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  1. F

    More Vista nonsense

    Windows Update told me it was available last night. After installation my Properties now says "Windows Vista Ultimate .. Service Pack 1" And no, it was not delayed. According to MS the RTM was Feb 4 and it was made available to MSDN subscribers on Feb 14. Still, there does seem to be some...
  2. F


    Bozo, the SMP client uses .NET:
  3. F


    I know, but as I said the SMP client wasn't being used so there wasn't any reason to keep it around anyway. The GUI GPU client has no uninstaller. It runs like the 5.04 console version - just run the .exe and it loads up. And right now I am doing the date change cheat. That's a minor...
  4. F


    The old SMP version was installed but not being used (I'm running 4xthe 5.04 console instead) so I uninstalled it. The 5.91b6 GPU client is like the regular console versions; no installer/uninstaller so just run the program. Anyway removing the old SMP version didn't change things so I'm doing...
  5. F

    More Vista nonsense

    Vista SP1 is officially out. I installed it on my main PC last night. No noticeable difference so far, but re-testing the Windows Experience Index showed a bump from 5.6 to 5.8. Disk was the previous bottleneck so it would seem they re-worked the disk access system a bit. I've 2 other Vista...
  6. F


    I was running GPU 5.91b6 - "Windows NT/2000/XP/Vista GPU Client GUI version" - but it expired. As of now there is no replacement. Stanford is still showing 5.91b6 on the site & if you d/l and run it the program will say it is expired. I don't know why it hasn't been removed or at least had...
  7. F


    beta2? beta3 was what I was trying to get to work and was what I downloaded (again) just a couple of hours ago. Now beta4 is listed. Interesting that this is a 'console' GPU folder where before it ran as an icon in the system tray. beta4 is still crashing: Problem signature: Problem Event...
  8. F


    The client didn't expire until I rebooted. I suspect ending/restarting the client would do the same. Anyway I start the FAH6.01beta3-Win-GPU-Console and Vista complains & shuts it down. The Details box says: Problem signature: Problem Event Name: APPCRASH Application Name...
  9. F


    My GPU folding has been down for a few days. Since my last reboot the beta expired & the new one doesn't run for some reason. I'll try to troubleshoot it soon but my point production will be down until I get to it. Also, my sister's PC died so I'll be taking an Athlon XP 2800 (OC'ed 1700)...
  10. F

    Hillary's buddy rips her apart

    Yeah, the election cycle got underway far too early this time.
  11. F

    Larger LCD Monitors

    No need to duck, mubs. With a rotating display - at work I have this 24" @ 1920x1200 actually at 1200x1920 - viewing web pages, documents, PDFs, etc. lets you get a lot more text on-screen. Or have shell/command windows/terminal emulators stacked. Or a good sized document/spreadsheet at the...
  12. F


    You were talking about it being "a bit manual" and I was just pointing out that it is now automatic.
  13. F

    Something Random

    On this day in 2005, YouTube launched. In 1995, Kevin Mitnick was arrested by the FBI and charged with breaking into some of the United States' most "secure" computer systems. In 1946, the first general-purpose electronic computer, ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer), unveiled...
  14. F

    Firefox 3 beta

    Sechs - I haven't looked at the beta but loads in about a second on each of my main machines so if it's bloated it doesn't impact me. Tannin - I know not of this instability and runaway CPU consumption of which you speak. I leave Firefox open for weeks at a time and never notice it...
  15. F


    Vista's defragger is totally automatic. Upon OS installation it schedules itself & runs silently every few days in the background. Can't say if it's still dumb, though I'd imagine it is. Other than the scheduling there are no options to set.
  16. F

    Speed of a 2.5" 7200 rpm drive

    My new notebook has an ST9120823AS in it. Would like like me to run anything against it to test performance?
  17. F


    From 6-25-07: 2 million points. :king: So a million points in a little under 8 months. But I'm feeling a little electric bill strain so I may shut down an older machine.
  18. F

    Politics 2008

    Partisan primaries don't make any sense to me. Assuming you are honest (unlike dd :) ) you are essentially declaring your party to all those around you when you ask for your ballot. Elections in the US are supposed to be private and this essentially violates that. You could say that there are...
  19. F

    Dell Dimension 2400 (not mine) stuck in UDMA-2

    Immediate thoughts: 1. Disconnect the non-boot drive to see if the boot drive will work at UDMA5. It's possible one of the drives is causing the channel to fall back to UDMA2. 2. Check to see if the hard drives have any firmware updates available. 3. Run HD diagnostics. Long shot but you never...
  20. F

    Low fps in 3D applications when PC not shutdown for several days

    Try creating a page file. Sounds odd, but make one & limit it to something small like 512MB.
  21. F

    M$ offers $44.6B for Yahoo-End of the world as we know it

    I used a page for a while then switched to a custom Google home page. No ads and flexible for content. At the time - not sure how Yahoo! is now - Google was a lot more flexible for layout options. Themes, adjustable columns, drag-n-drop to move stuff around. Very nice. My...
  22. F


    Bozo, you say "keep it simple" but in the same post you add exceptions. As I said before no simple system will be satisfactory. jtr, as to the invested principal already being taxed, so what. I have tax withheld from my income. When I spend my remainder, other people are paid and tax is...
  23. F

    dSLR thread

    I see someone likes the bean. Some nice Chicago photography there. Good find! My employer's HQ is in the building in the background of this shot.
  24. F


    jtr, would you then tax regular income minus inflation? What makes interest & capital gains different from pay for a regular job? They're all income. I fail to see why or how the source of income matters. The argument that capital gains are generally re-invested is again a false argument...
  25. F

    Rethinking the Meat-Guzzler

    I read the article and it seems like some details are missing. First and foremost, while the costs, wastes, & inefficiencies are mentioned for meat, the costs, wastes, and inefficiencies for what would replace meat in our diet is not mentioned. Also, we would not as a society wholly or...
  26. F

    Something Random

    So what kind of armaments do the red buttons on the joysticks fire?
  27. F

    Something Random

    On this day in 1996, President Jacques Chirac announced a "definitive end" to French nuclear testing. In 1978, Sweden outlawed aerosol sprays due to their harmful effect on the ozone layer, becoming the first nation to enact such a ban. And in 1886, Karl Benz patented the first successful...
  28. F

    Hot Deal: 4GB Corsair USB Flash Drive for $99 AR

    Perhaps they have a new generation in the pipe & had to stop production of the old models to provide production capacity for the new. As their 'deluxe' line they may drop the 2GB altogether & go 4/8/16GB. Right now I'm satisfied with my A-Data 16GB unit that I picked up at Fry's for $90 on...
  29. F


    Well, some agency will still be needed to collect the funds so the IRS wouldn't go away. It and the rest of the associated tax industry (lawyers, accountants, etc.) would see job losses but would not go away. Expect lots of people to try to redefine "income" for their convenience. I'd add...
  30. F

    UPS Warranty

    Businesses will buy maintenance/support contracts; consumers generally don't. Or if they do buy it is an extended service plan which APC generally doesn't profit from. Another thought would be intended use. On average a business is likely to drive a product harder than the 'average Joe'. For...
  31. F

    Politics 2008

    udaman, please put "NSFW" around links to pages with nudity.
  32. F


    Not an alcoholic beverage, but I picked up a case of Monster's Java energy drinks the other day. If you like iced coffee drinks these have a decent kick to them, although it's probably more of an acquired taste. To stay hydrated I've been drinking a lot of Propel water. Definitely the...
  33. F

    Best Ingredient for Single Topping Pizza

    The Trader Joes by where I work is probably closer to Merc than any in Indy, but if headed into Chicagoland he's got lots of options: Connie's, Home Run Inn, Giordano's, Gino's East, and so on.
  34. F

    Something Random

    On this day in 2006, three independent observing campaigns announced the discovery of the first cool rocky/icy extrasolar planet around a main-sequence star (OGLE-2005-BLG-390Lb, near the center of the Milky Way galaxy). In 2004, the Opportunity rover (MER-B) landed on surface of Mars. In 1994...
  35. F

    dSLR thread

    I've not been reading this thread, so pardon me if this has been mentioned. But Fuji apparently wants to dictate what you can and cannot take pictures of with their cameras. See EULA section on this page. Funny, isn't it, how they provide quick-links for every section of the page except that one.
  36. F

    42" HDTV recomendations?

    DVD players are such a low-margin commodity at this point I'm not sure what I'd recommend as a standalone player. I put one of these on my exercise bike to watch DVDs while riding but it also comes with full AV cables (composite/S-Video), remote, and car adapter. Looks like they've revised the...
  37. F

    Spyware App Updates

    Well if you use a bootable USB Flash drive you can update it easily enough.
  38. F

    MacBook Air-world's thinnest lappy.

    Sprint bought Nextel for the hundreds of thousands of customers. Those customers all have to buy new phones as Nextel was losing it's bandwidth from the FCC. So they gained customers and lots of equipment purchases. Sprint gave the Nextel user base an easy migration path as Sprint's network...
  39. F

    Something Random

    That's called a "frankencheesie". Seriously. I've seen it on menus around here, although I don't think it was batter-dipped.
  40. F

    The Story Of Stuff

    From this article I gather that the move away from foam essentially is a move away from having the meat packaged at the store and instead the packaging is occurring upstream at the producer or distributor.
  41. F

    Something Random

    Many people think of the shuttle program as UPS for the space station. Not a thrilling PR image. It doesn't help that the shuttles themselves are aging 1970s technology with lots of modernization. They don't exactly have that iPod bling factor anymore. When I was at a conference in Feb '06...
  42. F

    Move Over, ‘Meerkat Manor’

    My wife is addicted to MM. What is interesting is that as much as it's a family show there is death, tragedy, and violence. Not too long ago the long-time leader was killed by a foe who invaded their tunnel. She sacrificed herself to save the offspring.
  43. F

    Something Random

    The free coffee at work is a "kona blend" which I'm pretty sure translates as 5% Kona, 65% shredded tree bark, and 30% random crap scraped up off the street. So I take a cup with me from home (usually Eight O'Clock Coumbian; sometimes Caribou's Obsidian). Somethings I stop at Caribou and get...
  44. F

    Something Random

    3 blaock for Subway, 9 block for Panera, and 6 block for Dunkin Donuts. I drive by 5 DDs on the way to work.
  45. F

    HP Executable drivers, aka WTF is wrong with .INF?

    As I've stated elsewhere, though, there are exceptions. My OfficeJet was detected by Vista and it installed suitable drivers for print, scan, and fax. HP doesn't even publish drivers for my device for Vista. I suspect Merc's issue has something to do with more recent printers where they're...
  46. F

    More Vista nonsense

    Real goodly writing be in that piece. Internet "journalism" at its finest.
  47. F

    DVD Hi-Def format war near end, Blu-ray wins?

    I'll grant the size but from when it came out they were the same form factor of LP records so common storage was easy. As to expense, movies were maybe $5-10 more than their VHS version but the quality provided was obvious. I think the platform's failure was due to the lack of a home recorder...
  48. F

    DVD Hi-Def format war near end, Blu-ray wins?

    I still have & use a Pioneer DVL-91 dual LD-DVD player. LD has had more life than any consumer video format except VHS, running from the late 70s through around 2000 or so. Too bad it never got the popularity it deserved.
  49. F

    I need a mouse

    Sounds like you wouldn't care for my preferred rodent, then. The Logitech MX Revolution is wireless but not really heavy. It does have extra functionality that you say you wouldn't care for, like a side scroll wheel which I use for scrolling between tabs in Firefox (click it for new tab)...
  50. F

    Google talks about parallel processing

    Article. I can't imagine the space, power, and general complexity involved with this (PDF).