what's a domain worth?

Jake the Dog

Storage is cool
Jan 27, 2002
i own agentorange.org and have done for a few years now. i bought this domain and built a website to showcase a 'street machine' project i was building (a race engined street car). the car was bright orange and was called Agent Orange, hence the domain name.

lately i've had a few people ask if i wish to sell the domain but no-one including me is willing to name a price. the car is no longer and i pulled the website down maybe even over a year ago now so it's not actually worth anything to me. however, if i'm going to sell it, i may as well get as much as i can but since i can't get anyone to name price i thought i may was well start with one. the interested parties (three of them) appear to be individuals. they are all being coy and i can't get a clear indication of what they have planned for the domain either. i don't want agentorange.org abused to the extent that it may piss off vietnam vets. i received quite a few confused queries from veteran who were looking for details on Dioxin and found their way to my site. i've offered to give away the site to the Dioxon Victims Foundation but they don't want it. anyhoo, as i said, i may as well sell it.

so, do you guys any idea what i should sell it for? is $500 too much? i don't want to scare anyone off either.


Hairy Aussie
Jan 23, 2002
Chicago, IL
Why don't you put it on eBay? Or at least check out what similar domains are going for on eBay.


Storage? I am Storage!
Jan 15, 2002
27a No Fixed Address, Oz.
Hmmm.... $500 is too much, especially for a .org, IMO. And it's quite a significant domain name. We think of our Vietnam vets first, naturally, but the vast majority of the damage has been suffered by the people of Vietnam, of course. It's quite astonishing that they seem to hold us so little ill-will.

Is there a site that serves the health and wellbeing of Agent Orange victims that could use the domain name? What do the guys who want to buy it want to use it for?


Wannabe Storage Freak
Jan 22, 2002
St. Elmo, TN
Perhaps you could start with a range or even an order of magnitude. :D

Since there are multiple parties interested in the domain:

Just tell them that you have several offers and you would like to know who the serious candidates are. You intend to keep track of this information in case a deal with one of the parties falls through.


Xmas '97
Jan 15, 2002
Salem, Or
optimally, you need to get them to start the bidding rather than you starting. Without knowledge of at least the order of magnitude of what they are willing to pay, you can't optimise the price because the value of anything is related to what they are willing to pay combined with the costs of alternatives and the strentgh of their desire of your's vs the alternatives. There are too many unknowns for you to guess and once they make the original bid, the you can start making judgements as to their need/desire and work from there.

Since you have three people, how about starting an auction (bidding war)?

If you are squeemish about what they are going to use the domain for, then you are just going to have to get them to talk. Once it is sold, you will have no say. Even if they talk, there is no stopping lying. So unless you create a contract in which you can unconditionally revoke the sale after the fact, you'll just be stuck with what they do. Few people will tolerate such a condition to a sale.

Jake the Dog

Storage is cool
Jan 27, 2002
excellent suggestions all. thanks.

tea - the Dioxon Victims Foundation is the umbrella organisation for most Agent Orange support groups. they weren't interested in it or passing it onto someone.

coug - lol. good one :)