Sol, your "corpratism", for all it's suspect spelling, is an almost exact description of the system usually known as State Monopoly Capitalism.
(Tannin - you - are complaining aboout Sol's spelling?)
(Shutup Tea,)
Dates, HD, were off the top of my head and inexact. As was my entire post, really, I was just having a little fun.
Mercutio, thankyou, that was the word I was looking for.
HD again: "what the hell do you suppose was going on in USSR in 1951-1991"? Crime, decay, and official corruption on a grand scale, mostly. Err ... come to think of it, much the same as 1991 - present, I guess.
Feudalism is a form of government rule and and economic system. The economic system takes priority though, as generally speaking, the forms of government are shaped by the means of production and distribution, much more so than the other way around. Read some Marx. Or anyone, for that matter. Even lunatics like Milton Freidman pretty much accept this one. Or just ponder Mercutio's point: it leads you in the same general direction.
Mixed economies actually work very well indeed. So far as raw economic efficiency goes (i.e., completely ignoring human needs and happiness, just measuring the GNP) they are about the same as capitalist and oligaric-fascist economies.
So far as the total benefit goes, they are way out in front of both. Most of the trult civilised countries in the world either have mixed economies or used to have them and are now very sorry that they fucked it up. In the former category: Germany, all of Scandinavia, Austria and perhaps France are examples. In the latter category, Australia, New Zealand, the United Kingdom. Except that the UK is a special case: in purely economic terms they stuffed their mixed economy up right royally, and their new, slimmed-down post-Thatcher one is going tolerably well.
But that last is more a matter of having to all but destroy the old system, no matter what it was, because it was so ossified that it could never be competitive, and thus having to build a whole new system which, as it happened, came about at the very time that Thatcher's thugs were at their lunatic worst. Still, even they couldn't manage to build a worse system than the old one had been.
Anarchism is indeed a valid economic system. It's very closely related to capitalism, but stresses individual free choice much more highly and de-emphasises the roles of both government and accummulated private wealth.