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  1. timwhit

    Something Random

    What do you like to do?
  2. timwhit

    One computer can't ping another, but the problem is one-way

    Boot the unreachable system from a Bootable USB Linux distro and see if it can be pinged.
  3. timwhit

    Something Random

    I am younger than most people here and I have to Google half the cultural acronyms.
  4. timwhit

    Something Random

    All of the USA for the last 99 years.
  5. timwhit

    Something Random

    Every project I've been on or ran for the last 10 years has used a CI server. There is way more automation that is necessary if you want to do successful continuous delivery of 10s or 100s of microservices. Take a look through here for an idea of what is required:
  6. timwhit

    question Where'd the X79 motherboards go?

    I don't know if I've ever RMAed anything. Isn't it almost always a waste of time?
  7. timwhit

    Something Random

    That was mostly a joke. I have read all of your rants though. I have avoided getting a Mac for over 4 years at work. I've been running Linux on my work machine for at least 3 years. The Mac is actually probably less of an issue to me than I always imagined. The machine I have is a 13" MacBook...
  8. timwhit

    Something Random

    I'd rather not spend any money on apps for a laptop that I'll only have possession of for a short time. I can't really use a full keyboard because I have to use the laptop in a variety of places (client site, my company's office, airplanes, home). I installed iTerm2 immediately after receiving...
  9. timwhit

    Something Random

    Your ideas have probably permeated my conscience so that all my opinions were made up before ever using the machine.
  10. timwhit

    Something Random

    I started at a new client in Portland today and they gave me a 13" MacBook Pro. This is the first time I've actually used a Mac for a significant amount of time. I'm coming from using Linux machines exclusively for 5+ years, so it's a bit of a departure for me. I'm struggling most with keyboard...
  11. timwhit

    Something Random

    I'd say a lot of the benefits are operational. Many of the organizations I've worked with have an extremely hard time deploying software to production. Without any kind of automation in place taking a single deployable unit of code and multiplying it by the number of microservices necessary is...
  12. timwhit

    Something Random

    I wrote this blog post at work, I doubt anyone other than maybe Doug or Chewy is interested in the content, but I was happy with how it turned out.
  13. timwhit

    Windows 10

    Why not just pick an OS an go for it? If you need another OS, just virtualize an existing installation or create a new VM. It seems to me that you're doing things the hard way.
  14. timwhit

    Best movie you've seen

    Such as Birdman, which won best picture last year. I barely made it through that movie.
  15. timwhit

    Something Random

    Sounds similar to employment contracts that forbid you being able to take legal action against your employer. Just because something is in a contract doesn't mean it's constitutional and any court will uphold it.
  16. timwhit

    dSLR thread

    He's probably 38.
  17. timwhit

    LG V10 available with intro deal - 200GB micro sd, 3000MaH battery, charge cradle

    Settings->System Updates->Check for new system update Here's how to clear the cache:
  18. timwhit

    LG V10 available with intro deal - 200GB micro sd, 3000MaH battery, charge cradle

    Have you gone in and manually checked? I've also had to clear a cache from one of the system libraries before to get an update to show up.
  19. timwhit

    LG V10 available with intro deal - 200GB micro sd, 3000MaH battery, charge cradle

    I'll probably get the LG G5 when my contract expires in July. My LG G3 just got the Android 6.0 update last week. I don't think Samsung ever supported their devices that long.
  20. timwhit

    vBulletin sEcurity iSsue

    This is the link I'm referring to. It's labeled "New Posts".
  21. timwhit

    vBulletin sEcurity iSsue

    Security is the biggest reason. All software is vulnerable, it's only a matter of time before this site is hacked because of an unfixed exploit.
  22. timwhit

    vBulletin sEcurity iSsue

    Does it have a usable "What's New" link?
  23. timwhit

    Something Random

    I'm not sure. I've had numerous issues with Windows 7 before 8 or 10 were ever released.
  24. timwhit

    Something Random

    The fact that Windows Update is this stupid after being around for over 20 years baffles me.
  25. timwhit

    What's the best wireless router these days?

    The older model is quite a bit cheaper. I have two of them. Only 2.4GHz though.
  26. timwhit

    Something Random

    Is that you in the lower right flying the drone?
  27. timwhit

    Something Random

    What is it doing?
  28. timwhit

    Goodbye Firefox

    Can you get an extension that sets your User-agent to something Youtube recognizes?
  29. timwhit

    Something Random

    Can we see any actual picture of it on your house?
  30. timwhit

    Something Random

    Couldn't you get this level of uptime by migrating to Azure or AWS or both?
  31. timwhit

    Something Random

    Tired of hearing about the stupid blizzard. This article made me feel better:
  32. timwhit

    Linux nub

    Xubuntu and Ubuntu are almost exactly the same, just different packages come installed by default.
  33. timwhit

    Post your photographs here
  34. timwhit

    Post your photographs here

    How do you like Shangahi?
  35. timwhit

    Tsar Flashlight

    I'm sure he got some enjoyment out of his hobbies.
  36. timwhit

    How do I fix ALL of these file names ?

    This is pretty close to the regex you need: Try it out here:
  37. timwhit

    How do I fix ALL of these file names ?

    On Windows, something like this should work: You'll need the right regex of course.
  38. timwhit


    I listen to a lot of stuff from the 70s, 80s, and 90s and I'm roughly the same age as you.
  39. timwhit

    Something Random

    Why wouldn't they sell those?
  40. timwhit

    dSLR thread

    What country are you in?
  41. timwhit

    Best free anti virus

    I read through that whole thread, pretty funny.
  42. timwhit

    Best movie you've seen

    Shanghai, then I guess. What are you doing there?
  43. timwhit

    Something Random

    Doug's IDE suggestion is good. PHP has a tendency to eat errors rather than show something useful. Too bad there isn't a statically typed language that will run on a cheap ISP.
  44. timwhit

    Something Random

    The problem is PHP, not you.
  45. timwhit

    Best movie you've seen

    Where are you? Does Michigan have a different release schedule?
  46. timwhit

    Bookmarks for folding stats pages

    Works for me now.
  47. timwhit

    Bookmarks for folding stats pages

    It said I have to request access.
  48. timwhit

    Slow site performance?

    I haven't noticed anything, but this doesn't sound good: