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  1. P5-133XL


    It's wood is very fast growing, unlike a tree.
  2. P5-133XL

    Dell Dual quad core for $748

    FB-RAM has very high latency because of the buffering. However, to help compensate for that, Intel typically has a much better cache subsystem. It also runs very hot and uses a lot of energy compared to competing memory products. On the other hand it does allow for lots of banks of RAM which...
  3. P5-133XL


    I will agree, that it is the wood that more or less is long-term carbon sequestered. The problem is that it just isn't that much added mass each year per tree. While an individual tree can have a lot of carbon-mass, it is gained quite slowly over hundreds of years and then one good forest-fire...
  4. P5-133XL


    How Gasoline Becomes CO2
  5. P5-133XL


    Tree's are not bad but they really do little for removal of CO2. While the leaves are green, they are great at carbon sequestering. Unfortunately, when the leaves drop off, most of the carbon they have absorbed throughout the year is slowly released back into the air during the decomposition...
  6. P5-133XL

    Dell Dual quad core for $748

    I looked at it because it is interesting. Very good price! A 750W PS is enormous. I don't have an issue with it being a Dell, but there are issues: 8x PCI-E slot (no standard video card); no CD/DVD-Rom (minor); 1.6GHz (is rather on the slow side); FB-RAM (Duh -- Its a Xeon). I then looked-up...
  7. P5-133XL


    It works for me. Now mind you: I don't believe in it because they are not actually removing carbon from the air so it is not actually an offset like it claims. What you are offsetting is the extra cost it takes to generate electricity in a greener way than by burning coal. It is not...
  8. P5-133XL

    Making a 4GB USB drive bootable

    I will assume, since you tell me, that your system requires FAT16 to boot. As a kludge, make the boot partition very small and with MS-Dos, that can be aweful small and then make the second partition as large as possible (Fat32). Make an autoexec.bat file that during bootup switches to the...
  9. P5-133XL

    Dual, quad core and winXP pro

    Your math is a little off: 2x $600 + $260= $1,460 (For 1.8Ghz) 2x $240 + $260 = $740 (For 1.7 GHz)
  10. P5-133XL

    PCIe molex 12 V connector

    The answer is no. Matter of fact I've never seen a motherboard that required me to plug a molex connector into it. I have seen many molex to PCI-e 6 pin convertors that use a standard molex power connector off the PS to plug into a PCI-e video card. I've also seen many 4 pin (2x2) and 8 pin...
  11. P5-133XL

    Geforce FX5500

    DirectX is D3d. OpenGL should operate fine and should be semi-comparable to the 9600. The problem is that OpenGL looks to be a dying protocol with most modern games going the DirectX route. But really, a dual socket server MB. You can probably do better getting a modern Intel MB with a low...
  12. P5-133XL

    Geforce FX5500

    The problem with the GeForce 5xxx series is DirectX9. The GeForce 5xxx series were the first DirectX9 series cards. While they are technically HW compatible, they run anything that uses DirectX9 at an unacceptible framerate. Yes, the bottom end ones are that bad. Under DirectX9 the Nvidia...
  13. P5-133XL


    If you look at the "Official" Stanford stats, you can see that Splash has 3 CPU's while you have only one.
  14. P5-133XL


    New clients have been released: All the beta clients expire Oct.1st. So everyone running a beta client needs to be getting them. Of note, Stanford has released new v6 beta clients for OSX, Linux, GPU, Windows CPU (not SMP). For Windows SMP. I suggest, the following process: Shutting down...
  15. P5-133XL

    Terrestrial Engineering. Objections?

    Iron seeding in the Oceans has a potential shot at dealing with excessive carbon in the atmosphere which is one of the issues of Global warming. I predict lots of studies, that will end up in one of two results. The first is that the studies take so long that the effects of global warming will...
  16. P5-133XL

    UAW: Out of Touch and Irrelevant

    I am a believer in unions in some instances, but in others they are bad news. I see their point, in this case: The workers have an issue with job security and the unions have a responsibility to represent the workers. However, I see GM's point too, they have to make a profit selling cars and...
  17. P5-133XL

    Great employers

    Try watching "Dirty Jobs" on Television: It gives a quality reality check to all those chronic complainers. Almost no matter what your job is, there is always something worse that you could end up doing.
  18. P5-133XL


  19. P5-133XL

    Should There be a Ban on Incandescent Lamps?

    Absolutely not. Since technology is very much a moving target, you don't get rid of options because in a different situation, the outlawed item may be the optimum choice. This is a perfect situation, where market forces are the best tool to optimize and people can then make the best choices...
  20. P5-133XL


    The other questions I would strive to answer: Does the same behavior occur with commercially produced disks, as well the ones you created? This also could simply be a media issue -- Different media are harder to read. It also could be an error correction issue where new disks are fine, but...
  21. P5-133XL

    dSLR thread

    I've only owned the Original Canon EF 100mm Macro f2.8 (pre USM version circa '94 for about $500). It was my first foray into quality optics and I really loved it. It was light, relatively inexpensive, very easy to use, reliable, and produced very sharp pictures. I Loved Macro photography...
  22. P5-133XL

    Dual, quad core and winXP pro

    I've actually considered that as an option to replace my X2 4600+"s, with the new quad-core Opterons coming online, since they are going to be priced aggressively. The newer Xeons are just going to be priced too much to even bother considering. However, I really want to see how they actually...
  23. P5-133XL

    Folding and Vista

    It shouldn't be a lot slower.
  24. P5-133XL

    dSLR thread

    Tannin, you can add me to that list: I've already spent far too much in Canon equipment to be considered rational. The problem is like a large rubber ball traveling down hill, once it starts, there's no stopping and it speed just keeps increasing.
  25. P5-133XL

    dSLR thread

    Don't forget: When calculating DOF you need to multiply your lens's focal point by 1.6 because of the 20D's sensor size.
  26. P5-133XL

    Another Digital Camera Thread - Point and Shoot

    For sports, a spectator isn't close to the action, so a good size zoom is very useful. Next criteria, typically the camera is hand-held with a long focal length lens which makes the ability to have a fast ISO (good noise reducing sensor, or film) combined with an image stability lens. A lot of...
  27. P5-133XL

    dSLR thread

    It is a useful Cannon function to determine the aperture needed to get a specific depth-of-field. You, focus on the nearest object that needs to be in focus, followed by focusing on the farthest (you can reverse the order), and then focus on your intended focus point and the camera will report...
  28. P5-133XL

    dSLR thread

    Does the 20D have a DEP mode?
  29. P5-133XL

    dSLR thread

    I was incorrect. The larger the focal length, the less light per square inch is placed on the film. However, you don't have to worry about that: Just use the rated speed of the lens as your guide. Your f-stop/shutter speed numbers are not quite right. I believe you are confusing 1/2 stop...
  30. P5-133XL

    SMP & Overclocking

    Yes, it is: It is extremely sensitive. More so, than anything else I've run accross. I use it as a burn in to detect any problems with new machines because of its sensitivity. It is really good at finding RAM issues that memtst86+ doesn't find. The big problem with it being used as a...
  31. P5-133XL

    dSLR thread

    f1.2 will allow more light in than a f1.4, and thereby allow a faster shutter speed. However, there are far more considerations than simply shutter speed in taking better pictures. Stuff, like the quality of the glass, the skill of the picture taker. Focal length has nothing to do with the...
  32. P5-133XL

    dSLR thread

    Some indecent people give a rather excessive amount of exposure: Have you flashed today?
  33. P5-133XL

    dSLR thread

    Rather than shake, as unlikely as it is considering previous comments, he could be dealing with exposure issues and bracketing...
  34. P5-133XL

    Sept. 19th is "Talk like a Pirate Day"

    Think of me as scrooge: I refuse to participate unless I'm visited by at least three ghost the night before. I have seen no drawback from previous non-participation occurrences.
  35. P5-133XL

    Microsoft Spying???

    Well, I checked my machines and none of them have the update. They run all the time; have been constantly attached to the internet during the suspected time period; and they also have update turned off. So if M$ was actually doing this, I would have expected to see it... I find the concept...
  36. P5-133XL

    Folding Energy usage

    The Q6600: ECS P4m900T MB; Intel retail q6600; 2x1 GB OCX PC2-6400; ATI X1900 AIW; PC Power & Cooling silencer Quad 750; Antec P180; WD600BB; IBM DTLA-307045; Lite-on LH18a1p DVD-RW The x2 4600+: 5x Gigabyte K8n51pvm9-RH; AMD x2 4600+; either Crucial 2x1GB or 2x512MB PC-3200; Onboard video; a...
  37. P5-133XL

    Folding Energy usage

    I have multiple machines and have applied a killa-Watt to them to see what's being used. Q6600 Idle = 135W Q6600 Windows SMP = 203W & 2100 PPD Q6600 GPU (x1900AIW) = 233W & 500 PPD Q6600 Windows SMP (idle priority) + GPU (low priority)= 275W & 2400 PPD X2 4600+ Idle = 105W X2 4600+ Windows SMP...
  38. P5-133XL


    The warning is simply an inoculous bug ...
  39. P5-133XL

    dSLR thread

    Yes, if you are getting 1/16th @100 ISO, then you will need a tripod. The general rule for hand holding is never to have a shutter speed faster than your lens. So to get a totally sharp photograph and still hand hold a 55mm Lens (x1.6 mag) you really shouldn't be faster than 1/88th of a...
  40. P5-133XL


    You actually have to install the SMP client (see above for instructions), not merely run it. and don't forget to make the CPU ID different (I use 1 & 2 for the standard; 3 for the SMP; and 4 for the GPU) than the standard clients to prevent accidental conflicts. Also, the SMP client is very...
  41. P5-133XL


    Do not directly edit the client.cfg file: it is actually a binary file and text editing it will simply kill it. Run the fah.exe with the -configonly parameter to edit it. A shortcut to fah.exe would be appropriate once it has been properly installed. However, the SMP client actually needs to...
  42. P5-133XL


    I have no idea.
  43. P5-133XL

    Large RAID arrays

    With raid-5 you will lose exactly one drive to overhead regardless of the number of drives or the size of the array. With a 3 drive setup, you will get two drives of useful space and with an 18 drive setup, you will get 17 drives of useful space. It is not a generality, but rather a...
  44. P5-133XL

    This bites

    As unfortunate, as it is, it is also quite understandable from Microsoft's point of view. They, for security reasons, with to limit all OS upgrades to official Microsoft sites. If , for any reason intentional or non, a virus, Trojan, malware, or even a corrupted file was posted there under the...
  45. P5-133XL

    July 22nd Intel price drops

    C2Q at $243 shipped from via Bens Bargins. I certainly has taken longer than expected to get that low.
  46. P5-133XL


    The current beta client's will expire Oct. 1st or 2nd depending upon the client. Congratulations to Coug for passing the 500K mark too!
  47. P5-133XL

    Did the US congress move to Australia??

    I doubt it, but I can only hope that they all stay there. Austrailia, you can have the whole lot and please keep them. The democratic congress is no better than the republician: They both just rubber-stamp Bush's plans (while making lots of noise) and his plans are really bad. Bad President...
  48. P5-133XL

    SCSI U320 Problems

    I agree with the above -- As the simplest solution, just keep it disabled... Now, since what you really want is to find out what is going on. If you want help diagnosing, then really far more details need to be supplied, because everything is in the details. Generallities don't cut it. So...
  49. P5-133XL

    PC Gaming = World of Suck

    I can't decide whether you are talking about Micro$oft or Sony: They both have their share of detractors ...