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  1. S

    Monitor strangeness

    Problem solved. The offending peice of hardware was my PC itself. Pretty odd since the only new thing I've put in recently was a burner. Now its on the floor and my monitor is fine. You need a gaming night? Don't you live in the land of broadband where you can just hop online and xperience...
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    Home LAN parameters: Can't connect my m8's notebook

    I've come across pretty much the same problem at a couple of LAN nights. When the host leaves the room there is generally a short rush whilst everyone configures their computers to leach off his cable internet. The quikest solution I've found (Although its not a very elegant one) is to run the...
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    Monitor strangeness

    Thanks for the feedback people, I havn't been online for a couple of days because I've been working and I took my PC 'round to a friends place for a LAN gamming night. Bizzarly my monitor worked just fine there and obviously my PC hasn't changed. I guess this suggests that there is some...
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    Monitor strangeness

    I'm having a bit of an issue with my monitor and was wondering if anybody could help. I'm using a Mitsubishi Diamond View 19NF I normally have my desktop set at 1600X1200@85Hz, this usually works fine and looks nice. For the last couple of days, however, the screen has been a bit flickery, as...
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    Can't beat a good lightsaber fight. Also the detail in this game is awesome, rain hitting your lightsaber makes a little flash and a hiss and there are sparks when it hits a wall very cool.
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    FS/FT - Crucial PC2100 ECC

    Basically it a piece of wire which glows brightly when you apply power to it through an inverter. Check them out here
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    Simple recording setup

    The Vibra should work fine- In fact I don't think any other card would even pretend to do a better job short of a professional editing card. MP3 would be the best format I think as it is small and pretty much anyone can listen to it. For htis sort of thing I'd be inclined to use a pretty high...
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    I just started running the Gnome client with the offline option. Anyone how long will it keep going before it needs more data to work on?
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    Swithing ISPs from Comcast@Home to WideOpenWest

    How can you download movies and games with a 3Gb/month limit? With that speed you'd do that in a day. Just one game and two movies of middling quality and that's your month. Even 4.5Gb wouldn't last more than a week.
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    Swithing ISPs from Comcast@Home to WideOpenWest

    There is a less expensive $70 a month option. 60 odd Kb down 10 or somthing pathetic Kb up. 3 gb a month download limit. Currently these connections are running at well and truly less than dialup, with most customers getting kicked off MIRC channels because they are too slow. Titsup would seem...
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    Swithing ISPs from Comcast@Home to WideOpenWest

    Bastards The only cable in Ballarat at the moment is Neigbourhood Cable. $140 a month will get you 95Kb up and down obstensibly. However, due to thier use of packet shappers because they oversold thier bandwidth, thats actually more like 3Kb up and down for all practical purposes at the moment...
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    Just for you, Prof W

    Havn't you heard? Macs are supercomputers now. Ever since Apple redefined the term supercomputer as anything that can do a Gigaflop. Personally I'm waiting for some professional wrestlers to come forward and claim supercomputer status too. :D
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    GeForce 3 Ti 200: NOT a bad performer!

    On the debate about generic versus name brand cards. As far as I've seen there are two main differences between brand name cards from amnufacturers such as Asus and MSI and generic cards from manufacturers like sparkle. First is that brand name cards generally seem to overclock better. This...
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    The Sinister Microsoft

    I knew somone had to have come up with it before as it sounds almost good enough to fool some poor sods into accepting it. I think if I want to invent a truly unique governmental/econoimic system I'm going to have to resort to basing it entirly on cheese and bad puns. Still thrashing out which...
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    World Cup 2002

    All thats needed to make this thread complete is some way of making clasical music, really really violent... Any sugestions?
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    The Sinister Microsoft

    Enlightened Despotism has always been a favorite of mine. Failing that we could give Plato's republic a go. I don't know that these replace capitalism per se but they both sound like a bit of a lark. I always thought that communism was a nice idea that just never really worked, no accounting for...
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    VCR Substitutes

    Some of MSI's GForce2 cards come with super VHS in now - could be cheeper than an ATI AIW 7500.
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    World Cup 2002

    Yeah sorry, in a rush to get to class so I didn't do any proof reading (Or checking of facts because I should know that its Gailic football). Incidently Anthony "The Man" Mundeen (Mendean? Who knows, you get the idea) is another good example of no holes bared sport in Australia. But yes I did...
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    World Cup 2002

    I've always thought that sport could be used positivly to solve our socio-economic problems. ie. No holes bared fighting for the dole. Turn an econimic burden into an entertainment extravaganza. If your realy after pointless violence in sport, however, and lets face it who isn't. You can't do...
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    My computer is in bad shape

    I believe the GForce3 performs better in all cases. The G4MX is actually based on the NV17 chip which was used in one of Nvidias Quadro series cards( Quadro2 Pro I think, released about August last year). It has some of the pixel shaders which make the G3 and G4 cards (And ATIs Radeons for that...
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    General question, mostly for LAN Gamers...

    If you plan to target a younger audience you may run into some problems with ratings as most of the popular MP games are rated 15+ (in Oz at least). Also mall hours may hamper you more than you think as I know that quite a few gamers have jobs during the day and can only play at night (the...
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    Atlas 10K III

    With prices in US dollars I don't see that being too much of a problem
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    Quiet power supply recommendations

    I'm using the same Aopen tower as both Pradeep and Tanin. I have found that judicious use of a dremel or simmilar tool will make the upper two of the front 3 1/2 inch bays usable for floppy drives. They shouldn't cause a problem with the RAM either. The only work you have to do is on the front...
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    I have to agree with Mercutios initial sentiments, co-op is a sadly lacking feaure in most new games. I remember the fun of finishing Doom in a sitting with a mate and a null modem cable. Serious Sam is probably the only FPS which still has that kind of cooperative play. And as much fun as it...
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    Strange 5.1 Audio issue... :-/

    The Analog Digital plug being stereo I meant that the center speaker is the left chanel and the sub the right - My system seperates all the channels with seperate plugs for each, from you diagram my mistake would be impossible on your system. The is a sub woofer volume control situated right...
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    Quiet power supply recommendations

    Thanks for the help guys, I'll have to look into some of these suggestions. I know the enermax are available so they'd make a good start. I have found out through experimentation that I can turn every fan in my system, apart from the tiny video card fan and the fan in the PSU, off for about 5...
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    Strange 5.1 Audio issue... :-/

    In my version of the Audigy software its called Base Redirection. You find it under the speaker settings in Surround Mixer. My suggestion is to check that the sub and center speaker are plugged into the right channels. Center on the right sub on the left - this one had me stuck for a while...
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    Mozilla 0.9.8

    I use internet explorer because it crashes on average less than anything else I've used. I do have to agree with Teas synopsis however, Netscape may have some issues, and they may never be fixed. At least somone, somewhere probably intends to though. As far as Microsoft are concerened explorer...
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    How quiet is your computer?

    My computers noise is pretty variable, I have 3 120mm fans and 2 80mm fans going as well as the fan on my video card and a pump for my water cooling. The last two are pretty quiet but the rest make a hell of a racket when turned up. One of the 120mm is an enermax variable speed which makes...
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    Artic Silver, CoolPC and uter mind blowing arogant stupidity

    I've been looking arround for some bake on enamel as it sounds like a pretty good option - my currnet paint job is already starting to get scratched arround crews and things and I think I'll need a new one in a coule of months, besides which by then I'll want a new look anyway. At first everyone...
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    Opinions wanted about NIKAO Noblesse enclosure.

    I like the shape.
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    Artic Silver, CoolPC and uter mind blowing arogant stupidity

    Actually my case has been silver for some time, but the enamel I used wasn't good enough aparently as the case began to rust, so I cleaned it off and spray painted it. As for getting it that way in the first place, I did as anyone would and attacked my case with a wire brush on a power drill. I...
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    Video Cards - Your Thoughts

    I'm glad to hear that the Radeon drivers have improved. Does anyone know how good the OpenGL performance of the cards are though. I know that the 3dMark scores for the radeons look good but last I heard anything on the quake3 engine - Ie. pretty much all good FPS games released this year-...
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    Artic Silver, CoolPC and uter mind blowing arogant stupidity

    Well just a quick update on things that can kill RAM, temporarily, silicone on the little gold pads (I have no idea what they are called). Once agian the toothbrush comes to the rescue, with some turpentine and a razor blade. At least it wasn't the epoxy this time because theres no getting that...
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    Video Cards - Your Thoughts

    The bleeding edge of any PC markets gotta be a pretty bad investment but video cards cirtainly seem to be the worst. As for my two cents on whats good. I was very impressed with Tanins MSI GForce2TI. A very nice chipset which should be able to take the next generation or two of games without...
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    Tyan S2460 Troubles

    I hate to sound like a raving software pirate (well I hate to sound like I'm raving anyway). But perhaps you should try cracking XP. Sure you probably wouldn't have access to Microsofts tech support (that is assuming they ever found out, and why would they). But is that really a bad thing...
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    Artic Silver, CoolPC and uter mind blowing arogant stupidity

    I actually found two alternate suppliers who between them have pretty much everything CoolPC have, or at least everything they have that I want, as well as a few more nifty if overpriced items. Generally you'll pay about $4.00 more (actually you'll almost always pay exactly $4.00 more bizzarly)...
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    Artic Silver, CoolPC and uter mind blowing arogant stupidity

    Well Tannin assuming I manage to post this message then the only thing you might need to call Legend about is to congratulate them on thier indestructable RAM. Yes thats right all 512MBs are up and runningthanks judicious application of some toothpaste. After a good brush as you suggested I...
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    Artic Silver, CoolPC and uter mind blowing arogant stupidity

    Well at least my machines running now although the RAM is still very dead. Now its time to call and abuse the guys at CoolPC. As a note to this does anyone have a good way to clean RAM DIMMs without causing even more damage to them, and does anyone know another place in Australia to get...
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    Artic Silver, CoolPC and uter mind blowing arogant stupidity

    (I apologise for the formating of this post - I've never been big on paragraphs and recent experiences havn't helped) I'm typing this on my parents K62-400, Where now is my AthlonXP1700+ overclocked to 1900+? It sits silent. Crippled by the loss of its RAM. How did this tragity occur you ask...
  41. S - any good?

    From what I've seen and heard they are not bad. They have outages every now and then but ususaly they don't last more than an hour or so and they seem to be reasonably far between. They have about a 6gig a month download limit on thier standard setup, everyone I know whos got it goes over and...
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    Burning Linux ISO images

    The thing for burning .ISO files seems to be fireburner (it can be downloaded from for 30 days free or somthing) I always thought that Nero could do it too but when I tried it couldn't. There are ways of converting an ISO to other things but when it comes down to it you need new...
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    Bankrupcy: who do you dream about?

    Being a video card man I have to say ATI. Nvidia are pretty bad, having just released the GForce 4 yet another iteration of a completly dead end architecture. But at least the cards work at the time of release. Realeasing a card and having peoploe buy it before you have finished the drivers is...
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    Bankrupcy: who do you dream about?

    I read somwhere that somone is developing a new quad pumped 266DDR which will have the same bandwidth as RDRAM for about $20AU more than current DDR. With the lower latency of DDR and 333DDR already in use I can't really see anyone having any use for a more expensive slower and less common...
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    Linux and Gaming

    There seems to be quite a few Linux users on this forum as well as a number of gamers so it seems an apropriate place to ask this question. What is Linux like for games? Is there much support for games on Linux? I've been hearing about a project to get DirectX games to work in Linux. Anyone seen...
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    Giving Linux a 2nd chance

    Is it that Linux doesn't support Audigy or that Creative doesn't support Linux.
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    Epox vs Soltek

    Having used both the Soltek and Epox boards in question in my machine I can see very little difference excepting that; The Soltek boards onboard CPU temperature sensor is a bit unusual- it works fine but only with the program that came with the main board and only if you don't upset it by...
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    Epox and Overclocking

    Actually I unlocked it with silver paint and some glue - pretty much the only way with XPs. The shorting thing was probably the case anyway because when I redid the unlocking it worked fine. Of course that means a total speed increase of 24Mhz without crahes.
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    Epox and Overclocking

    I'll have to look in to that. I did try pumping the voltage up as far as it would go before doing it, but now that I think of it I never actually checked what it was afterwards.
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    BluTac and PCs - or is it just me?

    Ah yes the good old Dremel tool. Ever tried to cut through a steel case with one? You get about a one inch cut per blade. Hence the jigsaw.