No problems at this end. The "AMD problem" turns out to be a classic bit of FUD and Blame the Victim. Nothing to do with AMD, everything to do with shonky practices by a couple of vomit box makers. What happened was the VB makers - Dell and HP/Compaq from memory, but I'm too lazy to check so it may have been some other VBMs - were too lazy to prepare a new image for all their new systems. They had discovered that theyu could get away with loading Intel drivers for everything and overlaying the AMD drivers on top of the Intel ones. That didn't seem to break anything, and they couldn't care less about bloat or performance, so they did it the shonky way - wxactly as you'd expect from these twin champions of shonk.
Then SP3 came along and upgraded the Intel driver (that shouldn't ever have been on the machine in the first place) and broke the system.
Short answer: just more vomit box shonk. Situation normal.