Hairy Aussie
Fastest drive ever under Business WB 99. Impressive transfer rates (56MB/s beginning, 33MB/s end), but access time is poor. That's probably because of the very high platter density though. The bootup and high-end benchmarks are exceptional too for an ATA hard drive, but the web server result is weak.
Bottom line : A great desktop or workstation drive, but avoid it inside anything related to a server. That's true for most IDE drives, but it is even more for this one.
I was commenting the JB BTW. I don't really care for the 1-year-warranty BB. The bad side of this drive is its selling price. It's almost SCSI-like. I'm eager to see what kind of results Maxtor's MaxLine II Plus and IBM's Deskstar 180GXP will deliver. Both should at least be better regarding the access time.
Bottom line : A great desktop or workstation drive, but avoid it inside anything related to a server. That's true for most IDE drives, but it is even more for this one.
I was commenting the JB BTW. I don't really care for the 1-year-warranty BB. The bad side of this drive is its selling price. It's almost SCSI-like. I'm eager to see what kind of results Maxtor's MaxLine II Plus and IBM's Deskstar 180GXP will deliver. Both should at least be better regarding the access time.