Not really a
For some reason I wasted most of my day running iperf tests on all my Gigabit cards and every possibly combination of them. I ran three 30 second tests in each direction for the following TCP window sizes; 4k, 8k, 16k, 32k, 64k, & 128k. One NiC (in the chart title) was in my Windows XP x64 Server in the basement and the other NiC was in my Windows XP x86 (32-bit) Desktop (legend). In the "Server" test the NiC in the chart title sent data to the NiCs in the legend. In the "Client" test the NiC in the legend sent data to the NiC in the chart title.
Here are the consolidated results consisting of the minimum, average, and maximum of the 8k, 16k, 32k, and 64k tests. The 4k and 128k results were omitted because they are basically a duplication of the 8k and 64k results respectively.
Intel MT Desktop:
Intel CT Desktop:
Intel PT Server:
Intel PT Desktop:
Realtek 8111C:
Here are the consolidated results consisting of the minimum, average, and maximum of the 8k, 16k, 32k, and 64k tests. The 4k and 128k results were omitted because they are basically a duplication of the 8k and 64k results respectively.
Intel MT Desktop:
Intel CT Desktop:
Intel PT Server:
Intel PT Desktop:
Realtek 8111C: