Fatwah on Western Digital
Some pop and imap servers store it in odd places. Many mail programs move mail to your home directory.
After some google sleuthing I've finally got my mouse's back button to work, and strongly suspect you guys can get your mouse working too:CougTek said:That's what has always most pissed me off when I've tried any Linux distro. My logitech mices have never had functional fwd/back buttons. That's the most annoying missing feature of Linux.Adcadet said:- mouse support (MS Intellimouse Explorer) is so-so. I poked and prodded and got my scroll wheel to work, but my forward/back buttons remain non-functional.
You'll have to be su to use it, but it did indeed reveal that there was life in my thumb button after all !!Does your thumb button generate anything to be
read with the command 'cat /dev/psaux | od -t x1 -w4'?
Option "ZAxisMapping" "5 6"
Option "Buttons" "6"
Check with 'xev' (comes with X) what the buttons are sending: execute xev from a terminal emulation. Xev opens a small window, position the mouse cursor in it and press the buttons. See in the terminal if the buttons send events.
and Voila! Everything works the way it should !! Hurray for me.Now the buttons work, also the thumb one, but the mouse events will be misplaced for normal use.
To reallign the logical events, execute:
xmodmap -e "pointer = 1 2 3 6 4 5"
he he ... just got back in and found that out myself ... interestingly though, the scroll wheel isn't mucked up like last time...just the thumb "back" button is inactive again .... applying the xmodmap command and things are backed to being mucked up (mouse wheel scroll up is now the back function) .... taking a look at the xorg.conf file and I see ZAxisMapping has reverted back to "4 5"Adcadet said:hmm...the xmodmap -e command doesn't stick between sessions.
Not yet...will have to figure out what configuration file ... I'm going to take a look at the third link see if it gives clues.Any idea how to get it to run each time at bootup?
echo -e "pointer = 1 2 3 6 4 5\n" > ~/.Xmodmap
xmodmap -e "pointer = 1 3 2 6 4 5"
CityK said:- From the info in section 5, I tried to find ~/.Xmodmap or ~/.xinit , but neither file seemed to exist. Anyways, I tried (as user this time and NOT su) bothCode:echo -e "pointer = 1 2 3 6 4 5\n" > ~/.Xmodmap and xmodmap -e "pointer = 1 3 2 6 4 5"
Absolutely. I've been thinking quite seriously about installing SuSE as the main OS on my laptop. And DVD support is indeed one of those annoying things that no one can conveniently get around thanks to the politicians, the lawyers, the DMCA, and the entertainment industry lobby --may they all burn in an especially unpleasant corner of hell...Mercutio said:you really do have to give SuSE credit for newbie user experience, dvd support or not. If gentoo builds in libdecss, it's gotta be the only major distro that does.