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  1. F

    What do we all look like

    Me with my kid brother Oli, (and the assistance of Howell) BTW Howell, I'm generally the only Grail anyone has ever met
  2. F

    What do we all look like

    No digi camera, no scanner, but my dad emailed this to me today and if someone will host it for me I email it to them, and see if we cant kill a few pixels.
  3. F

    Pre-Sale: Asus nforce2

    Not that its the sort of accolade that you'd want, but I thought Jo'burg took that title by a country mile.
  4. F

    F---! California passes Net Tax

    But anxiety is always bad for you. So eat, drink, and get merry enough to burn of the calories,( either that of turn of the heating/AC and let homeostasis do it for you).
  5. F

    Best movie you've seen

    of, dagnamit, the head of Alfredo Garcia
  6. F

    Best movie you've seen

    Bring me the head if Alfredo Garcia
  7. F

    Processor Pick.

    Oh, I really have lived up to my alias this time. Note to self: remember the difference between top and bottom.
  8. F

    Processor Pick.

    Obviously I’ve not explained myself clearly. I’m aware, if not of the details then certainly the existence, of the pencil trick. I would however prefer the doohicky I described above as it would, in addition to being fully and easily reversible, be a far less nerve wracking operation for...
  9. F

    Processor Pick.

    If I recall correctly, in order to unlock some Athlons you need to short two of the pins on their underside. So I’m wondering, Does/did anyone make an athlon unlocking adapter? What I’m thinking of is a socket A sized piece of plastic with holes in one side and pins sticking out the other...
  10. F

    Recommendations on good books to read

    Another quick rec, The Daosadi Experiment. Frank Herbert. Worth reading for the Gowachin legal system alone.
  11. F

    Chattanooga Flood Pictures

    "chemicals floating around" hmmm, puts me in mind of this. (The ouse is the river flowing through Lewes,(where I grew up))
  12. F

    Getting In Shape

    Well, I'm not quite twisted enough to be jealous of your irritation, but the manner of said irritations expression? I like to delude myself that I can write, and then I find someone who, seemingly without trying, produces eloquent, humorous, pointed and concise prose. The polemic is an art...
  13. F

    Recommendations on good books to read

    Right I’m going to get a copy of this Why the allies won the war thing. I was talking to my dad the other day, he more or less instructed me to read Evelyn Waughs Vile Bodies. So I told him to read, Erwin Schrodinger, What is life, with Mind over Matter and Autobiographical Sketches. Based on...
  14. F

    Getting In Shape

    Mercutio I shouldn’t say this because A. Its really not my place. B. There’s no reason for you to take the advice of someone you wouldn’t know from a can of paint. C. Not having had to walk a mile in those moccasins, I can’t know what its like. D. If our positions were reversed I’d absolutely...
  15. F

    Recommendations on good books to read

    Hesitant as I am to resurrect threads whose shelf life seems to have expired, I had to recommend The Last Lion, volumes 1&2, William Manchester. Yes, its somewhat one sided, to the point, almost, of special pleading but for all that it remains the best biog of WS Churchill I’ve ever come across.
  16. F

    So, um, where is everyone?

    when I should have been compiling my shopping list: Milk Bread Loose leaf darjeling apples a life
  17. F

    So, um, where is everyone?

    Sitting around, watching whos online, waiting for someone to say something interesting.
  18. F

    Getting In Shape

    I promised myself I’d stop giving advice. Oh well, As far as getting in shape goes, find a sport you like. If you don’t enjoy the exercise, you won’t stick at it, in which case not even with cougs advice will you get fit. With regard to the finding of female company, confidence is damn near...
  19. F

    REAL Data Security

    No popups but, "The device includes two keys, and any hard drive connected to this device can only be seen by the system when one of the keys is plugged into the front of the box! " is that really so exciting they have to shout? I'm only surprised they haven't got the whole thing in caps.
  20. F

    REAL Data Security

    Interesting. Can you still use two drives per channel with this thing in line? and does anyone else sell them? I'm toying with the idea of penalising vendors whose websites annoy me. Seeing as I’m the sort who can get irritated by just about anything a flat out boycott would leave me with...
  21. F

    Another reason why I don't like Intel.

    Damn, I need to think quicker. I read e-dawgs post, started to consider a response, and the next thing I know half the arguments I was going to use are already posted by the antipodean orang utang. however, Proven? When, to what standard and by whom? And by possible do you mean conceivable or...
  22. F

    Full spectrum solar cell?

    When someone starts making these with indium nitride, I'll be a very happy bunny. The company that guy runs does some really interesting stuff.
  23. F

    Another reason why I don't like Intel.

    I never got the point of the interesting times curse. Not because I fail to see the euphemism, but I can’t think of a single time or place where life wasn’t ’interesting‘ one way or another. Sure, Switzerland has had a few peaceful decades from epoch to epoch, But a whole lifetime? And do you...
  24. F

    Another reason why I don't like Intel.

    Thanks Buck. CougTek, I could be wrong but I kind of got the impression cityK was bemoaning the general shoddiness of damn near everything rather than volunteering himself for asphyxiation.
  25. F

    Another reason why I don't like Intel.

    Horrible behaviour. true. So what we need is a string of words, for example; A Malediction by Peter Didsbury Spawn of a profligate hog. May the hand of your self abuse be afflicted by a palsy. May an order in council deprive you of a testicle. May your teeth be rubbed with turds by a...
  26. F

    Best movie you've seen

    Well, If..., was filmed at Lancing College, which is just down the road from where I live. I like it because I’m never quite sure why I like it. hope that makes more sense to you than it does to me. But if you want befuddled recollections of a fantastically surreal film, has anyone else seen El...
  27. F

    Recommendations on good books to read

    Tough question Tim. It’s always difficult to second guess someone else’s taste. So I guess I’ll just list a few favourites and hope you find something of interest therein. Primo Levi. The Periodic Table The Wrench The Drowned and The Saved. If This Is A Man. This guy had the most...
  28. F

    Better luck next time, Wings fans

    To quote the great shanks; “Some people think football is a matter of life and death. Their wrong, it’s far more important than that.” Granted Ice Hockey is not football (S£$%^r for my American friends) but even so, surely watching a match is better than missing one? Even if you loose. It’s...
  29. F

    Best movie you've seen

    Always a posibility old boy, always a possibility. But if infer correctly, I meant the Deniro/Pacino flick ‘bout the cop v. the heistmeister & crew. Top. top film.
  30. F

    Kaboom! (the suicide bombing game)

    There wouldn’t be a webcam would there? Damn why isn’t there a perving smiley?
  31. F

    Kaboom! (the suicide bombing game)

    Outrageous. Disgraceful. Sick. twisted. Just plain evil. What? The game? No that’s just a rather juvenile piece of twisted black humour. No. I mean that I can’t beat Blake’s score. :evil:
  32. F

    Best movie you've seen

    Pradeep, if you mean my avatar, then, no it’s from a sodding enormous photoshop doodle I did a while back. Damn things names remembered (partially) Weekend. If... The Italian job. Your only “sposed to blow the bloody doors off” The usual suspects.
  33. F

    A Tribute to Tea

    Speaking personally, that'll be the booze, the cigarettes, the relative inactivity, the stress and the general lack of regard for my physical wellbeing. Not even fifteen cups of Darjeeling a day are going to balance that. Mind you this cold I just beat is the first illness that's stopped me...
  34. F

    Best movie you've seen

    Yes yes yes yes yes. Also, The seven samurai. So much better than the excellent magnificent seven that its almost painful. Big night. but that could be just because I like cooking. Heat. and, damn, why cant I remeber the damn things names?
  35. F

    [SEMI-OT NEWS] OZ DCIT Overspends a bit on Website . . .

    Four million for that? What were they on? I haven’t done any html for quite a while but if that’s the present going rate I might have to reconsider. Mind you, the UK govt. is even worse. look at googles search results for ’Swanwick delays‘ and be very glad you’re not under the Heathrow or...
  36. F

    Logitech MX500 : it's good, I confirm.

    e_dawgs on the money here, little mice are the way to go. I set the sensitivity high enough that I can traverse the whole screen without moving my wrist and uses thumb and little finger to move the thing. Oh yeah, that mouse trap, How is it better than a lump of blu-tak?
  37. F

    [News] - AMD Hammer has an Anvil

    Campagnolo; Italian manufacturer of drop dead gorgeous bicycle components.
  38. F

    Logitech MX500 : it's good, I confirm.

    Over at t’other place, there was a thread about SR awards, what they should be given for and what they should be called. I reckon there should be a ‘Coug Proof‘ award for anything that survives six months or more of the good Quebecois' red mists. Quebecois', that is the right word/spelling...
  39. F

    Iraqi crisis explained...

    Oh, and while I’m familiar with the phrase, “One mans terrorist is another mans freedom fighter” I cant say I’ve ever heard “ One mans freedom fighter is another mans protestor” Or are we to believe that any Aboriginal who does anything in the public eye is not only Tasmanian but also a...
  40. F

    Iraqi crisis explained...

    The Aborigines mentioned above weren’t Tasmanian. There are plenty of Aborigines from mainland Australia, these were those. Aborigines from Tasmania however are all dead, done, kaput, finished, not resting, not hiding, not pining for Hobart, not running pet shops selling Norwegian Blues, there...
  41. F

    Iraqi crisis explained...

    Well yes, in so far as death is freedom.
  42. F

    Best KT133(a) Chipset Mobo?

    Seems were safe then, unless of course theres something Mos Def isnt telling us.
  43. F

    Iraqi crisis explained...

    Very interesting link Howell, I'm gonna have to think about that one.
  44. F

    F@H: Moving Cliptin Up the Ranks

    Cheers Steve, up and folding. Unfortunately only the one machine right now, but as soon as the first units done I’ll switch it to Cliptin.
  45. F

    F@H: Moving Cliptin Up the Ranks

    Stupid question I'm sure but Whats the SF team number and where should I have looked to find it?
  46. F

    Iraqi crisis explained...

    I always said care in the comunity was a bad idea.
  47. F

    Need for a "Toolbox Reference Section" ?

    top idea ck. especially if, as Howell kind of suggested, six months or so tools are automatically deselected. This should also help to keep the list manageable and keep blakerwrys life from becoming a misery. Of course an "expired" tool could be resubmitted, but if the newest versions a dog or...
  48. F

    Iraqi crisis explained...

    You mean the referendum on EU membership? (90+% turnout, 53% yes, 45% no.) The general election planned for April 12? What has that got to do with Iraq?
  49. F

    Iraqi crisis explained...

    I'll probably regret asking but its.fubar Tasmania? What’s going on in Van Diemans land? (Sorry tea/tannin for probably the spelling and definitely the archaic terminology)
  50. F

    Filtering Ads with a Router

    Damn, I got to get me one of them :excl: cant think of any wildcards right now, but if I do I'll put them up here.