Storage? I am Storage!
Just in case you weren't paying attention, Tannin, tere was another race last Tuesday. Who won that one?
I heard some rather interesting poll results.
OK, everybody was interested in the opinion polls in the States and wondering if Obama's apparent lead would translate into an actual victory in the real poll or not, but I listened to a long and pretty detailed interview with someone working woith an organisation which, for reasons unknown to me, had been doing a heap of polling non-Americans about the US election. I forget which countries, but several of them.
Obviously, Obama was by far the favourite choice - roughly 2 - 1 in favour, more in some places - and that shouldn't surprise anyone, as GWB is pretty generally regarded in most of the world as a throwback, one who represents pretty much everything that is bad about the United states of America. But the really interesting part was why people favoured Obama.
In a nutshell, it was because most people (unlike my good self, who pretty much hates everything about the USA except for some of the engineering and all of his friends at Storage Forum) feel that the US is important, and has a positive role to play on the world stage. People like and respect the United States, or - more to the point - used to do so and want to do so again. The overwhelming sense of the polling was that people around the world wanted the US to be liked and respected once again, and this was the reason they strongly favoured Obama.
Interesting stuff, I thought.
It's interesting that she also questions men walking on the moon--
A couple of croissants short of a continental breakfast, poor lamb.
*Ding* *Ding* *Ding*Much of the world's population are so incredibly biased by distorted media reports, it matters not much what the ignorant masses overseas think.
Btw, it would be a Nazi world if not for the USA, "polls" of people turned a blind eye to Hilter...until is was almost too late, until he almost exterminated the Jews. I don't have much faith in the common 'polled' person's intelligence.
But the polled masses are too ignorant to comprehend. If you want to know what the ignorant, uninformed masses think, do a poll.
Garbage In>Garbage Out.
Uh... yeah... I sure know I'd trust the sour grapes of a loser.As reported on Fox News and elsewhere, Palin apparently thought Africa was a country & not a continent, couldn't name thee countries in NAFTA, and FTM couldn't name the countries in North America. Link. (I think she'd freak with Australia since it's both a country and a continent.)
Merc, talk radio you'd probably like.
Merc, talk radio you'd probably like.
Above, you were implying the conservative nature of talk radio and I just wanted to point out that liberals have a voice as well.
Ok... but that still wouldn't make sense because there aren't a total of 48 states either, but anyhow...Never heard that before and from the video it seems like he meant to say 47 but accidentally said fifty, had the pause where he probably realized his mistake, then went on. Did McCain ever figure out how many homes he owns? Because apparently he stopped counting at four.
Yes, except I'm not trying to imply anything. I will come right out and say that, yes, McCain's people are looking to blame Palin for the loss. Even when they picked her they referred to the pick as a "hail mary" pick. They knew their campaign was dead they threw a long pass to the endzone, it didn't quite work, and now they're blaming the receiver.Re: Sour grapes. Are you trying to imply that McCain's people are looking to blame Palin for the loss? That's a non-starter. For one, McCain picked her so any issues with her come with his implicit approval. "The buck stops here." For another, this report is about how McCain's people had to keep her away from scrutiny as much as possible. If they were looking to blame her, they'd have to go on public remarks from her that damaged the campaign and/or her as a running mate and not insider info.
I'd say that McCain's campaign was toast before they picked Palin, and that they knew it, but what were they thinking?
In the video he mentioned having two states that he hadn't/wouldn't visit. So that would make 50 total.Ok... but that still wouldn't make sense because there aren't a total of 48 states either, but anyhow...
Just in case you weren't paying attention, Tannin, tere was another race last Tuesday. Who won that one?
Ther uis some lagging probelm with this site.