honold said:
I know this isn't an answer to your question, but why do you want everyone to go back to SR so bad? You've put a considerable amount of time and effort in this forum and it wasn't until recently where you've had several major debates that this seems to bother you.
it has nothing to do with the debates, honestly, although it is true that i think there's entirely too much good-old-boying around here.
it has more to do with the fact that i think both places' high points seem fewer and further between. sr particularly has been totally uninteresting to me for a matter of weeks, and this isn't much better. i'm now looking at the arstechnica and even the gentoo (despite the fact that i like bsd infinitely more than linux) forums for good, technical, thought-provoking, research-inspiring conversation.
a lot of it had to do with my forays to the hardocp and overclocker forums. while they had their share of lameities (including raid0 talk!), they had genuinely interesting technical stuff as well. it's what prompted my studying of ram timings/clocks and their affect on real-world performance (which is still a work in progress).
I'm not taking either side in those events, but is this a question of being ganged up on, or do you truly believe SR is the place we all should be?
i believe at this point we should all be in the same place, and sr is a better place to be because of the traffic and the namesake. once good conversation gets going, it will attract more good conversation and serve to drown out the noise. faqs will get resolved quicker, etc.
On the flip side, why not keep it here?
no non-regular traffic, no namesake, no advertising, no doors swinging. it would take a long time to get to the level of reputation/recognition sr has right now.
I'm open to new ideas and I think everyone else is too. You mentioned something about articles, which I'm not very clear on, did you have something to publish?
ram article started, it's in the computing forum
Should we put a solid plan together for creating some nice articles. I saw Mercutio wrote something in another thread and I think LiamC mention having some material. If you have something also, maybe we could jump start this place with some solid work?
the more i think about it, the less interested i am in doing it. namely, i don't feel like a part of this 'community,' so i'm not willing to go the extra mile to POSSIBLY get it to where sr is right now. if i had some kind of emotional interest, perhaps it would be different, but i even doubt that. almost everybody here came from sr, i think it's natural to go back - for conversation's sake.