The triumphant return of.... ME!!!

James Kein

What is this storage?
Mar 20, 2002
Hey everybody.... anyone remember me? I lost the favorite a while ago, and so I haven't been back in a while.

I return with a message....

I need ur help... If any of you can help me populate another message board that just started out, I will be really appreciative! I offered GMac the position of Mod if he could get 5 regulars signed up and active... I offer the same thing to each of you guys... just tell me u r from here and who you got to sign up and stuff... that is if you wanna be a mod there anyways.....

Don't worry, this isn't intended to compete with this board, however it is similar in content... it's all about computers... it's mainly a free tech support forum for the company I am Vice Pres of... it's called Dimension MicroTechnologies... we are based mainly in the Fox Valley in Wisconsin.... however, we do have a temporary branch in Lexington Virginia at the moment as I am living in Lexington.

On that message board I am known as Jon Howard....

okay, now that all that is outta the way here's the link:

In fact, if you wish we could even suggest our members check out this site too... I am not sure who is the brains of this site, but if you wanna work something out, my best friend, and pres of the company will be happy to work something out with you, his e-mail is

at least check out the site... the HTML is my work :mrgrn: the site is

who misses me?


Storage is cool
Jan 24, 2002
Sydney, Australia
I'm afraid my time's full already. SF is the only board I participate in now, and it's tough finding even the time to do that.


Jan 13, 2002
James Kein said:
I know how that can be.... :(

Nice to see you back. I checked out the site, but your forum was showing a 404 error. The only problem with helping you gain readership is that we are trying to get our own as well. My time is full here so I would be no benefit to your site if made a moderator. That is if I could even get you five people to sign up, but if I could I would try to get them here first, no offense. :)

I'm not quite clear on what you mean by working something out, but if you or your best friend have any thoughts, feel free to share. The admin team would have to discuss anything you offer before moving forward. Let us know.


Hairy Aussie
Jan 21, 2002
Québec, Québec
This forum is already a tech support forum, or at least a part of it. If you or people you know have questions, just post them here, it would be simpler. Our current problem is that we are a bunch of guys who generally are those who answer the questions, but we are missing people to ask them.

James Kein

What is this storage?
Mar 20, 2002
Handruin said:
James Kein said:
I know how that can be.... :(

Nice to see you back. I checked out the site, but your forum was showing a 404 error. The only problem with helping you gain readership is that we are trying to get our own as well. My time is full here so I would be no benefit to your site if made a moderator. That is if I could even get you five people to sign up, but if I could I would try to get them here first, no offense. :)

I'm not quite clear on what you mean by working something out, but if you or your best friend have any thoughts, feel free to share. The admin team would have to discuss anything you offer before moving forward. Let us know.

I would have to find out what you guys sell and the information you provide... you guys do do news stuff, and we at least don't currently do anything with news on our site, so that might be something we could do... DMT does computer repairing in the areas that we have employees, and we also do HTML things such as maintaining someone's website for them, updating the content as they give it to us, ect... we also make HTML templates for the customers that feel that they can do it once they have something to start with.
I know what you mean about getting people here first, since this is your forum you naturally want more members... our forums are brand new, so we NEED members.. lol..

no one HAS to be a mod, it was just an offer, I can see that you might be busy with other things and that is perfictly fine.
And the problem with getting more people to have questions to ask is a very big problem indeed . . .

I have not experienced a 404 error on the message board so far... however if the problem persists here are a few URLS that you can get to the board through..
or <--- the preferred method (if you go the other way the whole site template is gone, along with the navigational links)


Hairy Aussie
Jan 23, 2002
Chicago, IL
Why are there so many different forums on there? It is hard enough to read 5 like on most sites let alone 20...


Jan 13, 2002
James Kein said:
Handruin said:
James Kein said:
I know how that can be.... :(

Nice to see you back. I checked out the site, but your forum was showing a 404 error. The only problem with helping you gain readership is that we are trying to get our own as well. My time is full here so I would be no benefit to your site if made a moderator. That is if I could even get you five people to sign up, but if I could I would try to get them here first, no offense. :)

I'm not quite clear on what you mean by working something out, but if you or your best friend have any thoughts, feel free to share. The admin team would have to discuss anything you offer before moving forward. Let us know.

I would have to find out what you guys sell and the information you provide... you guys do do news stuff, and we at least don't currently do anything with news on our site, so that might be something we could do... DMT does computer repairing in the areas that we have employees, and we also do HTML things such as maintaining someone's website for them, updating the content as they give it to us, ect... we also make HTML templates for the customers that feel that they can do it once they have something to start with.
I know what you mean about getting people here first, since this is your forum you naturally want more members... our forums are brand new, so we NEED members.. lol..

no one HAS to be a mod, it was just an offer, I can see that you might be busy with other things and that is perfictly fine.
And the problem with getting more people to have questions to ask is a very big problem indeed . . .

I have not experienced a 404 error on the message board so far... however if the problem persists here are a few URLS that you can get to the board through..
or <--- the preferred method (if you go the other way the whole site template is gone, along with the navigational links)

We don’t sell anything at SF. :) This is a free domain for people to enjoy. We provide news, but 9 out of 10 times the news is from another site. This is a feature of the CMS called xoops and it was implemented to hopefully keep SF members up to date on interesting events. As you may have noticed we have no advertisements, so we don’t take income from anything either.

SF offers technical support for anyone who needs it, provided someone has the answer. (in most cases there usually is an answer) I personally enjoy creating web sites and do it on the side separate from SF. (I’m not fantastic, but I’m getting better) I’m more into the php kick along with MySQL databases. Speaking of this, would you want to convert your site to a php driven forum? ;) If you don’t care for phpBB, there is always invision board (which is free) or vbulletin (costs money) both are popular and well made.

I’m not experiencing the 404 errors anymore; maybe there was a slight hiccup at the time. If your site sells products and services, you should be able to gain memberships from your customers, just advertise on the store.

James Kein

What is this storage?
Mar 20, 2002
I have been thinking about downsizing the forums to just:
Windows 95, 98, and ME
Windows 2000 and XP
Mac OS 8 and 9
Mac OS X
Linux and Unix
General Support
and Web Support

I also enjoy doing web design... I have no idea how to code things like PHP or anything like that... right now we are using a free message board called YaBB (Yet Another Bulleten Board) because I am used to it... I have also used Ikon Board and Invision is compatable with Ikon Board (you can upgrade to it from IB - either that or they are the same thing) anyways, the Pres has been thinking about making it invision ... my fav trek message board (the one I know G-Mac from) used to use Ikon and now used Invision.
We sell services around the areas that our employees live, and tech support is free on the board, however we do sell HTML templates and mantaining HTML websites.
HOWEVER -- we are verry new! We have had 1 customer that bought an HTML template from us (that I made) - except for the Java Thingger (the navigation for his site) because that was done by the Pres...
Currently we only have a small amount of employees (that I know of at least - richard (the pres) might have some hidden somewhere... lol) and we are paid a percentage of what we earn.. meaning, for each job we do, we get paid... VS a tradtional company that pays their employees wadges... we are sooo new that we can't afford that.... we have like NO capital to do stuff with... we are verry anti-ads and anti pop-ups... in fact we are kinda breaking our TOS with our host Netfirms by hiding their banner. (shhh)

Well, in that case I have no idea what we'd be able to do that would be bennificial to both of us... except maybe join forces, but I am not saying that as the Vice Pres.. just something that popped in my head... if you do wanna explore that, contact Richard (the pres) at


What is this storage?
Aug 2, 2002

Hello. This is Richard Boykin. :evil: <ME Founder and President of DMT. I just wanted to introduce myself. I'd like to add a link to this Forum on our web site, it would be on our main page. As long as you would do the same. Please let me know of a banner that you'd like me to use.