Now that everyone has spoken his mind it's time for my last intervention on this rotting hell.
Fushigi said:
The forums ARE our evolution. Personally, if we grow I hope it's not by
much. I like the community we have as it feels like a group of online friends to complement
my "real world" friends.
The admin overhead that was done when the site was created was done with the idea of being
able to handle things that might arise over the course of running a site that has forums.
Any site that has forums or accepts community input should have some sort of moderation.
Without moderation things can go unchecked for far too long and increase the site's
liability (think libel, slander, pr0n posts, etc.). It's a form of insurance.
Fushigi, you're one of the good guys here and, together with Buck and some others, I've
always appreciated your posts.
The admin/mod thingy is a joke for a forum with 300 members (amongst double and triple
identities of the same persons) which has some 30 regular posters who know each other for
two-three years now. One of the things that bugged me till the beginning was that this site
had started as a safeboard for the old SR-regulars and some of the guys here thought who
knows what and became admins/moderators with their own private forums and steering
directives never made known to the rest of us.
For the time being, Handruin as admin/mod/webmaster is more than enough.
Mercutio said:
PeeWee, your reaction is immature. I have no idea why you're so fixated on
having moderator powers here (you aren't complaining about not having it on SR). Mods are
chosen by the community. You were not selected. Cope. It's not a power game. It's an
election process, and it's a lot closer to fair than whatever method was used to choose mods
at that other storage site. If you really wanted to be a moderator, you might consider
trying to impress the membership with your even-handedness and maturity. My term expires in
September. At that time I will resign and a new moderator will be called. I haven't made an
issue of the number of moderators largely because three seems to be working very well, but
there WILL be three mods (should membership expand somewhat, the full five mods will be
My reaction is immature?! Look at your stupid post first of all. Once again you put
words into my mouth. I never envied your lousy job as moderator neither wanted to be one.
But you still play lame and try to pass to the others that this is my goal... are you an
idiot or something?!
I don't want admins and moderators at all! That's what I'm shouting for. A site of 300
members with 12 admins and 4 mods?! Jee, this is hilarious. At max we need one rotating
every month. No more.
Mercutio said:
12 people were here at the start of the site. Some are more active than
others in administrative issues.
Oh really? So do I have to blame Tannin who fucked up the e-mail he had to send me and I got
here two weeks later?! And why is it twelfe admins and not 11 or 13?
So the only real reason I'm not admin and you are (don't quote me later on this one, punk, I
write it only to prove the absurdity of your claim) is that I arrived 9 days later... give me
a break!
flagreen said:
What is the big deal about people meeting in private to discuss this site?
Most site's management does it so why not us? Eugene and Davin don't discuss SR's business
in the Bar and Grille you know.
Mwahahaah! But WTF you think you are?! You wished you were as Eugene/Davin with a board of
16K members and a real production of article!
This is not your site just because you arrived earlier. Hell, you even contribute less than
most of us.
flagreen said:
Spread the word. The Evil SF Gang of Tweleve will meet again on Friday the
Thirteenth at Midnight. We'll need another cross to burn and at least two young virgins to
sacrifice. And can someone bring a shovel this time? The last time Mark used a pitchfork to
load the dead babies in the back of my truck and it still smells from the mess he made.
Your friend in Satan's service,
Yeah right. The
Majestic 12. Or should I say the
12 Monkeys?
Make fun of it but it looks like this. God if I knew it was decided all along to let
this place idle without need for further development I would have departed earlier.
Handruin said:
Comon' Prof! You knew about the admin team and their decision making
abilities a long time ago. Why is this an issue now?
Fact is there is little activity in the admin section and much of what goes on is done to
help keep this place running and free from stupid things like spam. Discussions like those
should remain in a private area so that anyone who is against this site cannot gain the
knownledge to bring it down.
This drama is like a growing avalanche. It seems like you have this frustration and now that
it has built up to a certin point, you pop and it's the biggest deal in the world. These
issues have been with us for as long as the site has been alive. We are young and we are not
perfect, but we are here, and here is where home is for me. There will never be just one
forum for everyone because we are all so different.
Douglas, I appreciate your intervention but no I didn't know what was really
going on. I didn't know about the 12 admins wanting to be forever them and this site staying
idle like this. I once asked to place another man in the frontpage beyond CougTek and it was immediately declined... this is how the 12 admins and 4 mods are here working for us?!
Handruin said:
I didn't really mean it to be ironic, I was making a point that a domain
name as random as would not bring in any more traffic than or for that matter.
Where and how does a site advertise itself without being considered spam, and also costing a
small fortune? Word of mouth tends to be the best form of solid advertising...only once the
name gets around
If this site had another name I could propose it to lots of persons in the many other forums
I take part. Even directly cite it to SR. But with the current name we're copy-cats. Moreover the current name is unglamorous and self-limitating for many potentially interested members who don't know us.
CougTek said:
Oh, it looks like I'll have one great summer indeed.
Lucky you. No one to challenge your pathetic whining about everything...
'nuff said. You mods now get to work on my post.
I'm off this place for good, I'll miss some of you... really.
A word of advice:
try not to rot!
PS. And Mercutio... a big thumbs-up for saying politely to honold to get the hell out of here, as well. For the record, he was one of the few that could put some color to these otherwise monotonous all-agreeing threads.
PPS. Oh, and thanks for placing my sig/name on SF's t-shirt gift to Handruin a couple of months ago. You always made me feel I'm part of this place...
PPPS. Lastly, CougTek, STFU pre-emptively, whatever you say you're a laughable jackass as you've always been. And don't you think that I'm an idiot and I didn't find out you always deliberately posted my news entries with delay. Your a dwarf of man. I pity you.