SCO victim of several DoS attacks.


Hairy Aussie
Jan 21, 2002
Québec, Québec
This news is so sad that it brought me a smile.
The attack, which first hit the company's Web and file servers on Wednesday around 3:20 a.m. PST, paused briefly last night before resuming against more SCO servers, said Jeff Carlon, director of worldwide information technology infrastructure for the Lindon, Utah, company.

"There is no way to fully prevent the attack; we are somewhat at the mercy of the guy that is doing the attack," he said.

The deluge of data that has swamped the company's network has also swept up its critics in a new wave of theories as to why the company cannot, or will not, stop the third such attack on its network in six months.
Me thinks SCO is so close to being totally ruined that it cannot afford to protect itself from upcomming DoS attacks. I'll have a lot of fun to read similar news in the future, since it's likely to happen again quite soon.