So, um, where is everyone?

The JoJo

Wannabe Storage Freak
Jan 25, 2002
Finland, Turku
Whew. I was on a three week vacation (not that I managed to totally relax my nerves, too nervous about work), and now I've been working again for a week. (Next time I go on vacation, please remind me to also loose my mobile for the duration or if one of you is attached to their mobile with an umbillical cord, CUT IT! Trust me, your vacation will be much more relaxing)

Well, working and working, I quit my job...Just didn't have the strenght to stay in a place I didn't like at all.

The future is looking good though, but more about that later, when opsec related to getting work isn't in danger.

Drinks on me! And boy do I need it after all this circus with work!
(*awaits a drink from the bartender with shaking hands*)


Fatwah on Western Digital
Jan 17, 2002
I am omnipresent
Congratulations are of course due to the JoJo, who has found a job more in line with his professional interests.

Yes Tannin, I moved again. To a house that I purchased. One where I can theoretically get broadband service, even. I'm proud of myself, because today I found my kitchen table, which had gone missing despite several days of putting things away.


Fatwah on Western Digital
Jan 17, 2002
I am omnipresent
48kbit is already a huge improvement. I can download porno again!

I will be getting broadband. DSL is a possibility, just not a very good one, since I'd have to pay for a phone line I wouldn't use (I can get DSL without a voice line in place... they'd just make up for it with extra fees that actually cost a little more than the line would) and a somewhat slow one (256kb/s).
I'm looking at MAN-type wireless service instead. Supposedly, the local wireless ISP will have service in my town in the next couple weeks. At that point, I'll be more than happy to cough up $100/month for symmetric 1.5Mbit.


Wannabe Storage Freak
Feb 10, 2002
I think we need more members. I'm going into withdrawl here ...


Wannabe Storage Freak
Feb 10, 2002
We're not sure yet. He apparently tried to update the email address for his account ... and now his account no longer exists.


Hairy Aussie
Jan 23, 2002
Chicago, IL
Man, the forum seems dead lately. A ton of the original members are no longer around anymore. PW left for good, same with honold. Tannin went on some type of extended vacation (maybe just in his head)... James has vanished. Clocker is now taking a break. Time mysteriously vanished after hitting 1000 posts. Groltz has been gone for the better part of 6 weeks.

What's the deal???


Storage is cool
Jul 5, 2002
It has been quiet around here. I visit often, but just haven't been in a posting mood. I've just been bored with the whole computer industry, lately.


Fatwah on Western Digital
Jan 17, 2002
I am omnipresent
That's a good question timwhit.

The best thing you could do, however, is post a few new topics if you have time.

I note that we get a lot of spectators here, people who drop by and read everything but never post. That would be OK except... why did those people log in?

I don't want to have everything about this site fall on the backs of three or four people. I don't think the people who come here do, either. Posts feed on each other. The more frequently there are new posts, the more replies get written and the more often the regulars will want to visit, and perhaps the better chance that one of our logged-in lurkers will post something, too.


Storage Is My Life
Jan 23, 2002
Illinois, USA
I read far more than I post. I've read almost every posting in every thread since inception. I'll check the site about 14-20 times a week (2-4 times a day but also the occasional day of not checking at all). But I don't post that often. Frequently I just don't feel I've anything unique to contribute as a similar opinion may have already been expressed (I dislike 'ditto' posts). Or the subject is one I'm not that familiar with or not interested in.

Storage and the computer industry in general are not very exciting right now, at least from a non-career perspective. Things like the Athlon 64 don't get my juices flowing for very long as it's not something I'm likely to use in the near future. I have 400GB of disk space and am trying to decide between buying more capacity, buying a DVD burner, or just doing what I can to limit the accumulation of more bits. I'm leaning towards the burner but am also trying to wait for a real 8x drive from Pioneer or Sony or perhaps LiteOn; no more Plextor for me.

In short, my home computer hobbyist nature has settled into a role of occasional hobbyist but mostly just casual user.

From a career perspective, my work on AS/400s a.k.a. iSeries machines is somewhat specialized; there just aren't that many people that do what I do for a living. I subscribe to a midrange-specific ML for knowledge-sharing and even there I encounter more programmers than admins. If you want me to write some articles about the architecture, I suppose I could. It is sufficiently different from PCs that some of you might find it interesting.

My security-hat career is also somewhat specialized right now; who else here is dealing with Foundstone penetration tests (or pen tests from any source) and Netegrity SiteMinder Affiliate Agent integration issues? How to patch a WinNT machine that's up 24x7 (that needs patching, that has no Business Continuity Plan in place, that I'm not even sure is ever backed up, that's due to be replaced in a month anyway, that can't easily back out some patches if they break the app...)?

Actually, the larger issue with career stuff is that I prefer to try and turn it off when I'm not at the office. I've enough non-work pressures right now so I try to leave work at the office. So posting regarding some of the things I do at work doesn't help my stress level.


Storage? I am Storage!
Jan 21, 2002
Runny glass
Sony announced their 8x DVD+R burners (530A and 530UL) today, they will be available in December, priced at $270 for the internal. Personally if I was going to get a burner today I would get the Plextor, by December we should have more news/product for DVD+R dual layer.

Still my 500A has been working nicely for a year now, they put out a firmware update for it the other week. Surprising for Sony. Burns fine at 4x.


Fatwah on Western Digital
Jan 17, 2002
I am omnipresent
Article-writing is occasionally discussed here. There's certainly a wide array of interesting topics scattered about this place, e.g.

1. Handruin's up-close-and-personal work with EMC SAN equipment
2. Fushigi's iSeries knowledge
3. Several members with serious A/V fetishes (HTPC, video capture/editing, DVD burning etc)
4. Several members run retail or consulting businesses (er Buck, Tannin, myself)
5. Several members with IT certifications (NRG, Howell, The JoJo, myself)
6. Most of us have interesting jobs or hobbies
7. Several of us have expressed an interest in helping with the RedHill guide, which is basically as simple as writing a couple of paragraphs on some hardware you like.
8. Almost anyone here can write on at least one or two technical topics (e.g. mubs might do a write-up about his recent WLAN installation, and I really miss Groltz's pictures of his overclocking efforts, even though I don't have much to contribute in that vein).

My main problem is time (not our missing friend!). I spend a lot of time working. Certainly a lot of that is spent watching blue bars travel across screens, which is great for quick SF-breaks during the day, but I don't have a lot of time I can devote to "serious writing" of any sort (note to The JoJo: yes, I will write more in the "Writing Something" thread, sometime), even though I think I have some good topics to write about and some knowledge I could share.

The other issue might be audience. Our audience at the moment is small. Hopefully articles would be of interest to more than the people who come here. But we - all of us - would have to lead others here if this is the place we want to grow. That means putting some energy and some resources into adding things to this site, and when we spend time other places, as most of us do, making links back to this one (e.g. I see people posting about their computer problems on a *cough* "amateur photography" site I visit. I'm not sure that's EXACTLY the right group to talk to, but I'm sure computer stuff comes up at car/bird/gun/whatever forums, too).


Fatwah on Western Digital
Jan 17, 2002
I am omnipresent
I'll even one-better that. First person to come up with a decent article of say, 1000 words (e.g. a decent Tannin-sized rant, or about 3 pages) on a topic of interest to SF's members, I'll buy a new 256MB stick of Crucial PC3200.


Storage Is My Life
Jan 23, 2002
Illinois, USA
Pradeep said:
Sony announced their 8x DVD+R burners (530A and 530UL) today, they will be available in December, priced at $270 for the internal.
I guess by 'real' I should have specified 8x +/- R .. just +R isn't too interesting for me. That's also a bit beyond what I'm willing to pay; under $200 would be acceptable.

And I don't care if the media isn't immediately available; I can wait on that.


Storage? I am Storage!
Jan 21, 2002
Runny glass
The 8x DVD-R spec hasn't been finalised yet, apparently it is harder to get DVD-R to 8x because of the wobble groove or someshit like that. I started off using only DVD-R but now as DVD+R media has fallen in price I'm using that. Only prob is DVD+ doesn't work in my Dell Insiporn 8200 drive. For my DVD players they have no problem with either.


Storage? I am Storage!
Feb 22, 2002
The place has been a bit quiet lately Bartender.

Indeed it has. Perhaps it is just a seasonal thing. I see a lot of commotion out in the street, so people are busy. They’re just not able to stop in for a swift half as often as they could before. Some of the patrons have been more regular, such as JoJo, StevenC and CraigLC. But others seem to be distracted. Clocker has a lot of energy in him, and it seems that he can involve more of that zeal down the street at the other storage place. I miss Tea a lot, she was always a big help around the bar. Too bad Tannin dragged her along on that Australian death march in search of fowl and other flying creatures.

At least that is what Tannin wants us to think they are doing.

I miss Groltz too. Although his contributions were not as theatrical as Tannin, they were well worth the wait. His technical expertise was a nice touch to our site. I hope he stops in again. Too bad Sol has moved and has not been able to make the trip back here for a quick chat, his words were appreciated too. I wonder what happened with James?

He’s pretty busy, and has a tendency of being away for long stretches at a time, he’ll be back.

Speaking of Time, he is missed too. Our colorful friend and moderator Jake the Dog is still working diligently at his post, but he doesn’t sit and stay for a chat as long as he used to either. I miss input from him, but I’m sure he’s a pretty busy man too.

I see our spider web strewn police duo is still around, sitting silently in the corner. They should speak up once in a while.

They have their moments, albeit rare. But we still have many members that come by regularly, such as JTR, Flagreen, Coug, Mercutio, Jan, Pradeep, and Howell. Energy has been around quite a bit too. Fushigi comes around, Handy is always here. If not logged in, then he is busy behind the scenes. Blaker boy and mubs have been around initiating and contributing to the odd conversation. P5 and EdwardK come around and enjoy themselves. Fool has been around more, and CityK was pretty active. Poor bloke, lost his best friend. We’ll give him some time to grieve, but he’ll be back. Something like this just takes a lot out of a person. There are others too that I can’t remember, so it isn’t that bad. I guess we can’t be brimming with patrons all the time, but it sure is nice when we are packed.

Would you like a beer Buck?

No, I’m staying off that stuff for a while. I’ll take some Tea though.

I’ll plug in the kettle; should be done in a couple of minutes.



I can't believe I'm a Fixture
Feb 1, 2003
Mercutio said:
I note that we get a lot of spectators here, people who drop by and read everything but never post. That would be OK except... why did those people log in?

Presumably there are some who do not feel they are part of the club. It can be difficult to start at a new forum. It is apparent that a low-count member's comments are often overlooked in the dialog between two or three multi-Kers. That is especially the case in the P&B forum.


Storage? I am Storage!
Feb 22, 2002
Indeed it is LM, the Bartender didn't even remember you. But I'm sure anytime you feel like it, you can ask the Bartender a question, he's always been there for me.


Storage? I am Storage!
Jan 25, 2002
Flushing, New York
Mercutio said:
I'll even one-better that. First person to come up with a decent article of say, 1000 words (e.g. a decent Tannin-sized rant, or about 3 pages) on a topic of interest to SF's members, I'll buy a new 256MB stick of Crucial PC3200.

Does it have to be computer-related? A while back I was thinking of posting something about my thermoelectric temperature chamber project on SR, complete with lots of pictures. I never got around to it, mostly because I have nowhere to host the pictures. Assuming I write something, would it be better in html or M$ word? And who will be hosting these articles? The same place that hosts SF?

A couple of other topics of interest I can write on-cycling, lighting, electronics(many facets), gardening, home improvement(ceramic tiling, concrete work, electrical, installing AC, etc.), cats, running a home business(albeit not a very successful one). If anyone here thinks these topics would be of general interest in attracting a larger community, please let me know. I should be able to whip up an article every few weeks or so as time permits. I can also contribute on political/energy conservation topics, but in these cases some of my opinions might drive as many potential new members away as they attract, so I'd rather stick to factually-based articles.


Fatwah on Western Digital
Jan 17, 2002
I am omnipresent
Let's keep it on a computer topic for the RAM.

Yes, I am serious about this. I'll ship it anywhere in the world.


Storage? I am Storage!
Feb 22, 2002
JTR, as far as your thermoelectric temperature chamber goes, I'll be happy to host the article and picture for you. If Handy we agree to post the article here, I can still host the pictures. For me, it would be best in HTML. If you need that created, I could find the time for that.


Storage? I am Storage!
Jan 25, 2002
Flushing, New York
Thanks Buck. I've had the pictures on my hard drive for a few months, so all that's needed is to make the text to go with them, and also to brush up on my html. I'll give you a PM when it's ready to email to you(hopefully in a few weeks or less-I have writer's block right now, but I know once I get started it'll be a lengthy piece). After all, it took me a couple of years to finally get everything right.


Fatwah on Western Digital
Jan 17, 2002
I am omnipresent
LunarMist said:
Presumably there are some who do not feel they are part of the club. It can be difficult to start at a new forum. It is apparent that a low-count member's comments are often overlooked in the dialog between two or three multi-Kers. That is especially the case in the P&B forum.

We try to make folks feel welcom, of course. We *do* tend to raise a glass when we see newcomers, and some have joined us, who were not first visitors to SR. So it isn't impossible.
Newcomer-posts really aren't overlooked, either. We get very curious about the new guys, as they come in. Sometimes I know it can be frustrating (Groltz is not a newcomer, but also has mentioned that his posts don't always get responses... mostly becuase Groltz's posts tend to be fairly authoritative within his areas of interests - cooling, gaming et al)..

I was a member of SR for more than a year before I had my 10th post. Like a lot of others, my posts were lost in a morass and I really didn't think anyone noticed my first ten or dozen posts, until I found an OT thread about the predilections of the high post count guys (Eric, Tony, Kevin, GaryH, GaryS, Sean ...), and one of those guys said something about "promising newcomers", including Mercutio.
Pretty soon I visited every day and eventually I became a part of the scenry.

I guess what I want to say is, posts are noticed by the omnipresent, but if you really want to be more involved in the conversation, then be more involved in the conversation. Start your own if need be. Some folk have been bitten by that, I know, pouring hours into replies that were wiped away, but hey, even if you only post three or four times a week, that's three or four more chances that someone will engage you.


Hairy Aussie
Jan 21, 2002
Québec, Québec
Mercutio said:
...the high post count guys (Eric, Tony, Kevin, GaryH, GaryS, Sean ...),...
Who's that? Greg Santilli maybe? The only Gary I know is Mr. Hendershot (which the bartender forgot to mention...).


Learning Storage Performance
Jun 25, 2002
Chattanooga, TN
I've lately been reading more than posting. With a new girlfriend, lots of work responsibilities, and many extra-curricular activities, as well as moving, I have found little time for composing my thoughts and sharing them here.

Mercutio said:
I guess what I want to say is, posts are noticed by the omnipresent, but if you really want to be more involved in the conversation, then be more involved in the conversation. Start your own if need be. Some folk have been bitten by that, I know, pouring hours into replies that were wiped away, but hey, even if you only post three or four times a week, that's three or four more chances that someone will engage you.

I think this is a very fair statement. The more involved you are, the more a part of the forum you feel. However, no matter what my level of involvement has been here, everyone has always made me feel welcome, which I believe is the mark of a successful site of this type.

I look forward to more reading, more great information, and (hopefully) more posts (by me) in the coming months.


Storage is cool
Feb 22, 2002
Behind the Bar
Yes Coug, I forgot to mention several names, but my brain isn't always that quick. I've been trying to improve its capacity by taking nutritional supplements (no Buck, nothing fermented from corn or other grains).


Hairy Aussie
Jan 21, 2002
Québec, Québec
I thought about creating a thread about the Howard Dean phenomenon, but since I already create so many topics, I decided to refrain.

What you guys think about this guy? IMO, not knowing the guy too much, I think he at least has the merit of creating some interest towards politic in people who previously had none. This is a good thing IMO. If more people would have been voting last time, Bush wouldn't have won. And he doesn't look like a caricature like John Perry...