while still paying for the public schooling their kids aren't getting via their taxes. Poorer people often have more kids and send them to public school.
Even private schools/universities receive a large percentage of their operating costs from public grants, subsidies, corporate funding, etc. The tuition paid by even Harvard students (or their parents) is only a portion of the actual costs. The public pays the rest.
Not to mention Universities exist more and more as corporate R&D facilities, paid for with public funds.
If Karl Marx were to look at the current U.S. education system he would say it is functioning perfectly for what it was designed to do: Educate a tiny elite to run things, while creating a huge semi-literate/educated majority to work in that shitty Wal-Mart job. The Education system is working exactly as designed. /end mini-rant.
Wealthy people depend on the legal system (and, at a higher level, US Foreign and Trade policy) to enforce contracts. The have more direct access to their elected representatives because of their money. They live in low-density neighborhoods which require vastly more resources to maintain and demand conveniences from the public weal far outside their individual importance.
Again 100% correct. Elected officials are bought and paid for by the rich. Who's interest do you thing they are going to support.
If the legal system went Poof-all-gone, the rich would be the first to scream and moan how we have to get the lawyers back. Who's going to enforce the precious laws than protect the assets/rights of the rich.
Now if you use Rush Limbaugh/Glenn Beck reasoning you can see how the poor people on welfare/food stamps use more public (read:government) services/money than the rich. If you actually follow the money it's painfully obvious that the "rich" benefit far more from a "well funded" government than the poor.
Of course the rich want the government funded by the poor that's why they are against higher taxes.
Socialism for the Rich; Free markets for the poor.
/end huge rant. thanks for listening.