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  1. W

    KaZaA Lite sites all down

    The Register mentioned Diet K
  2. W

    Kerio Personal Firewall for windows....Free version

    Aside from a stint of a few months were ZoneAlarm (free version) and Win2kSP3 did not get along, I have been using zonealarm happily. Recently it asked me to update to version 4. something. I said NO. Last time I said yes I got the buggy version that cause windows2000 to hang everytime...
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    Addition wanted to the rules of conduct.

    Take it easy on the new forum members. At least they are taking an interest in their storage subsystem.
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    Teaching a *consumer* video editing class

    You mind giving me some hints on rendering? I can capture just fine (okay this is really as easy as plugging in the camera, starting pinnacle and pressing capture). But everytime I try to render as mpeg is looks like crap. For an example, see the clip I put on me page of liam walking...
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    Jobs at Computer chain stores

    To be a manager in compusa, maybe. To be a manager at gateway, I doubt it. Having worked at Circuit City, I can tell you the managers had to have actually worked in the department. So they would know computers from a salespersons perspective. But sales skills was more important than computer...
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    Questions for AVG 6.0 Free edition users

    Also, I highly recommend nod32: This is what I use and although it is more expensive than free, I think it is the best there is.
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    Questions for AVG 6.0 Free edition users

    I installed it a few times but I don't really like the software. It is crappy about updates for dial-up users since it only allows it to update at a specific time. 1) Judging by the wording, it is implied that it is automatically running in builds greater than 125. 2) I didn't test this when...
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    [NEWS] - Article on unicode

    Just to let you all know joel on software rocks. You can read lots of articles on software development there.
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    Feurio! vs. Feurio!

    I think it is a resell/repackage type of thing for Nero. The download is pointing to the address. I think they do this with their cd speed check thing too correct?
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    Getting organized

    Unless you need to bill people, quicken should work fine, otherwise quick books. I'm still using Quicken 2000 Deluxe version. I also use an excel spreadsheet that I call Checking Account Projections to get a handle on what the balance in the checkbook will look like in the future so I can plan...
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    Figuring out the graphic card universe...need for a database
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    Dell to offer 16ms response time 20" LCD (2001FP)

    I don't want to ruin the movie for anyone, so my response to this is in very small type below. I saw it and I don't think he dies. I think he is just unconscious. This is evidenced by the light as he is being carted away.
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    Dell to offer 16ms response time 20" LCD (2001FP)

    And for those too lazy to read the anand review, they like it, better than the Samsung 192T.
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    webpage updating

    What you are asking for requires some sort of script. CityDesk might be able to do it. If you generated the pages via a CGI script, it could do it. A php or asp script page might be able to do it but I'm not sure how accessing the filesystem of the server works in those scripting...
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    [Article] SATA entering the enterprise

    "Reported problems among SATA drives appear to be fewer than the rate that's typical for ATA drives" I suspect this is due to the PC savy of the SATA drive buyer. Probably only enthusiast types/enterprise types are buying it. It could also be the nifty new connector... who knows.
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    [NEWS] - Novell buys SuSe

    While linux, the kernel, may be free, the distributions themselves require much more work and I'm not sure about how 'free' they are from a licensing standpoint. Either way, coming up to speed on a product/distribution in order to further development of that product/distribution is a real issue...
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    Dumb Question #1, Re: Laptop Preloaded with XP Home

    I would also like to know as my in-laws bought an HP desktop and the thing is dog ass slow. I'm not sure what the problem is but I really suspect the hard drive. One of these days I have to fix the problem and being able to obtain the copy of XP would be helpful.
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    I think you have your join reversed? You want all the words with a group correct? Where the words are in def_words and the groups are in def_group_type? That would be (In SQL Server SQL): SELECT def_group_type.def_group_id, def_words.* FROM def_group_type LEFT OUTER JOIN def_words ON...
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    Maxtor 120GB on Silicon Image Controller woes

    Update Everything still running great. I need to perform another backup soon though. That modem on hold app works so I can tell when someone is calling. Only problem is I have no idea if the answer button works or not. When someone calls you get dialog with info and answer and ignore buttons...
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    HTML Email Sucks!

    We actually work for law firms.
  21. W

    HTML Email Sucks!

    On the contrary many businesses rely on it and do store it.
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    HTML Email Sucks!

    I'm not going to deny that at the time that html e-mail caught on, html was all the rage and it may have even seemed like a good idea. Subsequent to that time we have figured out that web pages are riddled with security issues which makes rendering html e-mail dangerous. For various reasons...
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    HTML Email Sucks!

    You don't need html to do links. There could have been a standard created to include links in text based e-mail. The coloring of replies and such could all be done with simple markup like bbcode. Having the full power of html is not needed. Anyway, html e-mail isn't necessarily the problem...
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    Site Change?

    Only if you can get rid of the stupidest thing from that board (assuming SR uses it). When I read every post in a forum it should mark the forum as read. At SR I have to mark the forum as read as well. This is at least 3 extra clicks when leaving the board.
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    Verisign takes wildcard on .com and .net domains

    I actually thought it was useful. You mistype a url and boom you get a list of the most likely candidates. This would drive more visits to a page I would think. Whether verisign should be doing this or the web browser itself is another matter.
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    Browser Innovation Editor and Browser in one
  27. W

    Formatting Question

    Re: hard drive formatting My sincere condolences. By purchasing a firewire drive, I believe you bypassed all bios and IDE controller limits. So I believe your problem to be with the version of fdisk you are using. You might try downloading a bootdisk from the web for WindowsME which would...
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    Bug in MS Paint

    thumbs.db has to do with the thumbnail view I believe. Did you actually open the paint folder or just select it in the parent folder and then delete?
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    Zip files....drawbacks?

    Corruption of the zip file can take out all your files. But how often does that happen?
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    Utter weirdness with Access

    Also your problem is probably related to transaction logging. Some limit must be getting reached like a transaction rollback limit or something. Enclosing all the deletes in one transaction might help. Not sure why it works on your machine though? Are there quota/disk space issues on the server?
  31. W

    Utter weirdness with Access

    Can you use a query like the following? TRUNCATE TABLE name This deletes all the records without logging the deletions in sql server. Also for your table only databases you might consider MSDE. This is a stripped down version of sql server that is redistributable like access. There are limits...
  32. W

    Best DVD Burner for less than $200.

    Walking billboard? I won this nice polo shirt during training when I was a PC salesmen. Unfortunately it had HP's logo on it! I have never worn it. But I do wear the webtv tee shirt.
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    Norton System Works Pro 2001 and W2K SP4

    I've been installing AVG on the parent's machines that I support. Why no NOD32? Price mainly. Otherwise I would install it without a thought. But I think I'm going to present the case to them to buy a decent Anti-Virus. AVG is not too good about updates. You _have_ to make updates seamless...
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    What to do now?

    I'd say go for the OCS if you aren't tied down yet (wife/serious girlfriend). It is bound to be a great life learning experience.
  35. W

    Norton System Works Pro 2001 and W2K SP4

    It's price is kind of steep (no coupons that I know of): $39 US Upgrades every year are kind of high too: $27.30 US You do not get virus signature updates when your license is up. To get updates they give you a username and password to log into their update site. But based on my 3 months...
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    The only stuff I know about ofoto is from watching the really late night infomercial for them. They seemed good as long as you can send them decent quality source files.
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    How do people meet people?

    If I hadn't met my wife in high school, I'd probably be singing the same sad tune you are merc. I can certainly understand the social anxiety and the need for a script, though I have to confess to being self diagnosed since I've never seen a doctor about it. My wife does a lot of the initial...
  38. W

    Whats it mean when I get "Pinged"?

    Doesn't shutting down the ping port cause problems with network oriented software like multi-player gaming and file sharing? Or no? If no, then I would advise just asking your ISP to turn off that port too. Then the pings will never reach you.
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    Whats it mean when I get "Pinged"?

    A ping is just a test for echo sort of thing. You ping to see if there is a responsive system at a specific IP address or machine name. It in itself isn't that harmful. Lots of them can cause network traffic to be higher. The problem is when something such as the worm finds your machine...
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    Whats it mean when I get "Pinged"?

    It is probably due to the recent worm while it scans for targets.
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    Video compression

    Maybe that is a file type/size/system limit?
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    [NEWS] - New virus exploiting DCOM/RPC security hole

    Mercutio has to remember that he is a minority. Most of us have broadband available to us, no?
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    [NEWS] - New virus exploiting DCOM/RPC security hole

    I don't know for sure but anything that doesn't run locally may be affected.
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    [NEWS] - New virus exploiting DCOM/RPC security hole

    Any client server app that relies on a server component and a client component communicating via COM calls. I wrote one of these once. Then we realized that DCOM was way too slow for our purposes. So we rearchitected the app to compensate, removing the DCOM requirement. For the average user...
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    New betas of Mandrake and Red Hat released

    Impressed.... as a developer... quite.... as a user not really.
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    Intel Pro/1000 MT - Server vs Desktop?

    My suggestion is to ask this over at StorageReview where honold will have a chance to see it.
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    The Perfect Dump...

    Having IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) is no fun. And while I can relate to many of these, it is the Flush Dump to which I am the most familiar but it isn't funny. Being on Fibercon has helped me achieve the perfect dump on a regular basis. Flush Dump A cousin to the Encore Dump, the flush...
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    Question about ISP provided personal Webpage/space security

    I'm not sure what you mean by security. An ISP or even a web host provides you with a directory in which to put all your stuff. The ISP configures their webserver how they want to. So they handle that type of general webserver/machine security. But if you want to restrict access to a section...
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    ZDNet : Microsoft should rewrite Windows.

    Remember back in the day when you changes the resolution/refresh rate on your monitor? When it didn't revert back in like 15 seconds? That was a pain in the butt when your monitor went all wonky and you had to boot into safe mode to fix it.
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    Ford escort vs tree

    car shaking... hmm... you aren't going fast enough!