Mech keyboards


Hairy Aussie
Jan 27, 2002
Amazon has wholesale sets of so many Kailh BOX switches -- I think they're genuine, there's a link to visit the Kailh store on the listing -- I got a box of 110 BOX Navy switches to replace the Gateron Reds on my K4 Pro with as I'm tired of fat fingering every switch and no longer care about making noise, and with a 10% off coupon, I paid about 45 bucks for it. I also grabbed a set of cheap pudding doubleshot PBT caps to show the backlighting through the lettering as I'm really tired of these front shine-through ones, they're difficult to read. I figure at 13 bucks if they suck I don't miss out on much, and the lettering is clear and not gamer-y which I like, though usually I prefer SA or DSA profile caps these say they're "XDA profile" whatever that means. I can't find what I did with my old DSA kit, and this will tide me over until I can find them I guess.
Hi Thank you to Handruin and Sedrosken for your suggestions. I'm delighted with both setups.
Sedrosken would you be kind enought to link me to the Caps you decided to use?
Also kind of wondering about how to run this thing wireless.
I gather I plug the 2.4ghz receiver into my motherboard...


Florida Man
Nov 20, 2013
Eglin AFB Area
Mine don't seem to be available anymore, but they weren't relevant to your interests anyway -- they're just a DSA blue and white set, the lettering is neither particularly big nor particularly contrasty, especially with black text on dark blue caps.

You plug the receiver in and I'm assuming there's a switch you toggle or a keycombination you hit to put it into wireless mode.


Hairy Aussie
Jan 27, 2002
I LOVE these switches, and the keyboard!! Great choices. I make hardly any mistakes now, if a little bit slower. Thank you for the suggestions, and Handurin as well. Only thing is I wish it was completely quiet.