Sometimez, I think I'm stuck in a time-warp.
Funny that, just thismorning, having some urgent work I needed to put off with somethig trivial, my friend Ekaf-Ami and I slipped over to Storage Review and looked over some of his old threads. There was one fair-dinkum classic there where Sivar told a joke, Ekaf asked a stupid question, and Sivar took Ekaf for a real person and replied to him. So far, so good. But then The Giver stepped in and told Sivar off for being culturally insensitive and talking down to people with limited English skills, and Sivar defended himself, and .... It went on from there. I nearly pissed myself laughing the first time, and it was great to revisit.
Sometimez, I think I'm stuck in a time-warp.
Sometimez, I think I'm stuck in a time-warp.
Sometimez, I think I'm stuck in a time-warp.