For those of you who have Yahoo accounts and wish to use your email client to view your Yahoo mail (just like the good old days), then YahooPOPs! is for you. I'll let the authers words do the taking:
Windows, Linux, Solaris, Mac all supported. Current Windows version is 0.5 and is a snap to configure. What else can I say - it works like a charm and makes my life a bit easier.
Yahoo! Mail disabled free access to its POP3 service in April 2002...then one day, I stumbled across a Perl script called FetchYahoo, which almost did what I wanted! It downloaded emails from Yahoo's website and presented them in a format such that email clients like Netscape and Pine could read them. But, the format in which it saved the emails is not supported by all email clients, including the one that I use. Also, making a layman install Perl and to get a Perl script to work could be a nightmare.
So, YahooPOPs! was born. YahooPOPs! is an open-source initiative to provide free POP3 and SMTP access to your Yahoo! Mail account. YahooPOPs! is available on the Windows and Unix platforms.
YahooPOPS! emulates a POP3/SMTP server and enables popular email clients like Outlook, Netscape, Eudora, Mozilla, IncrediMail, Calypso, etc., to download and send emails from Yahoo! accounts.
How do we do it you ask? Well, this application is more like a gateway. It provides a POP3/SMTP server interface at one end to talk to email clients and an HTTP client (browser) interface at the other which allows it to talk to Yahoo!