Search results

  1. F

    Webcams and simple software?

    Technically, what Dell is selling gives you the ability to run XP as well as Vista, not instead of. You start with XP and move to Vista when you're ready, or run them as dual-boot. Also, if you buy a Dell (or any other brand) with Vista Business or Ultimate, the XP downgrade is available at...
  2. F

    32"-37" LCD HDTV Choice

    No, I can't say that I did. Our long-term intent is to mount the TV on the wall using a tilt & swivel mount so we wouldn't be facing the TV from off-angles. Example.
  3. F

    32"-37" LCD HDTV Choice

    Love the TV so far, but haven't watched enough for a full evaluation. Delivery was somewhat of an issue. The sales "associate" and I set up Wednesday as the delivery date. We talked about it several times, including me specifically mentioning having the set in time for Thanksgiving. But come...
  4. F

    Something Random

    I've been less than fond of UPS ever since I bought some books online. I tracked the shipment from Reno to Louisville to Indianapolis to Addison, IL (the local depot) then back to Indy then Louisville then Indy then Addison etc. After three or four round trips between Kentucky & Illinois my...
  5. F


    CompUSA does still have stores, although they are just TigerDirect locations. I assume you mean stores that have long since closed down. Does Navtec have a feedback option so you can let them know the POIs no longer exist? As to getting there earlier, I was there about 10 or 15 minutes after...
  6. F

    Best movie you've seen

    The wife wanted to see Changeling. Suffice to say it's just not my type of film. At some point when Angelina was crying yet again I lost all potential for caring. My wife liked it, though. Probably in part because she likes Jeffrey Donovan, who stars in Burn Notice, which we both like. LM...
  7. F


    The store had 10 units. I was # 11 in line. :tdown:
  8. F

    Something Random

    No kids here. Never will be any.
  9. F

    Something Random

    Dirt, perhaps? Coug, not sure if you're joking or not but by anniversary I meant years with my employer, not birthdays. This past October marked the 10th anniversary of meeting my wife. We met in '98 and married in '02. Birthday-wise, our dog's 11th birthday is today. As she was about 4-5...
  10. F

    Something Random

    We're use it or lose it. I still have 4 or 5 days to go & am not sure when I'll use them. I also will hit my 10 year anniversary in a couple of weeks so next year I'll have yet another week to take, or try to take.
  11. F

    Something Random

    Took the week as vacation. So far I've shampooed carpet, picked up supplies from multiple stores (we're hosting Thanksgiving this year), took the dog to the vet (she strained her ACL that was repaired in August), complained at Best Buy for messing up the deliver schedule for the TV I bought on...
  12. F

    32"-37" LCD HDTV Choice

    Went to Best Buy & bought a Samsung LN40A500 40" 1080P LCD for $799. Box wouldn't fit in the car so I'll have to wait 'til Wednesday for delivery. We'll mate it with a Samsung BD-P2550 BD player. I chose it as it can also stream Netflix & Pandora. The sucky thing is we're buying the TV...
  13. F

    Something Random

    Video of the day: I Love Progress Bars One guy's take on the ubiquitous, upbeat-sounding graphics we're all forced to stare at, as they essentially shorten our lives. On This Day... In 1995, the first feature-length film created completely using computer-generated imagery ("Toy Story") was...
  14. F


    The 5250 data stream supports text color, background color, and the ever popular blinking text. I'm fairly sure 3270 does as well. And while I'm not sure about VT100 support, at some point VT got those as well. Not that I'm particularly complaining about it being green on black. Just that...
  15. F


    I selected Tea Garden, but then I use that one on one of my iGoogle tabs as well. I tried Terminal but it was a bit too green for me. Modern terminals at least use color. And on a 1200x1920 display that's a lot of green/black.
  16. F


    GMail now does themes. Go into Settings - Themes to see them. If you don't have the Themes option, wait a bit; apparently it's taking a while to push it to all of their servers. I've been using GMail since 2004 and am still only at 1% of my mailbox quota. The quota seems to be growing fast...
  17. F

    32"-37" LCD HDTV Choice

    Different day, different results. First of all, 32" is out; 37" is the size we're targeting. After test-watching a few sets again, the contenders are (in order of my wife's preference) the Sony KDL37XBR6, Toshiba Regza 37RV530U, Samsung LN37A550, and the Sharp Aquos LC-37D64U. Any of those...
  18. F


    My wife & I were at Fry's and played with the demo GPS units for a few minutes. The Magellan UI was much nicer for her and the nüvi demo unit couldn't even get a satellite reading. So for the moment we're switching tracks & leaning towards the Maestro 4350. Meijer will have it for $199 on...
  19. F

    IEXPLORER.EXE process always starts at logon

    You've run 5 anti-spyware apps but only one AV app. You might want to run another one in case the issue is one that Avira missed.
  20. F

    Something Random

    Over the course of about 18 months I've dropped 39 points off my cholesterol (244 down to 205) via nothing but diet & mild exercise. I don't eat bland food, either. The major concession was replacing eggs with egg beaters. Beyond that, it comes to small decisions and better choices. Reduce...
  21. F

    all folders read only

    From a command line in the parent dir you want to clear, try attrib -r /s *.* The -r clears the Read-only flag and the /s says to do the current and all subdirectories. For minimal help, do attrib /?
  22. F


    Are nüvi's still the recommended choice? I'm looking at placing a GPS on my xmas wish list and the 750 & 760 looks nice. The 760 has Bluetooth, which while nice is something I could live without. Funny, right now the 760 is cheaper than the 750 at NewEgg although Sam's Club has the 750 even...
  23. F

    LOcked OUt!

    They tend to have a key to fall back to. Samples.
  24. F

    So who won the other race?

    In the video he mentioned having two states that he hadn't/wouldn't visit. So that would make 50 total.
  25. F

    So who won the other race?

    Above, you were implying the conservative nature of talk radio and I just wanted to point out that liberals have a voice as well. I've no stake in the discussion; I mostly listen to classic rock. :thumbright:
  26. F

    The race for the US presidency

    Do you have anything that says Obama's administration, which has yet to be anywhere near fully fleshed out, will seriously consider Ghilarducci's idea? With your citations, it's just one of possibly many possibilities and there's nothing substantiating it as being the favored direction. Re...
  27. F

    So who won the other race?

    Never heard that before and from the video it seems like he meant to say 47 but accidentally said fifty, had the pause where he probably realized his mistake, then went on. Did McCain ever figure out how many homes he owns? Because apparently he stopped counting at four. Re: Sour grapes. Are...
  28. F

    Something Random

    It's been so long since I read Door into Summer that I forget what it was about. If I ever make a good dent in my reading backlog I'll have to revisit my Heinlein collection. When "The Moon is a Harsh Mistress" and you feel like a "Stranger in a Strange Land", just remember there's always...
  29. F

    What 50 CEOs Want from the Next President

    Out of 50 CEOs, there are only two who are semi-related to the real estate industry. One is just a web site for realty info & the other is a "small holding company". Considering the mortgage crisis was the tipping point of our collapse, more input from that sector would have been nice.
  30. F

    Google Talk

    I use it occasionally. I've not noticed any delays, but then I haven't used it for a few days. Has this been an ongoing thing or a recent development? I mostly use it to chat with my sister who lives one state away; she uses the app while I use the iGoogle widget.
  31. F

    So who won the other race?

    As reported on Fox News and elsewhere, Palin apparently thought Africa was a country & not a continent, couldn't name thee countries in NAFTA, and FTM couldn't name the countries in North America. Link. (I think she'd freak with Australia since it's both a country and a continent.) Merc, talk...
  32. F

    New Computer: Mystery Reboot

    Update the BIOS. Drivers, also, if you haven't already. Make sure the pins holding down the HSF are fully seated; I've had a couple of systems where the Intel HSF was a royal pain to seat & popped back out if they weren't fully pushed down. Also check the pins holding down the chipset heat...
  33. F

    The race for the US presidency

    Which would be correct. I personally know people who would have voted Democrat but didn't due to Obama's "tan". Right, that's why folks like Jessie Jackson were opening weeping with joy last night.
  34. F

    The race for the US presidency

    I would never make such an assumption.
  35. F

    32"-37" LCD HDTV Choice

    If you Google "Aquos banding" you'll see some hits. But you also will if you Google "Samsung banding." I'd guess its more likely to be defective sets than defective engineering.
  36. F

    The race for the US presidency

    The negative is that you no longer have a private vote.
  37. F

    The race for the US presidency

    Like as was exposed in Hacking Democracy? (FWIW, I will see Dr. Thompson speak next week) My wife & I voted early this past Sunday. While the Diebold touch screen was easy to use & generated a human-readable paper receipt (internally stored), it does little to provide confidence in the back...
  38. F


    I'd offer to pick some of it up but it doesn't sound like anything I'd ever use or be able to redistribute. Craigslist, perhaps? If not, I hope you have environmentally safe electronics recycling available.
  39. F

    32"-37" LCD HDTV Choice

    Side by side, the Samsung displayed more compression artifacts than the Aquos. The Aquos blew them all away, actually, and it did so while consuming less power (145W v. the Samsung's 200). As to source material for comparison, sports is a non-issue; I simply don't watch them. Source material...
  40. F

    Something Random

    I commonly see a 30+ cent per gallon difference in gas prices when I drive the 23 miles to work. Luckily, the less expensive end is closer to home. Last I noticed, gas was running anywhere from the low $2.60s to $3.05. I determined a long time ago that driving more than a block or two off of...
  41. F

    Notebook Computers

    At work we buy a couple thousand Latitudes a year, mostly in the 600 series so the D630 is the current favored unit. Although spot-checking Dell's site shows the E series units are out. While I admit they aren't anything special, they do the job and if you get the better warranty, service is...
  42. F

    More Vista nonsense

    I hope the folks who insist on skipping Vista in favor of waiting on 7 realize that 7 has the Vista kernel. Application compatibility will be basically the same as Vista and performance probably won't be all that different.
  43. F

    Linux shutdown command

    Does Linux support adding an ampersand to the end of a command to submit it as a separate job/process? If so, "shutdown -r 17:30 &" ought to work. (I used to do this back in the '80s when testing software on DEC Ultrix & IBM CPIX Unix variants.)
  44. F

    32"-37" LCD HDTV Choice

    Had some free time this evening and was close to Fry's so I checked out the sets on display. This Aquos was easily the best of the bunch, although I'd go black instead of red for the bezel. Watching side by side with the other 1080p sets it handled pan shots easily and had noticably fewer...
  45. F

    The race for the US presidency

    Also, the Obama campaign has said it will cover the approx. $2 million it will take for the event, including police OT pay for crowd control, and facilities like porta-potties. Nice of them to not try to stick the city with the cost. On politics, the IL governor has a lower approval rating...
  46. F

    GPU folding is here!

    One commenter mentioned the card exhausted into the case. Anyway, I think I'd favor an OCed GTX+ like this one. But hopefully the updated Catalyst drivers will work & I won't have to drop another $200 on the PC.
  47. F

    GPU folding is here!

    I'm not seeing any 'X2' cards in the 9000 series unless you count GX2. ATI's product names aren't good, but nVidia's are downright horrible. GT, GTX, GTS, GX2 .. which is sucky/good/better/best? And now there's the GTX 200 series; how do they compare? From the chart they seem to be on par...
  48. F

    32"-37" LCD HDTV Choice

    Because once I get BD for the main set I will no longer buy DVDs if a BD is available.
  49. F

    GPU folding is here!

    My wife's XP machine, as documented in another thread, has been unstable. I've reinstalled it a couple of times. This makes her upset, which isn't good. The last time I caught the BSoD screen, it pointed to the ATI driver so yesterday I upgraded to Catalyst 8.10 (from 8.9). If that fails to...
  50. F

    32"-37" LCD HDTV Choice

    Looks like I'm following Clocker's lead. We're looking for a 32-37" wall-mountable TV for our bedroom. 32" is fine, 37" is on the large side for our space. Larger than that would honestly be a waste. While 1080p would be nice, for the bedroom and the screen size, 720 would be fine. Viewing...