The Giver revealed...

The Giver

Learning Storage Performance
Jan 28, 2002
'tis I my friends, flagreen. I first created The Giver to be free to express some very strong opinions I held regarding 9-11 and the subsequent multitude of posts on the subject at SR. I did this to avoid straining friendships I had at the time. Things rapidly grew out of control and "The Giver" took on a life of his own so to speak.

Other than a few initial posts regarding policy here at SF, I have refrained from posting as The Giver here on this site so as not to needlessly bother others and out of respect for the rules. However, the cat was recently let out of the bag and so I am 'fessing up now so that others will not be put in a difficult position of having to expose me.

So there you have it....


Storage Freak Apprentice
Jan 14, 2002
The Giver said:
'tis I my friends, flagreen. I first created The Giver to be free to express some very strong opinions I held regarding 9-11 and the subsequent multitude of posts on the subject at SR. I did this to avoid straining friendships I had at the time. Things rapidly grew out of control and "The Giver" took on a life of his own so to speak.

Other than a few initial posts regarding policy here at SF, I have refrained from posting as The Giver here on this site so as not to needlessly bother others and out of respect for the rules. However, the cat was recently let out of the bag and so I am 'fessing up now so that others will not be put in a difficult position of having to expose me.

So there you have it....
'tis true, just confirming for any doubters out there.


Wannabe Storage Freak
Jan 26, 2002
So get your ass crunching at UD think, flagreen. :wink:

(I want one result and then I'll stop bugging you. Promise. And if you want to retire feel free to it. But one result for the love of god.)

The Giver

Learning Storage Performance
Jan 28, 2002
Prof.Wizard said:
So get your ass crunching at UD think, flagreen. :wink:

(I want one result and then I'll stop bugging you. Promise. And if you want to retire feel free to it. But one result for the love of god.)
UD doesn't mix well with Intel cpus does it?


Hairy Aussie
Jan 21, 2002
Québec, Québec
The Giver said:
UD doesn't mix well with Intel cpus does it?
And anyway, has a Folding@home team, not an UD team. We don't promote our F@h team on SR, so don't bother us (not talking to you Bill) with UD spamming.


Fatwah on Western Digital
Jan 17, 2002
I am omnipresent
The Giver said some things to various people here such that if Bill wanted to continue to say, I felt he should at least be honest enough to live one life or the other.

Given my real-world situation, it was something I just didn't want to let stand.

The Giver

Learning Storage Performance
Jan 28, 2002
Well you are entitled to your opinion Merc. And I do understand that given your current difficulties make this perhaps more unpleasant for you than it is for others. I will accept the admin group's decision on whether I stay or not but certainly will not leave or drop either persona based on your opinion alone.

And let's remember that I am both flagreen and The Giver. One cannot be separated from the other. Furthermore, neither persona ever violated the rules such that either was banned from the site.

Dishonest is a rather strong word. Particularly when you consider that many use more than one persona here at SF. The only difference being that you do not find them offensive.

Though I haven't mentioned it thus far, perhaps it's time now to discuss why you felt it necessary to check my IPs. You mentioned that you had "nothing better to do" when you did so. Yet The Giver had not violated any rules here at SF nor had flagreen. What justification then do you have for having done so? I have not checked yours. Tony who has had the ability to check for quite some time now never found it necessary to violate my privacy. So why did you?


What is this storage?
Jun 8, 2002
My avatar is the red X
I think its sucks (and I might be being nieve...again) that you had to come up with alias to express some, SOME of your true opinions for fear of friendships.


Wannabe Storage Freak
Jan 22, 2002
St. Elmo, TN
Mercutio said:
The Giver said some things to various people here such that if Bill wanted to continue to say, I felt he should at least be honest enough to live one life or the other.

Given my real-world situation, it was something I just didn't want to let stand.

It seems that absolute power does corrupt absolutely.


Wannabe Storage Freak
Jan 22, 2002
St. Elmo, TN
Koggit said:
I think its sucks (and I might be being nieve...again) that you had to come up with alias to express some, SOME of your true opinions for fear of friendships.

I agree, I am personally disappointed flagreen felt this was necessary. I do not think it was.


Wannabe Storage Freak
Jan 22, 2002
St. Elmo, TN
Mercutio said:
The Giver said some things to various people here such that if Bill wanted to continue to say, I felt he should at least be honest enough to live one life or the other.

Given my real-world situation, it was something I just didn't want to let stand.

Speak up! Which posts are you referring to? I have read all of The Giver's posts on this forum and none are even mildly offensive save one. And that was to only one nick.

I find this breach of privacy a very serious problem. Merc, you were granted powers based on trust. You have broken that trust.

With a heavy heart, I move that Merc be removed as a moderator.

I am just as sad as I am fricken pissed.


Storage Freak Apprentice
Jan 14, 2002
Clipton and Koggit,

Here's the thing... first of all you have to remember that The Giver arrived before there was a and shortly after the 9-11 attack on the WTC. In the aftermath of that attack, the number of folks in the Bar and Grille who were defending America within the various threads on the subject were far and few between other than those who would on occasion drop into a thread to say "Nuke the Bastards!". In short, those who shared my opinion's on the subject and were willing to hang in there and fight were very few. Personally I don't believe it was because such folks were not out there, but rather it was a situation where many of them were intimidated by the vast numbers of those who held opinions contrary to mine and theirs. Either that or they just didn't care enough to say anything.

Most of those with whom I disagreed were friends of mine who aside from this one subject I had no problem with. But I just could not sit back and say nothing about the subject, after all it was as much my forum as it was theirs. I needed an edge which would free me to say that which the constraints of friendship would not allow. Not that they, come to think of it, ever seemed to be concerned with how Americans felt about the things they were saying about the USA or how that would effect my friendship with them. Anyway, The Giver gave me that freedom.

It's very easy to say it wasn't necessary, but it's a different matter entirely when you find yourself actually having to end friendships based on one fundamental difference of opinion. Would I do it again? I honestly don't know.


Wannabe Storage Freak
Jan 26, 2002
CougTek said:
We don't promote our F@h team on SR
It would sound funny (and even disturbing for some), taking into consideration this forum's origin.
so don't bother us (not talking to you Bill) with UD spamming.
Oh com'n! What UD spamming? The post wasn't intended for anyone else. Just The Giver. And just for the first result he brings in.

I just don't like the "----------" lines in the think statistics, that's all.


Fatwah on Western Digital
Jan 17, 2002
I am omnipresent
My hope was that the Giver was a distinct entity, Bill. That is something I had been convinced of up to the point I actually looked.

For those who do not know, one of the powers moderators have is to check IP addresses. I obviously didn't widely distribute what I learned from that particularl IP check (the only other one I have do is on myself), only gave my personal opinion to Bill (an opinion that, yes, is very much shaped by the world I'm living in right now). What Bill chose to do after I stated my opinion privately was his decision.

Cliptin, perhaps a better way to phrase my comment, above, is that the Giver has said some things in posts on SR to people who are here on SF that I felt should have at least carried the weight of Bill's voice. James and Tannin both did quite a bit of sparring with him, after all.

Many of those who took up the argument post 9/11 did so in their own voice. I certainly did. Some of those voices carry considerable weight. Yours would have, too.


Storage Freak Apprentice
Jan 14, 2002
That certainly satisfies me Mercutio and ends the IP thing as issue as far as I am concerned.



Storage Freak Apprentice
Jan 14, 2002

Study hard at school and behave yourself. Some day who knows? You just might be called upon to yield the mighty hatchet my friend. :)


Storage Freak Apprentice
Jan 14, 2002
Speaking of Avitars, here's a new one for you Prof. so you can get rid of whatever that is you are using now. It's just how I picture you! :)



Storage? I am Storage!
Jan 15, 2002
27a No Fixed Address, Oz.
Well, Prof, you might just get your wish. :) There is a fresh appointment for a moderator's position coming up. I'll be posting in the Feedback forum to ask for nominations within the next day or two.


Wannabe Storage Freak
Jan 26, 2002
I was kidding about the moderator thing.
Thank you Tannin, but I'm not interested.

However, don't you think there are too many moderators in these forums? I mean, we are less than 100 guys really, and lot less if you count those who post regularly (once in a couple of days)... How many moderators are now in? 4-5? On 10-20 guys (em, personas frankly) that post?!

Or make everyone a moderator or let's not have moderators at all (apart Doug who runs the place afterall) and be responsible for ourselves and what we post...


Storage? I am Storage!
Jan 15, 2002
27a No Fixed Address, Oz.
This was a matter that was delegated to the moderation and conduct commitee, Prof. The five mod scheme was the one that they came up with, so that's the one that was implemented. Personally, I thought that five was maybe two too many, but I don't think it much matters either way. Presumably this is something that will be reviewed when the current mods' terms expire. Perhaps by then it will be needed. Perhaps not.

Next year's troubles: I'll start worrying about them next year.


Fatwah on Western Digital
Jan 17, 2002
I am omnipresent
My belief was that three would be sufficient as well. The counter argument to that was that, with five mods there would be "more coverage"; the "Many Hands Make Short Work" philosophy. I think 'round the clock coverage is a rough goal. In any case our next moderator should probably be someone outside the US, just in case the evil James starts posting more links to warez sites while Bill and I are asleep. :)

Roughly, our list of users grows by about 10 per month. Many of those tend to be new aliases for Gary H. but moderators are being added in a staggered fashion to keep up with growth of the site. Five initial moderators for 100-something users would've been overkill. We're easing into it and hoping traffic on the site ultimately justifies the number.


Wannabe Storage Freak
Jan 26, 2002
I agree.
But how are mods chosen? Did I miss a voting session?!
(Frankly, I don't remember one...)


Storage? I am Storage!
Jan 25, 2002
Flushing, New York
flagreen said:
In the aftermath of that attack, the number of folks in the Bar and Grille who were defending America within the various threads on the subject were far and few between other than those who would on occasion drop into a thread to say "Nuke the Bastards!". In short, those who shared my opinion's on the subject and were willing to hang in there and fight were very few. Personally I don't believe it was because such folks were not out there, but rather it was a situation where many of them were intimidated by the vast numbers of those who held opinions contrary to mine and theirs. Either that or they just didn't care enough to say anything.

First of all, I'm really sorry to hear that The Giver was not a real person. You had me and just about everyone else fooled, and despite his occasional abrasiveness, I really did enjoy having The Giver around. I have to give you credit for pulling this hoax off for as long as you did. You wouldn't by any chance happen to be The Taker and Iron Mike Tyson as well, would you? :lol:

Second, I think you are mistaken about the number of people willing to defend America post 9/11. I was there quite often(it was my city they attacked, after all), as was Jason, supercaffeinated, Jack Roberts, and probably a few others whose names escape me at the moment(I'm too lazy to start rereading my saved threads). To be sure, many of our posts were of the "nuke the bastards" variety, but I also remember writing quite a bit defending the invasion, torturing of suspects to gain information, having summary executions instead of holding trials, etc. Since I only had 30 or so posts pre 9/11, I really had no reputation to worry about, so I just posted my opinion and didn't care. It would have been nice if more of the fixtures like yourself freely expressed their opinions without worrying about the consequences, but I do understand where you're coming from by creating The Giver for that purpose. In my opinion, as long as you have a rational, logical train of thought rather than an emotional one, your opinions would have stood on their own merits even if many other regulars disagreed with them.

To this day, I still don't no if not making an example of Afghanistan will eventually result in our eventual destruction, but only time will tell. I personally feel eventually terrorists will acquire and use nuclear weapons with devastating consequences. I just don't know whether or not wiping a bunch of countries who represent the primary threats to our safety off the map would prevent that. If so, you are trading one set of lives for another. If not, it is needless, senseless slaughter. BTW, I'm not condoning such actions at this time, even though I did post 9/11. I'm merely saying that they should always be on the table if we are ever attacked again. Indeed, in the event of nuclear terrorism, most of the American public would be demanding a like response, so in such a situation I just don't see how our leaders would be able to avoid it. In the end, I know violence solves nothing, but once one side resorts to using it there are only two choices-fight back or die. It works against 1 billion years of evolution to do the latter, so most people choose the former.


Storage Freak Apprentice
Jan 14, 2002
First of all, I'm really sorry to hear that The Giver was not a real person. You had me and just about everyone else fooled, and despite his occasional abrasiveness, I really did enjoy having The Giver around. I have to give you credit for pulling this hoax off for as long as you did. You wouldn't by any chance happen to be The Taker and Iron Mike Tyson as well, would you?
Thanks. Iron Mike Tyson - Yes. The Faker - No.

And there are others as well :)

The Giver's not going anywhere. In fact at this point, if I had to choose between the two - I'd choose The Giver. So there is more fun yet to come. The Giver is a real person save for the details. His opinions reflect mine precisely.

As you may know, several of our founding fathers used pseudonyms when debating political issues in public (in newspapers then). This was true of Jefferson, Hamilton, Madison, etc. They did so for similar reasons to mine, that is they chose to remain anonymous so as to be free to say what they wished to. I dare not compare myself to them and hesitate even bringing up their names in connection with anything to do with me whatsoever. But never the less this is true.


Jan 13, 2002
Ok, ok I admit, I was The Taker. I had some frustrations with The Giver, and then said to myself, what the hell, it's an online community, why do I bother getting frustrated? So I had a little fun with it.


Not really a
Jan 22, 2002
Koggit said:
geeze this is like a soap opera :lol: :rofl:
Indeed before we know it everyone's going to "come out of the closet" and we're going to find out that between all the active usernames there are only 12 people or so. I only have 1 name here and post SR meltdown I only have 1 there. So, you don't have to worry about me stepping out of any closets. :p



Jan 13, 2002
I only used The Taker a few times on SR. I made the name because it provided humor to myself.

Here I have 2 other names here (Doug and Monkey-C) both get little to no use. I use them for testing the forum from time to time.


Learning Storage Performance
Jan 24, 2002
Portland, Oregon (hometown)
The "defending America"/"attacking America" frame of mind is too limited to describe the more complex opinions expressed on the old SR forum.

I thought The Giver was an alienated teenager geek. So I tried to be nice to him.