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  1. S


    My performance should have gone up the last couple of days, I can't sleep with my PC on so I just didn't sleep and left it goin 24/3 :)
  2. S

    Damn drawing software tools!

    I know what you mean about photoshop- everything is so permanent, it's very... photc-centric I guess. I would suggest you try MS image-composer. It's the best thing I have come across for this sort of thing... even if it is a work of the devil. I think it comes with Front Page... I know which...
  3. S

    Most worldwide customers

    Coke Vs the Catholic Church, I'd like to see that. If drinking coke was a sin who'd quit drinking coke and who'd change religion?
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    Compatibility problem between Voodoo3 PCI and K6-2 system

    Actually on a Duron 800 with a TNT2 War Craft 3 runs perfectly in 800x600 so on a voodoo3 I'd say it should do much the same even with only 450Mhz behind it. Of course War Craft 3 is pretty out of the ordinary in this sense so if it was just an example... But if thats all they wan't to run set...
  5. S

    VIA KX133 Memory Interleaving

    In my experience interleaving works fine unless you have, 1)Cheap and nasty RAM, 2)Seriously abused your good RAM in several unspeakable ways or, 3)Overclocked your FBS quite a bit with merely average RAM. Worth a go at any rate, the difference is quite noticable.... in synthetic benchmarks.
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    Compatibility problem between Voodoo3 PCI and K6-2 system

    I'm pretty sure there are third party drivers available for voodoo cards which are more recent than the official ones. I imagine that ther would also be some winXP support from unofficial channels. 3dFX would have to have had one of the most fanatical following of any hardware manufacturer ever.
  7. S

    Tom's Guide©™ to Mudslinging and Martyrdom

    The case does seem pretty clear cut. It really makes me wonder exactly what Tom is waiting for. It's like a bluff when the rules won't allow your oponent to fold.
  8. S

    I cannot beat Dell in the budget segment.

    From having read some of your other posts you seem to really love Asus stuff CougTek, but if you want to be competitive there are plenty of boards which are nearly if not as good for the Athlons for much less money.
  9. S

    AMD did it again?! :-D

    As I understand it AMD have added a new metal layer to the core, which moves some of the electron pathways, reducing crosstalk and heat production. To put it another way they have optimised the core by altering some of the copper interconects to be more efficient.
  10. S

    AMD did it again?! :-D

    It would seem that the 2600+ CPU's will in fact work with 333Mhz FBS provided they have a decent water cooling rig strapped to them... Mwhahahahahaha I imagine an Athlon XP 3400+ should crunch a few proteins.
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    Securing a domain name

    You could redirect ports with a router machine, but I don't think thats quite what your after.
  12. S

    What web authoring tool used?

    Somthing like context I would say. I take it that homsite is similar. It doesn't actually write any code itself just helps you read your own code easier.
  13. S

    HardOCP reviews Radeon 9700 Pro on a 2.48GHz Athlon!

    From those bench marks, keeping in mind that Q3 is a pretty old game it looks as though most new games will be pushing the hardware to get >50FPS in 12X10 with AA and AF on. That sounds just about playable to me, and with a good 19" moinitor you would definatly notice the picture quality. I'd...
  14. S

    Opera v6.05

    I havn't ever really worried about what browser I'm using before. Netscape has been shocking from well before I had internet access at home so I've just always used IE. But as times go by it has been bugging me more and more. Just little things, like that little arrow at the bottom of the...
  15. S

    Burner not burning

    Are you sure it's not just test burning? Some programs such as fireburner default to test burn all the time. I think Nero forces you to run a test burn every time you use new settings which you havn't tested before. I'm guessing you already thought of this but it's worth a try before you RMA.
  16. S


    It's been a long haul but I finally got abouve the thick blue line and joined the top 20 crunchers for our team. Woo hoo.
  17. S


    Firstly I'd advise against putting any software on it that is not entirly nessasary. Those system specs are quite low and all the software you describe would make it run woefully slow. Sadly what you have done to it makes little difference to the final price, only what you have to sell. And...
  18. S

    AutoCAD printing problem

    If he's still running both PCs why is it he can't just print from the old one? Autocad spools to files fine, so why not try printing remotely.
  19. S

    Windows? Insecure?

    As I understand it windows 2000 has the nessasary security to be used for class 4 (US)government operations (Damn the US govenment and thier stupid codes) as long as its not plugged into a network. So how can releasing the code jepardise national security if somone has to break in to a secure...
  20. S

    Windows Update fubar'ed for illegal owners

    Actually if you upgrade your hadware a fair bit its easier to crack XP than not.
  21. S


    I work at a service station across from a high school on the weekends so my imediate response to smokers tends to be one of two things. 1. Can I see some ID please? 2. What are you insane? you'll kill us all! But I guess that's not entirly typical.
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    Just remembered Technospawn uses a KT266A board, runs fine.
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    Soltek DRV5, also VIA KT333 It may still be heat related even though 3dMark doesn't crash it. I used to have an issue when my machine got a bit hot that XMPEG would crash it, nothing else just XMPEG.
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    My XP is running the console client 3.01 in XP. I don't think its ever crashed because of F@H, and since its a 1900+ with seriouse anomolies running at 2100+, pretty much anything should be more stable. Technospawn is also running an XP with XP and the same client with no trouble. What...
  25. S

    PC Customers 101…..Know thine enemy!

    I have a very rare subtype for type 16. 16(ii) Bought the clue, needs to use it. This person describes thier problem in terms of another problem. For example "it's like when you don't shut your computer down properly..." Or whatever. After actually getting the PC and looking it over you find...
  26. S

    answer and question time

    Q: In the event of faulty RAM, what technology will require the user to continually reinstall Windows? A: Intrinsically flawed.
  27. S

    Your pets, and mine.

    I don't have pet at the moment. At home my parents place my sister has a psychotic cat. It really is fantastically stupid. It won't eat food that’s been sitting there for more than an hour or so. But if you just pick up the bowl and shake it it sort of gets reset somehow and is fine again, but...
  28. S


    I'm finnaly back in crunching form, One of my house mates has also joined the team, although I don't know if he'll be on the forum at all. I've found that the folding client doesn't effect games at all so I can run it all the time that my PC is on with no problems. Still a pretty megre...
  29. S

    Being the First to Buy Computer Technology

    I guess for me its yes and no. I was one of the first on the block to have a GeForce 3 and an Athlon XP. But that still a good month or so behind the first people to have them. Here in Oz we just can't be the first so you usualy know what your getting by the time you are able to get it.
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    answer and question time

    Q. Of which fruit is Misty Ann James of North Caroliner the queen? A. Bovine
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    Australia's Dilemma

    Ah, imegration. Definatly takes too long. And perhaps the conditions are bad, I couldn't say, having never been to a camp. But why are they so bad? They cost us a fortune to keep up don't they? Destructive protests could be one reason. Cirtainly protests such as asylum seekers sewing thier...
  32. S

    Papst fans - are they not supposed to be quiet?

    Thats what I meant. There is no -12V line on a molex adapter. And I cirtainly wouldn't want anyone to start hacking up PSUs :). I don't know if I'd trust those little fan controlers too far. Any half powerful fan (My but thats a clumsy phrase) will have a fair chance of reducing it to a smoking...
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    Platinum Edition Motherboard from Soyo

    CheChe board, I believe the word is W00t! Clocker, if you don't like the dimness inside of your PC add a case light like everyone else.
  34. S

    Windows Licensing

    Maybe you could do it with some sort of image program like DynaWizzard -don't know who makes that one-. Then you'd only have aone OS on the PC at a time but could reboot and refresh the HD to the other OS. Don't know how practical that would be though.
  35. S

    Papst fans - are they not supposed to be quiet?

    You could always try swapping the -12 wire for the +5V on a molex conector. One would think the fans should be much the same apart from fan speed anyway.
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    LG's "8240B" CDRW drive

    I like the Lite-On's they don't seem to make any coasters and they burn anything. I havn't seen any issues with different media but thats not to say there aren't any. I pretty much always just use the cheepest disks I can get and they've always worked fine. The Lite-On burners have come down...
  37. S


    Actually red eye and red bull are two different drinks. I think red eye is australian made so that, and your clear distain for all its ilk, would explain you having never heard of it. Red eye isn't nearly as bad as red bull (taste wise) and contains less cafine and other, for lack of a better...
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    WODKA! There is nothing quite like a vodka martini followed up by a couple of vodka squash to round off an evening. Well nothing outside of a NASA fuel dump anyway. Other than that I'm a big fan of Don Pedro's. Basically it's a Kaluha thickshake with a dash of whisky. Fantastic stuff. The good...
  39. S

    Getting a life

    You could try taking a trip. A week around Europe or somthing simmilar. If you take a package tour half the people you meet will be from home anyway. You can avoid those uncomfortable unscripted situations because as a tourist you have some of the most well known social scripts ever concieved...
  40. S

    What type are you?

    Aparently I'm an SJ, guardian. Personally I don't buy it - one of the reasons I have nothing more specific to note - Gotta say I don't think the questions were very applicable to me, or the answers anyway. Mostly I just wanted to answer yes or no. for example: Most heroic fantasy books...
  41. S

    Getting games past a firewall

    Well that makes some sense then, thank for the info. Does make it hard to see if your game is working though, since few people will join near empty servers. Guess I'll just have to do the standard wait a while test.
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    Warcraft III is consuming me...

    hmm, War Craft 3, very very very adictive. Been playing online all day. I can tell I need sleep because I'm getting worse.
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    Getting games past a firewall

    Well bizzarly it would seem that it is all working fine. Except that noone behind the firewall can see the game in gamespy. Other people can see it and join however, and since we can all see it locally everything is fine. Strange, but fine.
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    KT333, KT400 questions

    Officially none of this is supported. Unoficailly, I'm pretty sure the palamino core was designed to go up to much higher FSB than 166 and KT333 does allow the FSB to be 166 and all to be well elsewhere. As I hear it however, some cheeper boards don't take to well to this. Plus you have to...
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    Getting games past a firewall

    We opened all the ports for UDP & TCP, routed them to the right pc and opened the port for medal of honour for tcp and udp as well. Still nothing. In theory shouldn't you be able to see the game in gamespy but not be able to join if we open the gamespy ports but not the game port? Do I need to...
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    Top 10 Reasons You Know You're a Computer Geek

    Precition Impact Adjustment Tool right? Just a few more and I'll have the whole set!!
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    Getting games past a firewall

    I just moved into a new house with a couple of freinds. We're in the same block of units with two other friends and have set up a p200 to act as a router so we can share a single cable connection between the five of us. So far everything is going pretty well. Smoothwall lived up to its name...
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    Maybe an ambitious ask...

    Well I guess getting a copy of C++ would be a simple way of figuring out if you need some of the files from it. Just downloading an C++ program with an install package might work for an easier fix Registry entries would be more of a problem but seem unlikly since the program worked in win 98...
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    Folding@home Systems Synopsis

    I just got my 333Mhz DDR a couple of days ago and having been playing arround with overclocking. Unfortunatly my CPU won't unlock reliably. I've tried quite a few times and I just can't get it to work. I suspect it has somthing to do with having to solder one of the pins back on as it worked...
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    Just one recording

    I'd have to go with some sort of assorted, fog-horn/air-raid sirren compilation. Lets face it, anything will drive you mad pretty quickly and it may as well attract passing ships. Failing that I'd take the one with the shiniest bottom.