Screwed my Mandrake 9 installation...using Mandrake updater


Hairy Aussie
Jan 21, 2002
Québec, Québec
I visited my quiet little Linux box for the first time since late October this evening. It crunched 199 F@h units since then. I decided to look for updates for my distribution through Mandrake's own updater. At first, I selected all the 19 files needed to be upgraded. Quite predictably, since it's Linux let's not forget it, it failed due to lame dependancy reasons (the bastard who created ARTS should be beaten to death solely for the dependencies of his creation. ARTS ALWAYS fails to install due to damn weird depandancies). On my second try, I only selected a few files at once, starting with libarts and kdelibs. Slowly but surely, I ended up upgrading all 19 files succesfully.

Since I'm mainly a Winblows user, I decided that my system should feel better after a restart just to help Linux digest all the upgrades. This was a mistake...

Now KDE no longer launches. I get a mistake from Xfree86 telling me that it doesn't find xxxx file in some xxxx directory. I messed a bit here and a bit there and after an hour of fruitless efforts, I decided to simply start the (slower) F@h client from the bash prompt and finish the unit it was then processing. Once the unit is completed, Linux and its bugs/mysteries/annoyances can all go to HELL! F**k Mandrake, F**k Linux, F**k KDE. OUT OF MY HOUSE! Linux is still, in 2002, less usable than even Windows 3.1 was in the early nineties. Sure it looks better, but you can't install a damn thing related to the OS without either end up with a failure or screwing your entire installation. Not even using my distributor's own upgrading tool!

To hell with it, I'm going back to the dark side (Windows). I'm all for an fighting the 400lbs Gorilla with alternative OSes, AS LONG AS THEY WORK AT LEAST HALF DECENTLY! Linux is only ok when you leave it alone after you finish the original installation. Yeah yeah yeah, I read that article too, but it isn't an excuse for the lamentable un-upgradability that plagues that OS since day one. If you can't find a way to do it right, then just don't bother doing it, period. Call me when there something else usable for a workstation/desktop somewhere. Something with .exe installer that gets the job done with a simple double-clic. BeOS did it and there wasn't one-tenth of the people working on it than there is on Linux.


Fatwah on Western Digital
Jan 17, 2002
I am omnipresent
.tar.gz is your friend. Using auto-updates - I don't care whose - is a sign the terrorists have won.

To be a tad less sarcastic, why were you updating anything? "Just because" is the wrong answer, of course, just as it's the wrong answer with Windows. Better security or new features you'll actually use are good reasons, but just blindly running updates is an invitation to disaster... and I believe we have a case in point.

I update things by hand, the old fashioned way, and I very seldom have any difficulties. That's not for everyone, I know, but it works better than living with crufty package systems or just flat-out not updating.


Hairy Aussie
Jan 21, 2002
Québec, Québec
I found this. However, it's a bit late since I don't think I can access the net from the bash prompt without any Xfree86 iteration and download the packages of KDE 3.05a. Next time maybe.

I upgraded the files because they were either bugfixes or security patches. It was my understanding that it is better to get newer versions of the said files if those I had on my system were faulty in a way or another.

I'll try to re-compile the kernel with the (currently broken) config I now have. Not much faith that it will work.


Fatwah on Western Digital
Jan 17, 2002
I am omnipresent
You can always access the internet from a prompt using lynx.

Or you could, for example, download the stuff you need to a windows box and you ftp or zmodem to transfer them to your linux machine.


Learning Storage Performance
Nov 22, 2002
I don't care much for the over-rated over-hyped Linux. FreeBSD is simply a superior O/S at everything except at being pretty to look at and numbers of supported devices.



Storage? I am Storage!
Jan 14, 2002
Re: Screwed my Mandrake 9 installation...using Mandrake upda

CougTek said:
Linux and its bugs/mysteries/annoyances can all go to HELL! F**k Mandrake, F**k Linux, F**k KDE. OUT OF MY HOUSE! Linux is still, in 2002, less usable than even Windows 3.1 was in the early nineties. Sure it looks better, but you can't install a damn thing related to the OS without either end up with a failure or screwing your entire installation. Not even using my distributor's own upgrading tool!

To hell with it, I'm going back to the dark side (Windows). I'm all for an fighting the 400lbs Gorilla with alternative OSes, AS LONG AS THEY WORK AT LEAST HALF DECENTLY! Linux is only ok when you leave it alone after you finish the original installation. Yeah yeah yeah, I read that article too, but it isn't an excuse for the lamentable un-upgradability that plagues that OS since day one. If you can't find a way to do it right, then just don't bother doing it, period. Call me when there something else usable for a workstation/desktop somewhere. Something with .exe installer that gets the job done with a simple double-clic. BeOS did it and there wasn't one-tenth of the people working on it than there is on Linux.

Bravo. I agree.


Hairy Aussie
Jan 21, 2002
Québec, Québec
Re: Screwed my Mandrake 9 installation...using Mandrake upda

CougTek said:
I'm all for an fighting the 400lbs Gorilla...
That's what happens when I change my mind in the middle of a sentence :(

About the "looking pretty" thing, shouldn't KDE or any other Xfree86 variants (add-ons, whatever) look exactly the same no matter if it's running on BSD or Linux? I'll try FreeBSD for sure once they release 5.0 final on January 17th.

I haven't erased Linux from my test box yet. I simply repaired the Win2K Pro installation that Lisa (Grubs no better) failed to link properly on bootup. I will work on it again later, but I don't know when. I'm not in a rush for it right now.