Whatever happened to A vs A?


Wannabe Storage Freak
Sep 20, 2006
Apple blasts Flash as 'closed and proprietary'

Adobe has it "backwards" when it comes to web standards and the iPhone, claims Apple spokeswoman Trudy Muller. The statement comes in response to a quote from Adobe product manager Mike Chambers, noting that Section 3.3.1 of the latest iPhone developer agreement effectively bans the use of Flash cross-compilers for iPhone apps. Adds Muller, "it is HTML5, CSS, JavaScript, and H.264 (all supported by the iPhone and iPad) that are open and standard, while Adobe's Flash is closed and proprietary."
Chambers commented that Section 3.3.1 "has the effect of restricting applications built with a number of technologies, including Unity, Titanium, MonoTouch, and Flash CS5." Adobe is in fact dropping support for Flash-to-iPhone compiling after Flash CS5, and directing most of its effort towards Android, the platform in closest competition with the iPhone. Companies which have already released iPhone apps cross-compiled from Flash may be at risk of having them blocked from the App Store, Chambers warns.

Muller's remark appears to disregard the prevalence of Flash, which is regularly used for videos, slideshows and advertising on the web. The technology is also supported across Mac, Windows and Linux systems, and in a limited fashion on some smartphones. When Flash 10.1 for mobile is released, it should expand the format to Android, BlackBerry and webOS phones. Apple has typically decried Flash because of battery, security, stability and CPU load concerns.


Storage is cool
Feb 10, 2002
Cardiff (Wales)
Yeah, pot calling the kettle black in response to a completely unrelated comment, based on that snippet...

Adobe - Apples new rules block developers from cross compiling from flash.
Apple - Flash isn't an open standard... Html and css are open standards!

I can guess what the Adobe statement said to get that response but it's still avoiding the real issue...


Wannabe Storage Freak
Sep 20, 2006
Merc should like this, eh Bozo :D ?


^the real reasons Apple products don't support Flash....according to Jobs(Apple)


Dropping Flash is no different than the decision to drop the floppy drive from the iMac, Apple chief Steve Jobs reportedly told the Wall Street Journal during his iPad promo tour at major publishers. Those who were at the meeting claim that Flash to him is obsolete technology that should be dropped in favor of a better option. He purportedly likened it not only to floppies but also to purging old technologies like FireWire 400, non-LED backlit LCDs, or the dependence on music CDs.


Wannabe Storage Freak
Sep 20, 2006
Apple can take a flying **** at this point. It is extremely annoying.

Wut is extremely annoying, ya not making sense LM? M$ is extremely annoying...and yet u use Winblows OS??? M$ Internet Exploder and it's proprietary webpage coding is extremely annoying...and yet U only complain about Apple...reason, like *all* here, ur jealous of Apple's continued success...which will only get worse 4 all of U, since Apple is on a roll.

M$ Silverlight, etc, etc, M$ is the KING of proprietary standards...and yet y'all embrace M$...now who's the lemming(s)? What was that "syndrome" again Handy, ya know, the one I liked to in that thread U closed :D

Flash being a security risk is 'extremely' annoying, U do know how to search and read don't U?...and yet U can only wail away about Apple


Jan 13, 2002
M$ Silverlight, etc, etc, M$ is the KING of proprietary standards...and yet y'all embrace M$...now who's the lemming(s)? What was that "syndrome" again Handy, ya know, the one I liked to in that thread U closed :D

I closed your thread because no one has been able to have an extended logical discussion with you...ever. If you remember, time started the iPhone Syndrome thread and that remained open because we could actually discuss and argue points. That thread is over 200 replies and still somewhat going. I have no special pact with time, in fact we disagreed quite frequently, but I did not close his thread.

You start threads and posts to try and annoy the forum members even if you actually posted a subject that's worth discussing. You some how manage to screw it up and go out of your way to make a post that could have been a good discussion, bad. If you want to start valuable discussions, stop intentionally writing your posts in an messy anti-ideological format and prove to the forum that it's actually worth partaking in your threads.

Simply, your thread was closed because of you, not the content.


Storage? I am Storage!
Jan 18, 2002
Brisbane, Oz
I dunno about that. I suspect many here enjoyed seeing Uda getting his ass kicked in public. Karma.