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  1. F

    Shock! Horror! What makes the news?

    I think that the 147 is an anomoly. I'd say the 131 on the standard test is closer to the truth. I did take more time on the "super" test as there was no time limit IIRC. But still it defies credibility. I don't have anywhere near the education you fellows have and though it's not entirely...
  2. F

    Wedding pic

    Yes and I can tell you that a bad relationship is a lot harder to digest than a disagreeable meal. However I don't plan on ever getting married again. Whereas you must eat. So while there are no more bad marriages in my future, you have a few more bad meals to look forward to I fear. :)
  3. F

    Wedding pic

    Nice pictures JoJo thanks for posting them and congratulations once again!
  4. F

    Guide to crappy xmas carols

    Then who was the eggman? I have always favored John's post beatles music much more than Paul's bubble gum crap. I wish George Harrison had done more as well post the Beatles as he was more talented as a song writer than a guitar player imho.
  5. F

    Guide to crappy xmas carols

    If I never hear "Grandma got run over by a reindeer" again it will be too soon. Same goes for "I saw Mommy kissing Santa Claus".
  6. F

    Saddam Hussein captured.

    Pradeep, That's unfortunate and demonstrates that there is much work is left to be done in Afghanistan. But tremendous progress has been made in many important areas. Europe was not rebuilt overnight, it took several years following WWII but it was successfully rebuilt. Afghanistan will also be...
  7. F

    Goodbye (for now)

    Congrats JoJo. I wish you and your wife many happy years together. Looking forward to seeing those pix soon!
  8. F

    Saddam Hussein captured.

    Well the Afghanis apparently do not feel as you do regarding the state of security or living conditions in their homeland. Since the conclusion of the war over two million Afghan refugees who fled Afghanistan in the previous decade have returned to Afghanistan. Further to aquaint you with just...
  9. F

    Saddam Hussein captured.

    Shortly before the President gave the speech at the U.N. that your quotation is taken from, the IISS released a dossier entitled "IISS Strategic Dossier - Iraq's Weapons of Mass Destruction". And I quote from that study as regards Iraq's nuclear capabilities; Link -...
  10. F

    Saddam Hussein captured.

    Thanks Merc but I'd rather have someone here respond to the points which I have made. Either that or I see no point really in continuing with this discussion. Even on his worst day The Giver at least mixed in a few valid points with his sarcasm and insults. I'm not talking about you Merc as...
  11. F

    Saddam Hussein captured.

    Is this supposed to be an argument in favor of your point of view?
  12. F

    Saddam Hussein captured.

    Merc the issue regarding the addition of the word "major" in various Whitehouse news articles and photo captions is no reflection upon the President other than in as far as his overall responsibility for what his staff does is concerned. Clearly President Bush used the word "major" in his...
  13. F

    Saddam Hussein captured.

    From President Bush's 2003 State of the Union speech; Clearly the "humanitarian" justification was there before the start of the war.
  14. F

    Saddam Hussein captured.

    Isn't it clear from the President's remarks which I quoted above that he had a problem not only with the WMD but with Saddam himself and the way he treated his people? And those are only two instances from early last year in which he mentioned these these things prominently. No offense but the...
  15. F

    Saddam Hussein captured.

    Here is a link to a page on the Whitehouse's web site which has transcripts of all of the President's remarks regarding Iraq going back to early 2001 when he took office. I'll quote from two of them from a few months after 9-11 which will give you an idea of what he felt were the key issues as...
  16. F

    Saddam Hussein captured.

    Early in 2002 the question of Iraq arose among the media and politicians here in America in the context of being the next battle in the War on Terror. In so far as that context is concerned the U.S. intervention in Iraq has never changed. It has never been presented by the President or any other...
  17. F

    Saddam Hussein captured.

    I'm not aware of any lies the President Bush has told. He was, apparently, wrong about the WMD just as PM Blair and PM Howard and many, many others were as well. But lies? No. I'm not going to argue with anyone about it because there is no way anyone here including myself can know what another...
  18. F

    Saddam Hussein captured.

    What lies?
  19. F

    Saddam Hussein captured.

    Supposedly DNA testing has confirmed that it is him. I didn't know there was any DNA test which could be done in 12 hours.
  20. F

    Saddam Hussein captured.

    He's looking a bit shabby. :D
  21. F

    not Paintings

    My favorite. :lol:
  22. F

    GSM Cell phones

    The office supplied me with a new cell phone recently - Nextel i90c. Pretty nice phone and excellent coverage at least here in Florida. Connects to the net, runs Java, it's a radio phone too. So far me likes. :)
  23. F


    Happy birthday Mercutio! Get out of the house today and buy yourself something nice. I'll check out your art recomendations. Bill
  24. F


    Excellent. I enjoyed John Waterhouse's work in particular.
  25. F

    Something Random

    I like Thai women. Mmmm.... yummy
  26. F

    "Ignore" function - Poll

    I decided to vote yes. I probably will never use it. But we can't afford to lose any more valuable members here. Those who don't feel that we need this feature... well you can just "ignore" it... yuk.. yuk.. :) Individuals have a right I think to censor for themselves whatever they choose to...
  27. F

    google index of SF?

    Hey I'm serious. Hence no smiley face. I may even meet a lady or two who knows? If Tommy Lee could snag Pamela Anderson then there is hope for you and me.
  28. F

    "Ignore" function

    What happens if you hit "ignore" for your own user name? Do you disappear?
  29. F

    google index of SF?

    Are you kidding? What a great way to meet girls! Believe me, there a bunch of them out there who would just love to take care of him.
  30. F

    Bush wants to send first man on the moon (for real)

    I don't have any pet conspiracy theories. But I wonder jtr1962 how it is that you know there is a connection between the death threats you recieved and your conspircacy theory regarding the WTC? Did the callers specifically mention the WTC and your theory?
  31. F

    Goodbye (for now)

    Why not? Go for it Tannin, and welcome back. Any chance Tea could learn how to spell while she's gone?
  32. F

    on vacation

    I love PR food. I used to travel there on business regularly. It is one of most beautiful islands in the carribean. Super people, good food and beautiful mountains.
  33. F

    Confused about roadkill

    Yes but just think... you could fit an entire herd of deer in there. :)
  34. F

    Confused about roadkill

    Let the "Americanization" of Pradeep begin - Lesson number one: the lid over the engine is a "hood" not a "bonnet". A bonnet is what your daughter and wife wear on their heads at Easter. Hetrosexual men rarely use the word bonnet here in America. :)
  35. F

    Wired Cricket Balls to Enhance Play

    Well done I. Very professional sounding and hilarious. I wish I had thought of it but then I did or err... you did... no wait, I thought of it first, I mean ... err... :confused:
  36. F

    LA County bans use of "Master/Slave" in publicatio

    Life Partner / Life Partner
  37. F

    It's now official : I'm old.

    I resent that remark!
  38. F

    Best movie you've seen

    I went to see "Master and Commander" last weekend. I enjoyed too. It must have been the theater you were in as I had no problem with the dialog. The battle scenes were really very well done.
  39. F

    Goodbye (for now)

    Besides, Dingos cannot climb trees.
  40. F

    Jobs at Computer chain stores

    It is except that you cannot call their parents when they misbehave.
  41. F

    Jobs at Computer chain stores

    By far the most difficult part of a management position such as the one being advertised is the supervising of employees. If anyone here has ever done that they know what I mean. How do you think my soul became so twisted? Years ago I managed a branch office of a finance company while...
  42. F

    Sept. 19th is "Talk like a Pirate Day"

    ...shiver me timbers.
  43. F

    Sept. 19th is "Talk like a Pirate Day"

    Sheesh.. talk about character ass-ass-ination. P.S. Guess that makes me twice as funny as you guys.
  44. F

    Goodbye (for now)

    DB, I hope you understand that this was intended as good natured ribbing only. I forgot to put the smily face at the end of it. Bill
  45. F

    Goodbye (for now)

    By the way DB just how long does it take to fire off five rounds? Did the deer not catch on to what you were up to when you missed the first four times and just stood there until it figured things out? I mean are NY deer really that stupid? Or did it catch on quick enough that you were trying...
  46. F

    Goodbye (for now)

    LOL yes it seems the herd needs thining.
  47. F

    Goodbye (for now)

    Good lord, four hunters in the same corn field going after the very same Buck at the very same time? How many friggin' hunters get shot up there on opening day? Yikes!
  48. F

    Goodbye (for now)

    Uh oh... Still trying to predict the future I see. :)
  49. F

    2004 Superbowl predicition!

    Wow did I ever put my foot in my mouth with this thread. "On any given Sunday" certainly applies to the NFL this year.
  50. F

    The united states Economy

    Actually I did some looking around as to what Chicago had available for the poor in the way of health care. Surprisingly there are several hospitals who will treat anyone in need of attention. Here are a few of them;