I also meant to add that all areas in which lights are on a good portion of the time are fluorescent. We have linear T-12 tubes in the entire finished basement, garage, and my bedroom, and T-8s in the kitchen. I can't convince my mother to part with the incandescent chandeliers in the living room, master bedroom, and dining room. She thinks they look nice even though she hates the yellow color of incandescent light as much as I do. Of the three, only the one in the dining room is used more than very intermittantly, so extra electrical usage is practically negligible. Hopefully in a few years we'll see nice LED candelabra base bulbs using 1/10 the power and with a nice white light output, and then the problem will be solved. Additionally, we have CFLs in all the frequently used outdoor lights, especially the side light which is on all night. When we used bulbs we needed a new one every 2 or 3 months. The CFL is in for 10 months and still going strong. I installed a few 300W halogen outdoor lights recently, but as these are hardly ever used they don't have much impact on the electric bill. When the bulbs burn out or break, I'll replace them with fluorescent or LED(whichever makes more sense at the time).