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  1. P5-133XL

    GPU folding is here!

    My GPU client had been failing to contact a server too. Stanford had a network issue, that has been fixed and my GPU client is now working ...
  2. P5-133XL

    Which cam/lens for flowers? LM,Tan, ed, Handy?

    Since no one has suggested it in the above discussion, I decided to mention Pinhole camera's. Your main complaint has been DOF and this type of camera always is in focus: no matter what distance and regardless of plane.. Now there are issues with pinhole camera's. The big problem with...
  3. P5-133XL

    Office floods

    I had a bathtub overflow above me soaking a whole office of running equipement. Alot died immediately (especially monitors). I then let it all dry out. The electronics, that still operated formed a white crust (similar to battery corrosion) over the next week. Regardless, of functionallity...
  4. P5-133XL

    Why do I have crickets in my basement

    As a kid, my room was in the basement and there were crickets. I rather liked them ...They will come in from outside. As long as they have food, water, and it is relatively cool, then they will thrive, but not normally breed. If you don't want them, then there are Cricket control methods
  5. P5-133XL

    Tuning 2003 server for workstation use

    She is correct, "an" only occurs before a vowel. I suppose that the exception to the rule would be if it was used as a subject. At least that was what I was taught, in school.
  6. P5-133XL

    Career Opportunities in Tax-Free Dubai...

    I have no ability to do anything more than you: We both get to express our opinions and nothing more. You have, I have and I'm perfectly willing to let the community judge.
  7. P5-133XL

    Career Opportunities in Tax-Free Dubai...

    Because it is not spam if it is wanted and since people are responding positively in the thread, ... Your problem isn't that it is spam, but rather, you responded scarcasticly and he responded appropiately. Rather than trying to take him down, would it not show more balls by simply accepting...
  8. P5-133XL

    Bookmarks for folding stats pages

    Storage Forum folding stats
  9. P5-133XL


    How much of a jump the processor upgrade will produce, depends on what you are doing with the processor. With gaming, it won't gain you that much. Almost all gaming is single-core, which means multi-core only slows you down (There is overhead with SMP processing). The clocks are going to gain...
  10. P5-133XL


    I don't know enough on the individual raid cards to offer an opinion. For a gaming machine, The video card is generally the most important characteristic and so, that is where I would put upgrade money into, rather than the CPU or RAM. however, I'd be choosing the 8000 series over the 7000...
  11. P5-133XL

    System restore problem

    After doing a google search -- try:Unable to use System Restore - rstrui.exe.... The solution offered seems appropiate for your particular problem. The solution is to basicly reinstall the particular file from the original source disks; Then use sfc /scannow to get Windows to the same update...
  12. P5-133XL

    20 vs. 30 amps. Which is cheaper?

    Buy the cheaper card: It is not going to use $100 in additional electricity per year. I generally estimate $10 of electricity per month for the entire computer (including the video card) if it is operating (folding) 24x7.
  13. P5-133XL

    The Last Of The Great Lasers

    I really don't disagree that there are people that need the speed. I would just argue that most don't. Pooling is one speed solution, but that requires that the be enough space for multiple printers. Generally, multiple printers cost more to get the equivilent speed, but then you do get...
  14. P5-133XL

    The Last Of The Great Lasers

    I'm sorry to disagree, but I think LJ 5's were actually an improvement. LJ 4's had a tendancy to c.u.r.l. (the periods are there so that I could use the word) pages, with specific brands of light weight paper, which was fixed with the LJ 4+ and 5: The paper feed assembly ran faster, so the...
  15. P5-133XL

    Having problems posting

    I don't think that is the problem. When I had problem, I was able to post everyting but one sentence, within the 5 minutes allowed for (repeaded)edits. However, with that one sentance, I actually put a period between every letter so there were no reserved words and it still wouldn't post ...
  16. P5-133XL


    I'm not: all my computers have independent uses. I just keep them on all the time folding, even when not needed.
  17. P5-133XL

    Having problems posting

    I just had a problem posting to a thread "July 22nd Intel Price drop". The symptom is that when I posted the specific message, the forum would go into a please wait state for a long time (Till I got tired of waiting). I tried piecing the message out (using edit repeatedly) and was able to post...
  18. P5-133XL

    July 22nd Intel price drops

    By the way, the forums seem to be having problems with me posting or editing the above message so part of the second paragraph is missing. I was trying to ID the specific part that it wouldn't take by editing a message and adding pieces till it would fail .... The specific symptom is for me to...
  19. P5-133XL

    July 22nd Intel price drops

    By the way, I got a good deal from my local Frys on a Quad 6600 with an ECS motherboard ($279 July 4th sale). So I built it, and have officially replaced my 3 P4's with that one machine. Total cost was around $700 [($279 + $119 (P180) + $79 (2GB OCZ PC2-6400) + $199 (750W PC Power and cooling...
  20. P5-133XL

    July 22nd Intel price drops

    test to see if this will post .... By the way, I got a good deal from my local frys on a Quad 6600 with an ECS motherboard ($279 July 4th sale). So I built it, and have officially replaced my 3 P4's with that one machine. Total cost was around $700 [($279 + $119 (P180) + $79 (2GB OCZ...
  21. P5-133XL

    July 22nd Intel price drops

    Technically true, but historicly inaccurate. Historicly, the stand-alone retail CPU's sell at the 1000 chip lot distributer prices at the standard internet retailers (like newegg) and have for an aweful lot of years. Part of the reason, that particular price gets quoted in the press so much is...
  22. P5-133XL


    Storage Forum broke 10,000,000 points today. Congrats to all!
  23. P5-133XL

    4 computers, no internet, one hub.

    They all need IP addresses on the same network. They all need file sharing turned on. They all need to belong to the same workgroup. Do you need details on how to do the above?
  24. P5-133XL

    PC will not boot with HD2600Pro card.

    Ever thought that you may have a bad card? The only other real obvious answer is power.
  25. P5-133XL

    July 22nd Intel price drops

    Intel Price Cuts: Now you see it, Now you don't. The quick answer: The demand far exceeded the supply, so the price didn't drop as much as expected.
  26. P5-133XL

    Vista: The first 24hrs with Vista

    As far as I can tell, it means squat in the gaming world too. Theoretically it is a good thing: in practice, It sucks big ones. With the few semi-games that have been developed and tested, the problem is that unless you have the very top-end DirectX 10 Nvidia/ATI cards everything is basicly...
  27. P5-133XL

    Your anti-virus software: Which, why, how?

    Some machines have AV, some don't. The main criteria, is what OS is being run and what type of internet access, is typically used for the machine. Anything with a server OS, doesn't have an AV. Mainly because the free or low cost high quality AV's won't run on them: They want $$$ from...
  28. P5-133XL

    Installing XP from SATA optical drives

    You're welcome. Feb. 2008 is fine, as far as I know: I don't drink though ...
  29. P5-133XL

    outer diameter hard disk and partitioning

    Use HDTach to test/benchmark the specific drive/Controller combo. Now mind you, as far as I know all drives and controllers store from the outside in ...
  30. P5-133XL

    Installing XP from SATA optical drives

    Just as a potential side-step of the issue: How about, formatting the HD, and copying the contents of the CD to the HD and then installing from there?
  31. P5-133XL

    BlueDisc Ray

    I would say that 9000 RPms (Revolutions per millisecond) will definately burn up a disk. After all, the outside edge is only traveling at about 7.4 million miles per hour.
  32. P5-133XL

    VoIP woes: Troubleshooting?

    I would be wary of going with Vonage. Vonage lost a patent dispute with Verizon over VOIP. Verizon successfully got a cease and desist order which has been stayed untill an appeal has been ruled upon. Judge: no new customers for Vonage. It is my understanding that Vonage does not have a...
  33. P5-133XL

    New HDTV Purchase

    Each to his own. While you might not, others may. Different priorities for different folk: Diversity is a good thing.
  34. P5-133XL

    New HDTV Purchase

    The longer you wait, the better the technology and the cheaper it will be. That being said, I'm perfectly happy with my 1080p Sony Lycos KDS-60A2000. The biggest thing I noted when buying mine was -- don't scrimp on the sound system! Also, assuming that you don't invest in Blu-Ray, or...
  35. P5-133XL

    Where to buy Seasonic & Which One

    I put in the same PS (750 silencer Quad) in a P180 case too. However, I simply totally removed the bottom fan. Without the fan, there is lots of room for the PS. My theory is that with the top and bottom air-sealed, the air-draw from the PS should be enough to cool the HD's. It is a...
  36. P5-133XL

    Why C.A.F.E Standards are Dumb

    Using less oil is the only solution, because the untapped oil that we we have access to, is only a drop in the bucket compared with our actual usage. I don't think you comprehend how much oil we actually use:20+ million barrels per day. The proven reserves off all of the contental shelf of the...
  37. P5-133XL

    Why C.A.F.E Standards are Dumb

    I do, but I also agree that Government needs to address issues of national importance. Energy policy, is such a national issue. Like military defense, without government involvement, we would be dependant upon others for our well being. We, as a country, have currently gotten into such a...
  38. P5-133XL

    Moving XP to new hardware?

    NFR are typically retail copies.
  39. P5-133XL

    Moving XP to new hardware?

    If you replace the MB via warrantee (extened or otherwise), the tech has the capability of tattooing the new MB making OS reinstalls valid. If you do your own MB replacement you are just out of luck.
  40. P5-133XL

    AMD price cuts 7-9-07

    I really can't disagree, that the X2 series is not producing a lot of quality processing power, for peanuts. They have very low up front costs. For the vast majority of people, low up-front cost is what matters. All of the modern chips have the processing power needed to do virtually any...
  41. P5-133XL

    Forum complaints / problems to fix master list

    no, I did not try that.
  42. P5-133XL

    Forum complaints / problems to fix master list

    I pinned it down a little more: I believe the quoting system is a red-herring. It happened when I was cutting and pasting text from Wikipedia. I think that it was including more than just text (part of the page formatting?). While I couldn't see anything abnormal, it produced the same...
  43. P5-133XL

    Forum complaints / problems to fix master list

    I'm getting an error from IE7 when replying to some messages: "Internet Explorer cannot read this webpage format HTTP 406 What you can try: Go back to the previous page. More information This error (HTTP 406 Not Acceptable) means that Internet Explorer was able to...
  44. P5-133XL

    Cable Internet Speeds

    Standard Comcast ...
  45. P5-133XL


    What I would recommend is to shut down folding temporarily; install to a seperate directory/folder; Then simply move the changed files fah.exe and UILANG1.UDB to the previous folding folder; and finally delete the new install and reboot. The value in this method is that you don't end up...
  46. P5-133XL

    Took a chance

    How are you judging faster? Both clients are going to produce 100% CPU usage but the difference is how many point you get in the same time period. It also is dependant (like the standard client) on which WU's you get: Some produce much better points than others. Check out
  47. P5-133XL

    Took a chance

    You really need the big-cache (4M) C2D to get the best results. The 2M cache versions don't do nearly as well (only 2.5x). There are also numerous installation issues that make the SMP client much flakier than the standard client.
  48. P5-133XL

    Took a chance

    I looked at the F@H numbers and they only use the standard clients and not the SMP clients. The SMP client produces drasticly larger points per day on specific CPU's like the intel 4M (cache size) Core Two Duo's and the Quads. We are talking at least 4x-6x the point values given. The numbers...
  49. P5-133XL


    Important Warning: All the Beta SMP clients have been updated, be it Windows SMP, Linux SMP, or MAC SMP, and are all going to time-bomb July 1st 2007. So all of you need to update your clients from Stanford
  50. P5-133XL

    Took a chance

    It's not buying without problems that matters, but rather, what happens when there are problems and that's what counts.