Search results

  1. F

    DVD Hi-Def format war near end, Blu-ray wins?

    The chick and the engineer from Serenity/Firefly. I haven't watched Stargate Atlantis (or SG1 for that matter) but have watched the first episode of Terminator: SCC.
  2. F

    More Vista nonsense

    Is your hardware all certified/approved for Vista and are you using appropriate drivers? I now use 1 Vista laptop & 2 Vista desktops and they are all rock-solid stable.
  3. F

    DVD Hi-Def format war near end, Blu-ray wins?

    Please clarify acronyms you use if they aren't obvious or common knowledge. PIP in "television language" has meant Picture-In-Picture for the past couple of decades. As that's a function of the viewing device and not the media or player I have to assume PIP means something else in "Blu-ray...
  4. F

    F@H half speed on Vista??

    My Core2Quad running the SMP Folding client on Vista Home Basic runs roughly the same speed as my other C2Q running Kubuntu & the SMP client. On my other C2Q system, it was having issues with the SMP client so it runs 4 of the regular console-mode clients (+ the GPU client). My new laptop...
  5. F

    Need new mobo: Suggestions?

    Microsoft's user migration. I haven't used it but it may be worth a try. If you're having to reinstall apps you may as well go with a totally clean XP install. All of that repair stuff will leave turds, for lack of a better word, laying around your system. When I migrate I always do a clean...
  6. F

    Suggest a decent 19" LCD monitor

    dd, what's the screen door effect? I noticed some text 'shimmy/dot crawl' on the 2407 at first, but I switched from VGA to DVI and it cleared right up. Silly me hadn't noticed at first that my 3+ year old docking bay had DVI .. The 2407 is great. I am using it portrait and typically have...
  7. F

    More Vista nonsense

    Vista on my new Latitude D830 will gracefully hot-undock. XP on my D800 would get goofy and unstable and require a reboot. That'll make my life much nicer when I move from my cube to conference rooms.
  8. F

    N0tebook replacement

    Have you considered re-considering your requirements? 100GB of internal storage is generally fine when traveling and there are external drives and online storage mechanisms for cheaply adding extra capacity. Likewise having an internal optical drive. What are you doing on a regular basis with...
  9. F

    Where's everybody?

    We celebrated at Payton Place. Walter Payton to be exact. First time we've ever gone anywhere commercial for the event; in prior years we've either stayed in or gone to parties at friend's homes.
  10. F

    N0tebook replacement

    A note on the D430, my employer has had an on-again off-again affair with the sub-notebooks and they have never proven as reliable and/or non-quirky as the slightly larger versions. I'd do a D630 (of which we buy a couple thousand per year in the US alone) well before a D430. I can't say that...
  11. F

    Suggest a decent 19" LCD monitor

    Got the 2407 in and unpacked it, but I won't actually use it 'til I'm back in the office next month. Beats the heck out of the old 20" CRT it's replacing on desk space & aesthetics without even powering it on. :) With the shelves in our cubes I may not be able to reasonably use the portrait...
  12. F


    Got my new laptop from work. Dell Latitude D830 with all the bells & whistles* including a C2D T7800 (2.6GHz, 4MB L2 cache). It's now running the SMP client. The new machine technically replaces my 2GHz PentiumM but I will likely keep it running and decommission an older P4M 1.6 as it's...
  13. F

    MP3 Player (what to buy)?

    At 4GB capacity I'd prefer a no-moving-parts, i.e. flash memory, device like the Sansa e260. The Sansa has a larger screen and looks like it's physically smaller. Of course, with a Sansa View for me and an e280 for my wife I'm biased, but I'd definitely give pause before buying a drive-based...
  14. F

    More Vista nonsense

    XP supports quad core cpus, boots faster than 2K, and it has years of MS & 3rd party peripheral support left while 2K support is starting to be phased out.
  15. F

    Gig-E speeds for wired network behind old router

    Well, I'm half right. My data flow is correct but the reasoning isn't. TCP apparently includes a negotiation to determine MTU. Reference. Other reference.
  16. F

    Gig-E speeds for wired network behind old router

    My impression was that jumbo frames are negotiated at each point in the link: PC <--Jumbo--> Switch <--Regular--> Router and regular out of the router. PC <--Jumbo--> Switch <--Jumbo--> Server The switch would handle packet fragmentation & assembly when moving from Jumbo to Regular and back...
  17. F

    Gig-E speeds for wired network behind old router

    What am I missing about jumbo frame support? Basic GbE switches like the 8-port Netgear GS608 and it's 5-port cousin have it. Jumbo won't help when leaving the switch's environment, i.e. wireless & Internet, but should be fine for the LAN segment hosted on the switch itself.
  18. F

    MP3 Player (what to buy)?

    Got the 16GB View last night as an early Christmas gift. :) Not a surprise gift, but we have an agreement: I don't buy jewelry for her without her being present & she won't buy electronics for me unless I'm there or have provided an exact brand/model for what I want.
  19. F

    Defrag outlook pst file

    If you truly deleted emails you don't need that's fine, but to combat huge PST files I keep one for each year. No one year's PST is more than a few hundred MB so while I have 9 years of emails they are easy to scan and trhe files are relatively small.
  20. F

    New PC for my brother-best MB/processor combo?

    You're over budget so make some things more realistic to cut costs. Drop to 2GB RAM unless he has an immediate need for more. Get 1 2GB stick to leave expansion capacity. RAM is an easy upgrade and tends to get cheaper over time. Likewise, stop and consider how much storage he really needs...
  21. F

    Suggest a decent 19" LCD monitor

    I've one of these on order to go with my new work laptop. It should arrive just after the new year.
  22. F

    New PC for my brother-best MB/processor combo?

    If he still has floppies, get a 1GB Flash drive for next-to-nuthin and copy all of his floppies to that on the old PC. I haven't used floppies in literally over a year, probably far longer.
  23. F

    Dual Boot Imaging Woes

    Unless you need full local hardware support, this sort of thing makes the case for running VMs instead of images. Run either OS as the native and run the other within a VM Player session. Or run either OS native and RDP to the other running on a separate VMWare server. If you're using Vista...
  24. F

    Another Digital Camera Thread - Point and Shoot

    The A series has that bulk that your right hand wraps around. It makes for a better grip, I suppose, but for me that extra depth was the deal breaker as the camera is no longer suitable to just drop in a pocket. That was a contributing factor back when I went with the SD800is.
  25. F

    Best place to buy Samsung HDDs

    And good luck with that.
  26. F

    Blue Tooths

    I have a Cardo Scala 700.
  27. F

    Something Random

    Wow. I hadn't even noticed. 'fraid I concentrate more on Folding contributions than post count. 8-)
  28. F

    HD horror stories

    Good idea. Most any piece of electronics has a decent chance of survival if you can eliminate the conductive materials (residue) before applying power to it. For that, I recommend rinsing or bathing a device in alcohol, which is a decent cleaner and is non-residual. The 70% stuff that's...
  29. F

    SSD review

    Micron is entering the SSD fray. Volume shipments early next year with entry capacities of 32 & 64GB.
  30. F

    Flying squirrels

    Awesome indeed, although you'd never find me doing that. BTW some of the links on that site are definitely NSFW.
  31. F

    Cheap Core2Quad Q6600 @ Fry's today only

    Those 22" LGs were going like hotcakes when I was there as well. I was tempted but for three things: 1. I hadn't researched them at all. 2. I would have either had to try to hide it from the wife (which wouldn't work) or use it on her PC (which doesn't do me much good). 3. I would have had to...
  32. F

    Christmas Lights

    Not around here they don't.
  33. F

    Perfect flight formation :D

    Well, so much for rail. Amtrak admits after yesterday's collision between a freight & passenger train in Chicago that they didn't even know which train should be on which track. As long as they lack even that basic resource scheduling info I'll never ever set foot on a passenger rail train.
  34. F


    Many thanks; that seems to have done the trick. It's configured & running although it seems to only be using about 70-75% CPU at the moment. I'll check back on it in a little while. That get for the 32-bit libs is either not in the doc or needs to be made much more obvious. I certainly...
  35. F


    As noted in the For Sale thread I picked up another C2Q the other day. The machine is built and is running Kubuntu 7.1. I've downloaded the V6 Linux beta client (and have also tried the 5.04 client) but can't get the durned thing to run. I think there's a path or permissions issue. As noted...
  36. F

    DriveImage XML

    Free product. Does backups into an XML 'format'. Has anyone tried this?
  37. F

    Something Random

    If the TV show 24 had occurred last decade.
  38. F

    GPU folding is here!

    So what's the current best GPU Folding card? Still the X1960 512MB or is the (more expensive) HD3000 series worth a look?
  39. F

    Cheap Core2Quad Q6600 @ Fry's today only

    Ditto the Downers Grove, IL store. No theme.
  40. F

    Backup to NAS Too Slow

    Get SyncToy 1.4 and do Help - Learn how to schedule SyncToy.
  41. F

    Cheap Core2Quad Q6600 @ Fry's today only

    Mine was supposedly out of the motherboards as well, but there was a stack of ECS mobos for Athlons in an aisle display and on top was the one needed for the C2Q bundle. Someone must have just dropped it there. So I grabbed it & asked a drone to write up the combo. He was genuinely surprised...
  42. F

    More Vista nonsense

    So there's overhead with providing added data protection. Is there news somewhere?
  43. F

    Cheap Core2Quad Q6600 @ Fry's today only

    Combo of a Q6600 + ECS mobo for $199, appears to be brick & mortar only.
  44. F

    Something Random

    Isn't it funny that the monitor is 4x the size of the computer?
  45. F

    Should There be a Ban on Incandescent Lamps?

    Mythbusters - yeah, I know it's edutainment & not science - measured the startup & operating power draws of various bulbs types, including incandescent, CFL, and LED. For fluorescent-type bulbs, regular or compact, the "just leave it running" time was just a few seconds. The other bulb types...
  46. F

    Something Random

    House fire? I hope no one was injured.
  47. F


    On my Vista C2Q, task manager reports 2 of my Core_79 jobs at 250MB each; the 3rd is 27MB. Core_10 is at 184MB. GPU-GUI is another 32MB and Core_78 is small at just 14MB. 730MB for 5 jobs.
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    Something Random

    On this day in 2004, the X-43A scramjet flew at nearly Mach 10--over 3 kilometers per second--becoming the fastest air-breathing jet. Thirty years ago in 1977, Close Encounters of the Third Kind opened in theaters. In 1965, the Soviet Union launched the Venera 3 space probe, which became the...
  49. F

    Old Computers

    I like the Windows key shortcuts. Win-L, Win-M (or D), Win-F, and just Win itself instead of Ctrl-Esc. Sure, it's not functionality that you can't get with other key or mouse combos, but it is quicker and I've come to appreciate it. Especially since I prefer to use the keyboard more than the...
  50. F

    Old Computers

    Ah yes, from the time when 4K of RAM was all you'd ever need.