Put your GPU to better use...


Hairy Aussie
Jan 21, 2002
Québec, Québec
A group of developers from Stanford University released their BrookGPU – a compiler and runtime system that provides an easy, C-like programming environment for today’s GPUs. According to this report from Slashdot, a shader program running on the NVIDIA GeForce FX 5900 Ultra GPU achieves over 20GFLOPS, roughly equivalent to a 10GHz Intel Pentium 4. A real powerhouse that is available now, has some issues with programming, as GPU programming is not a trivial task. BrookGPU adds simple data parallel language additions to C which allow programmers to specify certain parts of their code to run on the GPU. The compiler and runtime takes care of the rest.
Now if they can just find a way to run the FAH client on one of those damn graphic cards, I'll be quite happy. Since the research is being done by stooges from Stanford, we can hope that this is what they have in mind.
