You should vote republican...


Not really a
Jan 22, 2002
Newsflash: Republicans want to close down small businesses, want to control where you shop, want people to die from aids and cancer, want people to take unsafe drugs, want to ruin public education, are racists, don't care about the environment, want to run your life, are homophobes, only care about big corporations, want to screw the little guy, want to imprison minorities, want to keep people from getting health insurance, want to shred the constitution, and want to start wars for fun.


Storage? I am Storage!
Jan 18, 2002
Brisbane, Oz
Coug, that's brilliant.

Stereodude, you're a dipstick for yelling in the forum. I need to tell you this because apparently Handruin no longer has a dick.


Storage? I am Storage!
Feb 12, 2002
Twilight Zone
Stereodude: I'm a registered republican and I don't agree with anything you said. I look at the issues and try to pick the least slimy asshole out of the bunch that is running. There are times when I get that frustrated with the magots that are running for office, I write in Donald Duck.
But, I have not missed voting for a federal, state, or local election in almost 40 years. (how many of you can say that?) And, I believe that gives me the right to bitch about the dick heads we have in office. If you didn't vote, don't bitch.
I have copies of the Declaration of Independance, Bill of Rights, and the Preamble to our Constitution on the wall in my cube. I also have a copy of the Declaration of Independance hanging in my home.
I'm not mad, I'm just disappointed that you lump all Republicans as being lower than pigeon shit. I resent that.

Bozo :joker:


Not really a
Jan 22, 2002
Stereodude, you're a dipstick for yelling in the forum.
Oh no. Not large boldface type.
I need to tell you this because apparently Handruin no longer has a dick.
Maybe he's a Republican and is just too busy sending minorities to jail and making sure your kids get a bad education at public school by keeping class sizes up to keep up here.


Fatwah on Western Digital
Jan 17, 2002
I am omnipresent
Maybe he's a Republican and is just too busy sending minorities to jail and making sure your kids get a bad education at public school by keeping class sizes up to keep up here.

Republicans are scum. The party of hate. The party of ignorance, racism, anti-intellectualism, selfishness, unctuous and self-serving piety and patriotism. They are in my judgment a representation of evil.

And they've only gotten more disgusting over the last eight years.


Not really a
Jan 22, 2002
Awww... Boohoo...

Be sure to go vote for the guy with only 143 days of job experience who is running for Jimmy Carter's second term!


Fatwah on Western Digital
Jan 17, 2002
I am omnipresent
Awww... Boohoo...

Be sure to go vote for the guy with only 143 days of job experience who is running for Jimmy Carter's second term!

Mr. Obama served in the Illinois State Senate for four years prior to the US Senate.

If you'd like to bring up the topic of experience, I might suggest that you look at what the job duties of a Texas Governor are (hint: the governor of Texas has very limited executive powers compared to the governors of most other states), and the disastrous results that have come from electing one of those.

Furthermore, while Mr. McCain certainly deserves some respect for his time as a POW, his experience as a Naval Officer was in no way, shape or form the experience or perspective needed in strategic command or military policy. I'd be saying that even if General Wesley Clark hadn't. McCain may have a better idea what it's like to be a soldier (er... pilot), but he certainly doesn't have any greater experience being a commander than does Mr. Obama.

Only 25% of the American public approve of the Bush government at this point. John McCain has done nothing to suggest that he'll offer anything more than a continuation of Bush-era policies. As ineffectual as Jimmy Carter might've been while he was in office, George Bush has been a legitimate disaster for this country on every possible level. He frankly deserves to be punished for the actions of his government. If we are to have another term of Jimmy Carter vs. another term of George Bush, I know which I would prefer.

Also, every negative thing I ever wrote about George Bush and his party has been validated by the actions of the administration. I don't believe there is any way a sane person, even a 25%-er, could defend the outcome of his administration.


Not really a
Jan 22, 2002
I can't argue politics with someone who is delusional.

So, Obama, despite having no military service and thinking the joint chiefs of staff have command responsibility, is just as qualified to be commander in chief as the guy who served in the military? John Kerry served in Vietnam, and he was qualified based on that experience. :confused:

And, only 9% of the American public approve of the job the democrat congress is doing. They're even less popular than Bush is. You sound like someone who wasn't old enough to remember what things were like under Carter. Maybe you should talk to your parents about stagflation and double digit interest rates.

Say what you like about Bush, but how many terrorist attacks on the US were there since 9/11/2001? How many were there in the 90's?

Frankly speaking McCain is a pile of crap, but Obama is dangerously incompetent. McCain is far more qualified to be president then the Rock Star Obama. But hey, if you want higher taxes, like high gasoline prices, want open borders, want amnesty for illegals, want to negotiate with dictators bent on destroying the US, want more terrorist attacks on the US, want Jimmy Carter's second term. The run out and vote for change.

I think I'm gonna sit this one out.


Storage? I am Storage!
Feb 24, 2003
Chattanooga, TN
Republicans are scum. The party of hate. The party of ignorance, racism, anti-intellectualism, selfishness, unctuous and self-serving piety and patriotism. They are in my judgment a representation of evil.

And they've only gotten more disgusting over the last eight years.
