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  1. P5-133XL

    NaCL Performance?

    The NaCl client runs F@H from an app from inside the Chrome browser using Google's native client (Hence the name NaCl). It can be found in the Google app store for free. It is the first folding client entirely written under open source rules so the source code is availible. The speculation is...
  2. P5-133XL

    NaCL Performance?

    Make sure you take the slider and move it to full. There is a 60% drop in CPU usage by keeping it at the default medium. You can check CPU utilization using the task manager or some other process viewer. The NaCl client lists its process as either Chrome or NaCl depending on the OS you are...
  3. P5-133XL


    Camera+screen placement is much more flexible than poking a hole through a wall to get a window.
  4. P5-133XL

    Early College!

    College has always been very expensive relative to the income of students, the 80's no different. Even back and earlier then those numbers for lifetime earnings existed and were true, just like now. Loans, even back then were normal for everyone except for the rich or those that qualified for...
  5. P5-133XL


    As Per: As of today, I've given away two machines (Gtx 580's each). As of next weekend, I will only have one GTX 460 folding...
  6. P5-133XL

    question Truecrypt

    Like child porn -- NOT!
  7. P5-133XL

    GPU folding is here!

    All you need to do is client-type = advanced or beta and make sure you do not have a previous AMD Core_17 driver (very unlikely, since they were only released during previous alpha testing) and it should DL the core and run.
  8. P5-133XL

    GPU folding is here!

    PG is now beta testing Core_17 in Linux with AMD cards.
  9. P5-133XL

    Early College!

    Now it is the fault of the colleges? At least in my neck of the woods there is lots of competition from beauty school to Ivy league and everywhere in between. It is national. Some stay near, but it is a rite of passage to go off to college which means anywhere in the country and a few go...
  10. P5-133XL

    Early College!

    Not to do anything to offend, but I believe in PERSONAL responsibility in this instance. No one forced you to take the loans. People with money to loan will only do so if they are highly likely to get paid back and they make the rules to ensure that. It is not the politicians fault for making...
  11. P5-133XL


    I checked what I am getting for the WU's.
  12. P5-133XL


    The NaCl client is no longer giving 10x+ PPD :sad:
  13. P5-133XL


    I'm sure it won't last and I can not guarantee they won't take away the points, but someone made an error. The Chrome NaCl client is currently giving 10x the normal PPD. By my estimate I'm getting aprox. 220K PPD on my Q9450 and 180K on my q6600 CPU's. At this PPD level I make far more...
  14. P5-133XL

    AdBlock Plus - Counter productive ?

    I understand their desire. No ads no money.
  15. P5-133XL

    I want to buy a new car

    They claim (in their FAQ's) that it isn't an aircraft rather it is a ground-effects vehicle i.e. a hovercraft thereby no flying license needed.
  16. P5-133XL

    I want to buy a new car

    I wonder if you need to follow the standard driving rules (like stop signs) if you are 8 -12 feet off the ground? Not saying that it isn't unsafe, just wondering if they technically apply to you if you are not touching the ground. Do you even have to have a driving license?
  17. P5-133XL

    Goodbye Firefox

    Chrome allows both right and left justified bookmark folders (at the same time) but I do not think centered is an option. No, I don't remember how I did it, but I definitely have both.
  18. P5-133XL

    I want to buy a new car

    Anyone interested in a flying motorcycle for $85K?
  19. P5-133XL

    Alternative folding support idea - mining for coins to fund F@H

    Curecoin: is a team where you can get a digital currency for folding. The official sites are: (coins come into accounts on this site) (third-party introductory site) (forums) (CC + F@h...
  20. P5-133XL

    I want to buy a new car

    Why not get an Ariel Atom to die in. A much more affordable alternative even if it isn't quite up to modern machines.
  21. P5-133XL

    question Replacement SSD for a dead Hitachi laptop drive

    At the same price, I prefer the Intel. It is just a question of toggle vs MLC.
  22. P5-133XL

    Goodbye Firefox

    Inevitably Chrome will upload a problem version to everyone. I can't say it has happened to me yet, but it is just a matter of time. On the other hand I really like being able to activate or deactivate particular functions/capabilities that they are experimenting with with chrome://flags/
  23. P5-133XL

    question What types of data are backed up by a Win 7 OS, when a restore point is created?
  24. P5-133XL

    AdBlock Plus - Counter productive ?

    It doesn't surprise me in the slightest. I rather has assumed that that would be the expected norm and am perfectly willing for less RAM and lower web performance to avoid those adds.
  25. P5-133XL

    problem Scheduled chkdsk command cancels without my intervention on a Win 7 laptop

    Check the event logs, Chkdsk should report its error there. If Chkdsk is failing during reboot, You can manually run it from the recovery console and read the text that it displays there.
  26. P5-133XL

    problem Scheduled chkdsk command cancels without my intervention on a Win 7 laptop

    System file checker (sfc) tells you if Windows files have been modified from their originals (and can replace any files that are different with original copies) not if the file system is damaged (and fix the file system on the drive) which is what Chkdsk does. Two totally different functions...
  27. P5-133XL

    problem Scheduled chkdsk command cancels without my intervention on a Win 7 laptop

    Normally OS upgrade disks are not bootable. Most of the time, they are just a service pack + whatever was slip-streamed into them. However, maybe this thread will help creating original disks:
  28. P5-133XL

    problem Scheduled chkdsk command cancels without my intervention on a Win 7 laptop

    Not technically, but close. The difference is that safe mode with command prompt still boots into C: but with the recovery console you boot to the Original disks. Different Windows versions get there in slightly different ways. For Win7, you get there using the original Windows disks and...
  29. P5-133XL

    problem Scheduled chkdsk command cancels without my intervention on a Win 7 laptop

    Try booting into console mode and manually running chkdsk from the prompt. I agree with making a backup first. Chkdsk can fix a broken file structure, but it can also destroy it.
  30. P5-133XL

    Something Random

    What I linked to was the redo episode. If you saw the first episode they explained that any meat product would work in place of Salami and that would include Hot Dogs.
  31. P5-133XL

    Something Random Aprox. 16 minutes in.
  32. P5-133XL

    Something Random

    Haven't you seen the Mythbuster's episode where they make hot-dogs into rocket fuel.
  33. P5-133XL


    On 5/10/14 they went live: Earlier, they were just testing. They are trying to make folding into a digital currency thus attracting the attention of crypto-miners.
  34. P5-133XL

    Something Random

    Somehow I read that as smoke hot dogs and eat bacon for breakfast. I did a double take.
  35. P5-133XL

    FS: FX-8320 CPU / MB Combo , 8GB Samsung Wonder Ram, Noctua HSF

    Wonder RAM? Is that related to Wonder Woman or Wonder bread.
  36. P5-133XL

    Seagate ships 6TB 3.5in drives too

    Your link doesn't work
  37. P5-133XL

    WiFi Adapters

    Not a fan of 2.4GHz only adapters -- It also needs to be able to run at 5GHz. My minimum standards are changing though. I'm almost to the point of requiring 802.11ac but I want them to drop a bit in price yet.
  38. P5-133XL

    Retiring the AXP

    sedrosken: Sorry, but I feel that the Athlon processor you are killing is a better processor than the P4 that you are keeping. snowhiker: You can attach a jetDirect and convert that parallel port to an Ethernet port. I got a used jetDirect EIO card off Ebay for my HP5 and never looked back...
  39. P5-133XL

    Something Random

    Nope, never eaten anything from Sonic before. It was late night, and I had seen an ad on TV saying after 8PM, milkshakes were 1/2 off ...
  40. P5-133XL

    Something Random

    Sonic Milkshake review: Yuk Tonight I went to Sonic, for the first time, and got the worst milkshake I have ever had. Seriously, bad. My favorite portion was the marishinio cherry on top of A lot of fake whipped cream but I can forgive that. My big issue however is that the real ice cream is...
  41. P5-133XL

    I want to buy a new car

    The MB quart component speaker system comes with an active crossover designed for the individual components specs. I considered mounting their tweeters on the front door posts but I balked at the custom install cost. Instead I mounted them in dashboard which was much cheaper. The mid's were...
  42. P5-133XL

    I want to buy a new car

    When I bought my car new, '96 Honda Accord, I decided to get a nice stereo so I shopped around and listened. I could definitely hear the difference between McIntosh and anything else so I bought 2x MC427 (2x100W) and an MC443 (1x 300W) for the sub woofers. I also added a 1F capacitor to keep...
  43. P5-133XL

    I want to buy a new car

    I recently test drove an 2014 Accord Hybrid and I found it to be significantly better than any Prius or the Camry Hybrid. It has significantly better city mileage than the Camry hybrid and more room than any Prius. Unfortunately, Honda and Camry were vetoed because of the lack of trunk space...
  44. P5-133XL


    I do not see why not. People pay a lot extra to get the AV bios so that it will stream data better but that tax has already been paid. It should perform just fine as a low performance consumer drive.
  45. P5-133XL

    TVs and things

    I disagree, when there are children in a household then disposable and/or indestructible things have more value than nice or better things.
  46. P5-133XL

    "The inevitable arrival of subscription-based Windows"

    Functionally similar is likely good enough to get sued when dealing with a UI. Think of all the lawsuits that resulted from similar finger motions used in smartphones as an example. There is no simple line that Linux can use that defines what is similar enough but isn't so close that they...
  47. P5-133XL

    "The inevitable arrival of subscription-based Windows"

    I suspect it would be cost prohibitive to license the UI from Microsoft. Stealing it and paying lawyers get's expensive quickly. Organizations that give their product away for free don't tend to have lots of cash on hand.
  48. P5-133XL

    Something Random

    Prepare to be re-shocked: I didn't like the movie when I first saw it and parties are not my cup of tea either.