Nope. It's worse. There is only one thing to do: insist on getting Vista Business as your pre-load and then upgrade to XP Pro. Unlike Vista Home, you can do that with Vista Business. Of course, there are a whole lot of bulls*it rules surrounding it, but they amount to the customer providing the installation media, which must belong to a validly licenced copy of XP, and the customer or his representative (i.e., you) doing the install. At that point you call Microsoft and they provide you with an installation key. Or at least that's the way it's supposed to work, I haven't tried it for myself.
As for running Vista on a laptop, not a chance in hell. I took the opportunity to do some timings the other day. This is from memory, I have the exact figures to the nearest half-second at the office somewhere.
Acer Celeron 1.6, 512MB, 80GB. Perfectly good little machine, brand, spanking new. Untouched factory install, except that I switched a lot of the eye candy off. Not an objectionable amount of crap in the startup, quite good considering it was from one of the major makers. The only real nasty was Norton Anti-virus. I removed that later, as an experiment, and the system improved, but not by much. Around 20 seconds faster on all tests, though I didn't do formal timings of it. I did do exact timings for:
Start-up (power switch to desktop, with hour glass disappeared)
Shut-down (desktop to power off)
Open Control Panel (start, settings, control panel, till the hour glass went away)
Vista: 1 minute, 30.5 seconds
XP Home: 40 seconds
Vista: 1 minute, 20.5 seconds
XP Home: 18 seconds
Open control panel:
Vista: 1 minute 28 seconds
XP Home: 4 seconds
That last figure could be shaved quite a bit. I was using the mouse left-handed and doing the stop-watch timing with my right hand. With a little better hand-eye coordination, I could have got the XP Home control panel down to about 2.5 seconds. But there didn't seem much point.