Registering domain name/hosting web site.


Hairy Aussie
Jan 21, 2002
Québec, Québec
I managed to find a free domain name for my company. I have two questions for people in the know :

  • Is it useful to have a "certified" domain?

    I am proposed a "domain name registration" as well as a "business registration" and "private registration services". Do I need all three for a business web site, or just the domain name registration would be fine?
I'm a computer part assembler, not a freaking programmer. My assosciate (the programmer) is gone for a month, but I at least want to reserve the domain name while it's still free. I know nobody except you guys to advise me about this. I want to do this quickly.


Xmas '97
Jan 15, 2002
Salem, Or
I managed to find a free domain name for my company. I have two questions for people in the know :

  • Is it useful to have a "certified" domain?

    I am proposed a "domain name registration" as well as a "business registration" and "private registration services". Do I need all three for a business web site, or just the domain name registration would be fine?
I'm a computer part assembler, not a freaking programmer. My assosciate (the programmer) is gone for a month, but I at least want to reserve the domain name while it's still free. I know nobody except you guys to advise me about this. I want to do this quickly.

Are you likely to be a target of a phishing scam? If not, the certification is relatively useless. How many people do you know, check the sites they are visiting for a certification seal before doing business. I know I certainly don't...

I'm not sure what is being offered for your business or private registration services. I suspect that it has to do with your specific Domain provider. It is not uncommon for them to offer Email, Web-hosting, and other services pertainant to businesses or private individuals. Their value is dependant on what is being offered; what services you need; and of course, their cost.

Those services, are portable. You don't have to take what your domain provider is offering, but rather you can shop around and when you decide on a good company with the services you need at a cost you are willing to pay, then have your domain provider point your domain to them.