Search results

  1. F

    Which Car?

    You're coming from a minivan & have two small children. So while playpens are no longer required cargo you still need room for two car seats/boosters & probably a good sized trunk. Assuming you had, say, an 06 or 07 2WD Sienna your EPA mileage rating was 19/26 under the old system and 17/24...
  2. F

    Putting together a compensation package...

    What kind of position is this for? Executive comp is generally better than Professional comp which is generally better than support staff comp. Company cars are not that common unless there is an actual need for local travel or as an executive perk.
  3. F

    Something Random

    When I drive to Chicago I go either really early (leaving home by 5:10AM) or late (leave after 8:30-9). I have about 7 miles of local roads that average a 40MPH limit before hitting the Stevenson. Our office is just north of Grant/Millennium Park so I take the Stevie until it ends then just...
  4. F

    Something Random

    I filled up on 7/16, 8/1, and 8/13 and currently have over 3/4 tank. While I've driven to downtown Chicago more than average these past 30 days, working from home 4 days a week has broken me of the tank-a-week syndrome. I used a spreadsheet to track mileage on past vehicles but for the past...
  5. F

    Way too much E-mail

    We limit the profiles to 100MB and auto-delete 30+ day old items in the Deleted Items, In box, and Sent folders. We also cap attachments at 5-7MB (5 published but 7 allowed). Besides using folders to organize, I also have PST files. I create one per year and use that as my archive...
  6. F

    Beijing Olympics

    Chicago it is, then. We have a long, well-documented history of anything for a(an under the table) buck. If Chitown wins the bid, it will be interesting to see the Daley administration struggle to complete any of the projects on time and/or within budget. Millennium Park was massively over...
  7. F

    Beijing Olympics

    Agree about the judging. It allows a subjective score to overrule the objective results of the competition. So, Tim, what say you to Chicago 2016? Is it the perfect union of a corrupt governing body (IOC) and a corrupt political process (Chicago/Cook County government)? As to what the...
  8. F

    Beijing Olympics

    To the average American, many Asians look younger than their actual age. But watching the competition, unless those girls have genetic disorders there was no way they were 16. It was blatantly obvious. The IOC is not performing due care WRT certifying the competitors and ensuring the judging...
  9. F

    Thinkpad, worth the upgrade?

    Thinkpad W700: Quad-core laptop goodness. 5 USB ports, card reader, 3 Hard drives, 8GB RAM.
  10. F

    End of TV :(

    See the Q&A here.
  11. F

    TV show recommendations

    Smash Lab was OK last season but I haven't been impressed this year. How It's Made is fine when you don't need fine-grained detail; it's fine to leave on in the background. Cash Cab is probably the most easy to watch game show around and is a goods trivia mix. Unfortunately, I'm a little...
  12. F

    Something Random

    That video assumes Fermi will generate the black hole. The close body of water is Lake Michigan.
  13. F

    More Vista nonsense

    Sounds like potentially all MS OSes are broken. What other MS OSes include DEP besides Vista & XP? Need to know more, like are alternative browsers safe, can this be defeated by disabling JS, AX, etc. Also, they mention 'loading' into any address space. They don't mention 'executing' that...
  14. F

    Something Random

    That video only works if the black hole sinks to to the middle of the earth and then stops. I'm not sure that reflects any kind of reality. But it wouldn't matter to me. As I'm in the Chicago suburbs and Fermi Lab is only a few miles away I'd be one of the first (million or so) to go.
  15. F

    Throwing old hard drives

    It comes down to whether or not you need to be able to prove you destroyed the drive's contents or the drive itself. LM's and my posts come from the POV that you need to be able to provide evidence that the data or drive was destroyed. Someone witnessing you smashing the drive is fine but in...
  16. F

    How far do you go?

    :) With an AS/400 (now IBM i) you actually get support. Level 1 folks are actually knowledgeable & aren't using scripts. They can call in Level 2 people as needed. Level 2s can bring in the developers who wrote the code. This is typically done in one call, although they've no problem...
  17. F

    Nice, Inexpensive case

    I used a couple of these Cooler Master cases, although I picked up the version w/o a PSU. Works well & comes with a 120mm fan.
  18. F

    Something Random

    Ronbo already did his two terms.
  19. F

    Best movie you've seen

    Didn't see Iron Man a second time, but it's a shoe-in for buying on DVD in a few months. We did see Batman: The Dark Knight on IMAX this past Sunday. Very, very nice on a 5 story tall screen. And it was fun spotting all of the Chicago scenery.
  20. F

    Does Vista remind you of the Mac OS????

    That underscores my main point about the reviewers who have complained about Vista's changes. The things that were moved aren't likely to negatively impact users in any meaningful way. But, since the reviewers tend to be techies (wannabe or legit), the changes frustrate them so they knock the...
  21. F

    Comcast Cable

    The Chicago TV stations are advertising the Wii deal as well. At least I'm seeing them (I have DishTV).
  22. F

    Vista behavior of per user startup folder in active directory environment

    Parts of our login .vbs script: HomeDir = "\\SomeServer\" & strUser & "$" .. WSHNetwork.MapNetworkDrive "L:", HomeDir Where SomeServer is the server & the user's directory on SomeServer is first.last$ This works on my Vista machine and is what the current XP installed base uses. Beyond that...
  23. F

    Best remote connection software for a Windows Host?

    Note quite for remote connections, but Synergy is cool. If you have 2 PCs/monitors on your desk it lets you seamlessly share a keyboard & mouse without a KVM. Just scroll the mouse off the right side of PC A's monitor & the mouse & keyboard control moves to PC B. Supports multiple monitors and...
  24. F

    Throwing old hard drives

    The absolute best thing is an industrial shredder. But as those are pricey, you can use a destruction service that will send you a report saying the drive was destroyed. The report satisfies auditors if you're in a business environment. Still on the physical destruction path, you can open up...
  25. F

    Does Vista remind you of the Mac OS????

    The Mojave thing says a lot about the critics. As for MS already working on Windows 7, well, duh. Any OS vendor starts work on a new version right away if not before the current release is shipped. For midrange, for instance, IBM supports the current release while working on the next two...
  26. F

    Does Vista remind you of the Mac OS????

    Yes, when you hit the Windows key the start menu comes up. The text cursor is automatically placed in the search field at the bottom so you can start typing immediately. You can search for anything from PCs to filenames to contents of files or email messages or anything you've got indexed. Or...
  27. F

    Does Vista remind you of the Mac OS????

    Control Panel - Network & Internet - Network Sharing Center - Manage network connections. From there it's the same as XP. Two extra clicks. That is a rarely used administrative task. It has very little to do with how users will use the PC.
  28. F

    Does Vista remind you of the Mac OS????

    Windows key - type the UNC (\\pcname\) or in Explorer put the UNC in the address bar.
  29. F

    Does Vista remind you of the Mac OS????

    Which controls are weird? Vista's UI still has a start button, still has a task bar & system tray, and you can still click the upper left corner of a window for window controls & still have the min/max/close buttons on the upper right. You can still right-click the desktop to configure related...
  30. F

    Ideas for reducing PC power consumption

    I'd do a single TB drive w/o RAID and back up to the old drives in either a caddy or external chassis. You can easily kill one of the fans and, given that power consumption, probably the other or downsize to an 80mm. Remove one stick of RAM if it doesn't increase swap file usage. Use the...
  31. F

    Lithium Ion Battery Shortage?

    Re: EVs and the power grid. The ideal time to charge is off-peak/overnight. Rates are lower & generation plants are running at far less than peak capacity. If people charge up overnight there's no capacity issue. If people charge during the day there could be issues, but even those should be...
  32. F

    Lithium Ion Battery Shortage?

    Merc, the D630s are fine laptops. We buy thousands of them every year. As to Lithium Ion batteries with an automotive application, this is undergoing extensive testing. There are formula revisions and all kinds of things happening to make sure that a bank of batteries is at least as safe as a...
  33. F

    Looking for power bricks

    I'd look for something like one of these. 32W is a bit on the high side for some of the units so make sure it can handle it.
  34. F

    Something Random

    "I'd buy that for a dollar!"
  35. F

    MAC and PC common storage help

    Gizzzo - I don't know HFS so I don't know if it would have the same root directory limitation that FAT had prior to FAT32. Also, try and get a count of the number of files it copies before it fails. If it fails at a magic number - 255/256, 512, etc. - it could be indicative of a bug. If it...
  36. F

    MAC and PC common storage help

    When I re-did my home office (new desk: bow desk + return + 3-drawer pedestal) I relocated my router, cable modem, and VOIP box to sit in front of an air return vent. The vent is high on the wall towards the ceiling. Whenever the HVAC is running they will have airflow over them to help draw...
  37. F

    Powering arrays seperatly in Windows?

    How will you gracefully power down the array? Obviously for data integrity purposes you need to make sure caches are flushed and there aren't any open files. Just asking because I've never had the need to do it and wasn't familiar with Windows having a command to do so for storage that it...
  38. F

    Do you think Sony will kill Blu-ray?

    1. What does Apple have to do with this? 2. The correct abbreviation is BD for Blu-ray Disc.
  39. F

    VoIP woes: Troubleshooting?

    This is from memory, so I could be off a bit, but a T-1 (1.54Mb) line can carry 24 uncompressed voice channels. So an uncompressed channel only needs 64Kbps. Now compress that. You're really only talking about a 12Kbps or so bandwidth requirement per voice channel. In theory a dial-up modem...
  40. F

    Do you think Sony will kill Blu-ray?

    Things working against BD adoption: - The players are expensive. Some people are probably ready to take the plunge but are holding off until player prices drop. - The media generally costs more than regular DVDs. So going BD has a generally higher cost than regular DVD. - Regular DVDs have...
  41. F

    More Vista nonsense

    I read the paper. Two things come to mind: 1. For storage hardware vendors, it boils down to 'put SATA NCQ in it'. Everything else is done at a driver or higher level. 2. The details apply to Server 2008 as well. Considering SSDs are also being considered for data center usage (lower...
  42. F

    More Vista nonsense

    Yeah. Sure. Whatever. They're BSing because they're late to the game. Otherwise Sandisk would have provided details as to why Vista isn't 'optimized' for SSDs. Sure, Vista hits the disk more than XP, but any drive - spinning or solid state - should be able to handle that just fine.
  43. F

    Something Random

    Tentacle porn: Just another fetish. One that's fallen by the wayside I should add. There's been maybe one or two of these made this millennium. Catgirls: A sub-genre. There are some still made but again it's a small minority. Tends to show up only in comedies to add a cuteness factor. And...
  44. F

    It's HOT

    Or a multi-zone AC setup. If you're ducted right, it isn't that expensive to turn each floor into a separate zone. A thermostat in each zone tells tells the controller when to run the HVAC. When it runs it runs for just one zone at a time. Through heat rising/cold falling, you'll find the...
  45. F

    Something Random

    To further tweak things, hit Start and type 'power'. Select Power Options. For whatever plan you've got, click Change plan settings then Change advanced power settings. Lots of things to tweak, from hard drives to USB.
  46. F

    Rigging power supplies together?

    There's nothing inherently wrong with a multiple PSU setup as long as you segregate the components properly. For instance, I would put motherboard & on-board cards with extra power demands (PCI-E graphics cards, for instance) on one PSU. Off-board components like HDs, opticals, and fans could...
  47. F

    Something Random

    No, I think the issue is more that besides the smear-screen interface Apple continues to not actually offer anything new. There's nothing innovative. Also, considering how well-known Apple devices are for having battery failures and how much power WiFi is known to draw, I find it odd that...
  48. F

    World's Worst Software

    Do you send them feedback telling them that? If not you're doing nothing to discourage Flash's continued use.
  49. F

    End of the World As We Know It

    Well, there's little reason to believe that all $12x10EXP12 in loans would be bad debt. Or even a majority, really. How many mortgages does that represent? How many of those are in default? Those two values should be easy enough to come by. The trickier question is how many mortgages are...
  50. F

    You should vote republican...

    Whereas McCain shirked his responsibility as a US Senator and didn't vote at all.