USB hub


Storage Freak
Jan 14, 2002
44.8, -91.5
Anybody have a suggestion for a new powered USB hub? I've got a keyboard, mouse, 2 PDAs, card reader, 2 USB drives, and MP3 player that all connect via USB and I'm at the point of having to dig underneath my desk to plug them in. My keyboard has 2 extra ports on it, but it's not powered and thus I get errors when I plug a USB drive into it. USB 2.0 is needed, and the more ports the better, although I could live with just 3.


Storage? I am Storage!
Feb 1, 2003
Left Coast
Perhaps I'm being a bit silly here, as I have eight USB 2.0 ports on my computer, but isn't the issue the number of simultaneous devices? Not all of these items need power *and* need to be plugged-in at the same time.


Storage Freak
Jan 14, 2002
44.8, -91.5
No silliness at all.

Thinks I would like plugged in all the time:
- PDA #1
- keyboard
- mouse

Things that can be intermittently plugged in:
- USB drives
- card reader
- MP3 player
- game controller
- PDA #2

Some of my items can remain plugged into the USB ports on the back of the computer (keyboard, mouse). There are other things that I'd prefer plugged into a hub because of cord issues - I would prefer running a cord from the devices across part of desk tothe hub, and the cord from hub to behind desk and into back of computer. As it is now I risk kicking the cord that runs from the back of the computer to the PDAs, and sending them crashing into the floor. And there the intermitent things I'd prefer to plug into a hub because I don't want to go digging behind my computer.

I suppose I could re-route some cords with the help of long USB cables, but I'm guessing that a single hub would be cheaper than multiple long USB cables or cable extenders. And in the end I want at least one easy to access port on the desk for some of the intermittent things. A series of front panel mounted USB ports might help, but they would still not be as convenient as a hub on my desk (my computer is way under the desk).

Does anybody make a wireless hub? A device that connects to my wifi router (wirelessly) and has a few powered USB ports would be awesome. Even better would be a device that wirelessly gets data AND power. But now I'm just dreaming (at leat for now). My Palm pilot can sync wirelessly, but my Dell Axim can not (the newer version of activesync prohibits it due to corporate security concerns).


Storage? I am Storage!
Feb 1, 2003
Left Coast
So the issue here is actually the location of ports, not the number, per se?

What do you have, and where?


Storage Freak
Jan 14, 2002
44.8, -91.5
Yes, the problem is location, not number. I have a bunch (6?) located on the back of my computer. My computer is slid way under my desk, and thus those ports are not very accessible.


Storage? I am Storage!
Nov 22, 2002
Somewhere in time.
I've found the most reliable answer to the problem is to use short extension cables - 3 ft or 6 ft. PCH Cables sells these for a very good price, their shipping is reasonable, and their service is top notch. I've bought a bunch of stuff from them. Their site is not loading for me right now. I've been frustrated with hubs before; maybe things have gotten better now.


What is this storage?
Sep 6, 2002
Please excuse humble opinion of self here, but in my country we have many wireless devices for power, although only very few can wirelessly data. Many tall mountains in my country. Any devices placed on mountain almost certain to get plenty wireless power anytime thunderstorm passes by, which be every day in summertime.

Of course, not much good for data after wirelesly powering up ....


Storage is cool
Feb 10, 2002
Cardiff (Wales)
Adcadet said:
I've got a keyboard, mouse, 2 PDAs, card reader, 2 USB drives, and MP3 player that all connect via USB and I'm at the point of having to dig underneath my desk to plug them in.

I have far fewer USB devices but what I'd do would be;

Maybe plug the mouse into the keyboard. I'm assuming both of the devices are pretty static and if your using a bog standard mouse niether sharing the bandwidth or not being very well powered will be an issue. If you have a high bandwidth laser mouse maybe avoid this option.

Get a few extra cords and leave them plugged into the pc with maybe some sort of clip set up to hold them when not in use. All of the devices other than keyboard and mouse are things which would usually have a cord seperate to the device. Apart from the MP3 player I would expect all the cords to be pretty much standard USB cables (My external drives use USB A to B cables or A to mini A) so you shouldn't even need extension cables just duplicates of the standard cables for each machine. Since you likely don't have all the devices plugged in at once and some probably use the same type of cables I would expect just one or two of each type of cable at any one machine would be fine...

Just my 2 cents...


Storage Freak
Jan 14, 2002
44.8, -91.5
Mubs- thanks for the recommendation. Very useful to know.

Sol - you're absolutely right that the setup you described would work. The only problem is having 4-6 cables coming up onto my desk. I suppose I could twist-tie them together, but it still would be a pain to wrestle with those cords. At least a hub would be a single cord coming up to the desk, and all the USB ports would be connected to a convenient base/anchor. Now, a hub will be $20-40, whereas 6 USB cables would run less - under $20 before shipping.

Not sure what I will do. But the wife finally added a line item to our family budget for computer stuff.


Storage? I am Storage!
Nov 22, 2002
Somewhere in time.
Sol was clearer than I was; I too meant that the extension cables would be permanently plugged in, and you would plug a device into an extention cable as needed.

As for as USB devices go, you lose no matter what. Either you have a bunch of cables going into a hub, or a bunch of cables going into a bunch of cables. If you have many devices, the resulting rat's nest boggles the mind.

Audio equipment has had things like i-link etc. for years, but the computer industry is amazingly primitive in many respects. Wireless USB will be a boon - if it works.


Storage? I am Storage!
Jan 18, 2002
Brisbane, Oz
mubs said:
As for as USB devices go, you lose no matter what. Either you have a bunch of cables going into a hub, or a bunch of cables going into a bunch of cables. If you have many devices, the resulting rat's nest boggles the mind.

Wireless USB will be a boon - if it works.
No, it's an almost completely useless and stupid idea. USB provides power to many of the devices that plug into it, eg: keyboard, mouse, tablet, scanner (LIDE), MP3 player, USB drive, game controller, card reader, some hard drives, etc. Wireless = Powerless = 'wall warts' for as far as the eye can see.