Recent content by Koggit

  1. K

    Getting a life

    My favorite drink is....oh woops....nevermind.
  2. K

    NRG/Rocco and Wizard have their birthday today!

    happy birthday!
  3. K

    Subject: Koggit

    dont bring a guys hopes up like that man. j/k
  4. K

    Getting a life

    ....nit picker, sorry.
  5. K

    What do we all look like

    am I the only one who finds this particular part of the picture disturbing?
  6. K

    Getting a life

    you could always use some pick up lines like "nice shoes, wanna f****?"
  7. K

    What do we all look like

    Think about this long and hard.
  8. K

    Subject: Koggit

    Oh yes the giver doesnt only live on the net he's a 'real' person. Always reminding me and my bro of the sacrifices that are slowly killing him every day.
  9. K

    how mercutio has changed my movie viewing experience

    hahahahah hellooooo merc
  10. K


    yeah I fired the gun again the first shot was really "go ahead and see what happens" kinda thing next time I was wearing ear muffs, also got to shoot a shot gun with different kinds of bullets and a pump action one, and my friend cory had his 22 rifel with him, we kick those plastic cups ass'
  11. K

    Getting a life

    think about who your asking here man, go clubbing and dancing.
  12. K


    Day 1 - Drove up to perry on the way we bought some water and some gatoraid mix, so we try mixing it in the car to make it a challenge and spill the majority of it in the car (this will bring its self up later) so we get there meet cory's family and they make us eat some food (i aint...
  13. K

    What type are you?

    w00t w00t Guardians pride themselves on being dependable, helpful, and hard-working. Guardians make loyal mates, responsible parents, and stabilizing leaders. Guardians tend to be dutiful, cautious, humble, and focused on credentials and traditions. Guardians are concerned citizens who...
  14. K

    Has anyone seen an info-mercial for this?

    SebastianPOC: jettenorio: Oo SebastianPOC: heh jettenorio: i saw this on tv once SebastianPOC: really? jettenorio: yeah, SebastianPOC: ha!
  15. K

    Best opening scene for an action movie?

    FF: spirits within, talk about amazing animation and thrills