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  1. P5-133XL

    OCZ buys PC Power & Cooling.

    My opinion is mixed: It may be good, and it may end up bad. I would say that a wait and see attitude is appropiate. I think it was good that there was a place that always created a very high quality PS at a slight premium. I worry, that OCZ will dilute that and start producing mediocre PS's...
  2. P5-133XL

    Interpreting SMART data

    I don't know of a program that can interpret arbitrary data. Everyone that I have ever seen gets the data directly off the drive ... Self interpretation, of the raw data, leaves much to be desired because there is too much that is HW specific and considered proprietary. There are signifigent...
  3. P5-133XL

    Adding a Drive to a RAID 5 array

    One mount point per directory. You can, however, use a sub-directory as a mount-point.
  4. P5-133XL

    24TB in a single box is now possible.

    Frys has a sale on Seagate 750GB for $189.99 shipped Seagate 750GB Ultra DMA/100 16MB Buffer ST3750640A-RK - Retail Hard Drive Kit. Very good price for 750GB but it is important to note: Not SATA
  5. P5-133XL

    July 22nd Intel price drops

    Yes, I will get a low-end video card or maybe reuse the x1300's that are in my Dells: I just see no reason to signifigently increase my operating electricity costs by using a x1950. Yes, I do recognize that the p35 chipset is very good, performance wise: I read all the Antech articles too...
  6. P5-133XL

    July 22nd Intel price drops

    Because of the planned Intel price cuts for the Q6600's I am seriously considering replacing my three Dell 3200 P4 machines with new Q6600's with builds very similar to CougTek's build without the x1950's. There's absolutely nothing wrong with the Dell machines. They do their necessary...
  7. P5-133XL

    Microsoft Outlook and Samsung Phones...

    For Outlook, you can go to tools->options->mail setup->data files and it will tell you the location of the .pst that outlook uses. What I have done in the past is to simply search for all *.pst files on the computer and then backup/copy the one(s) that are current. And yes, typically...
  8. P5-133XL

    Building new FAH/main PC

    No, not really. Under the 32 bit Windows, it will still use as much RAM as you can put into the box. The limitation is that you can only use 2GB for a single application (which can be expanded to 3GB with a simple boot switch). Multiple applications produce multiple usage of 2/3GB's each and...
  9. P5-133XL

    Complications with "academic" software

    Academic version == the full version, only cheaper. Once it has been purchased, no one cares. The retailer is supposed to check for qualification, before sale, but that almost never happens: Especially over the internet. Beware of people selling trial versions as cheap full/academic...
  10. P5-133XL

    Registering domain name/hosting web site.

    Are you likely to be a target of a phishing scam? If not, the certification is relatively useless. How many people do you know, check the sites they are visiting for a certification seal before doing business. I know I certainly don't... I'm not sure what is being offered for your business...
  11. P5-133XL

    Computer case : Arctic Cooling Silentium T2 Pro

    One valid reason could be they use the domain for Email or other internet service rather than a web site. I own and I just use the domain name for business Email with no real need for a web site to advertise my company. I'm sure that some other poor person is feeling...
  12. P5-133XL

    My new system

    I've now read enough reviews to state, that I'm rather disapointed in the 2900xt. It just plain uses too much power. I was hoping to add one to a P4 machine, for gaming and folding purposes but it just plain uses so much power that I would have to upgrade my PS to beyond 500W and that just...
  13. P5-133XL

    Any reason I couldn't add a Quadro FX 3500 to a Dell PC?

    Case temp, CPU Temp, Chipset temp, Fan(s), Voltages ... None of that data is accessible using any MB monitoring SW.
  14. P5-133XL

    Any reason I couldn't add a Quadro FX 3500 to a Dell PC?

    The machine should work just fine for you, as long as you skip the high-performance video card. Even then, there are options, as long as you replace the PS and get a two-slot video card. You should be able to fold without a problem. One minor thing of note, low-end Dell's typically don't have...
  15. P5-133XL

    Building new FAH/main PC

    I really can't find a lot of fault in Coug's recomendations. Definately quad-core if folding is your highest priority: The extra cores matter. If you are on a budget, then Merc's 6320/6420 are excellent alternatives: You definately want the 4M cache. MB excellent; Cooling excellent; case...
  16. P5-133XL

    Window based air conditioners

    I see good points and bad with Consumer Reports. I think the concept is fabulous and I think it are useful in some areas in life. I find that they can be useful in filtering choices to a limited subset of the possibilities where I have absolutely no real expertice. If one reads the articles...
  17. P5-133XL


    That's peculiar, because I have yet to have a machine freeze since I've been running the SMP client ... My biggest complaint, for the Windows SMP client, is that the deadlines are too close to failure on my machine resulting in the occasional not finishing in time and the resulting total waste...
  18. P5-133XL

    PC Decrapifier

    I'm sorry, but it removes too much: MS Office -- Most people want that.
  19. P5-133XL

    Any reason I couldn't add a Quadro FX 3500 to a Dell PC?

    I'm not going to argue that point, because I agree. PS's and heat are the main limitation, for the upgrading, of most low-end machines and particularly Dell with their proprietary PS's, MB's. People buy these machines, on the cheap, and then are unpleasently surprised when they try to add a...
  20. P5-133XL

    Any reason I couldn't add a Quadro FX 3500 to a Dell PC?

    The second issue with the Dell E521 may be heat. The E521, I believe, routes the CPU heat directly outside with a dedicated shroud. The case has no other case fan. If your card is not a two-slot video card, then its heat goes entirely into the case. This will cause the interior ambient temp...
  21. P5-133XL

    Any reason I couldn't add a Quadro FX 3500 to a Dell PC?

    You can go to PC Power and cooling. They sell larger power supplies that are compatible with Dell. I believe that for the Dell E521 they offer a 470W for $149 US + shipping: That would be enough to additionally power your video card.
  22. P5-133XL

    Any reason I couldn't add a Quadro FX 3500 to a Dell PC?

    The Dell E521 only has a 305W PS and the Quattro uses 95W. I don't think the PS can handle it.
  23. P5-133XL

    PC Gaming = World of Suck

    Sorry, Being a hermit, I've never seen one in the wild, only in zoo's. But then Portland is a relatively big city with its own zoo ....
  24. P5-133XL

    PC Gaming = World of Suck

    Move to Oregon! No sales tax.
  25. P5-133XL

    The supreme Court debating the Patentability of Software

    No, there's still copyright protection. Patent protection is not normally used for whole applications, but rather snippits of code. Think of a patent as a way of protecting an invention or in the case of software, a new (original) way of doing something like sorting or in Microsoft's case...
  26. P5-133XL

    Hard Drive Enclosures: well built and reasonably priced?

    Or the fan lasts forever, keeps the drive cool, but is so noisey, that you wish it would die.
  27. P5-133XL

    The supreme Court debating the Patentability of Software

    The US Supreme Court has ruled in favor of Microsoft. By my intrpretation, in the USA, Software patents are only valid in executable form and any abstraction (source code, object code, etc.) is not protected by patent. This brings up some very interesting potential issues with software...
  28. P5-133XL

    RLL drives - blast from the past!

    Yes, they were all MB.
  29. P5-133XL

    RLL drives - blast from the past!

    The first PC I had was a 8086 Compaq Deskpro With a MFM Rodine 45GB HD. Back Then, Compaq-Dos 2.11 ( a rebranding of MS-Dos) had a 33GB limit so that was the amount of space I had. When RLL (50% more space than MFM) controllers came out, I got one and that's when I, pleasently, found out that...
  30. P5-133XL

    Audio Equipment

    I would really like to get rid of speaker-wire: Any recomendations for amplified speakers with multi-channel transmitter/reciever setup?
  31. P5-133XL

    Free Anti-Virus software

    Recently, I found a free version of Kaspery that I've been recomending: AOL Active Virus Shield. I've been having very good luck with it.
  32. P5-133XL

    More Vista nonsense

    That's really dumb! Names mean nothing.
  33. P5-133XL

    Least awful vomit box

    What I try to do when people ask me for a recomendation of where to buy is to tell them that computers are a comodity where there is no definative company that always produces high quality at a fair price. Rather, all the companies, produce a range from the inexpensive and poor quality and the...
  34. P5-133XL


    My opinion is that from 95-2005 they are basicly all the same (I don't see a negative about Outlook because the is no obligation to use that which you are not going to use). Now 2007 is a different beast because the user interface is totally different. In all cases, WordPerfect is better, more...
  35. P5-133XL

    Quiet 120mm fan

    Anandtech has been testing its CPU cooloers with SilenX IXTREMA 120. Very impressive specs at 72cfm at 14db. It is almost double the CFM of most 120mm fans and still very quiet.
  36. P5-133XL

    How long is patience a reasonable virtue? (HDD regenerator)

    How long you wait is really dependant upon your patience and the value of the data (the more valuable, the more I'd wait). For me, the five days you've already allocated is plenty, in my estimation to do its job; But then I don't know how valuable the info is...
  37. P5-133XL

    How long is patience a reasonable virtue? (HDD regenerator)

    Return the drive. Now! If it is under warrantee, the only reasonable rational in running a SpinRite type program is if you can't get the data off and the data has signifigent value. The problem is that once a modern drive starts showing bad sectors, the odds are the number of sectors are...
  38. P5-133XL

    HURRY! Dell 3007WFP for 1600$CAD until Jan 20th

    For me a QAM tuner was very important. I am hooked up to standard Comcast cable with no box: My Apt complex supplies free standard cable. I have no desire to get Comcast's digital service with all those extra stations. If I didn't have a tuner, I'd have to subscribe to Comcasts Digital...
  39. P5-133XL


    I know I'm gonna get flack for it, but here goes nothing. How AMD produces its numbers is roughtly P4-Equivilents. Yes, I know, that they really aren't comparable but that is what AMD is trying to do. You can't really go by simply GHz because of the difficulty in comparing cache sizes between...
  40. P5-133XL


    I'm confused, why are you changing out your RAM when the MB stays the same? Getting faster than PC-3200 RAM probably won't speed things up much. High speed ram upgrades typically only improve system speed by maybe 5-10%. If you want at least a 100% system-wide improvement from your 3200+...
  41. P5-133XL

    Wireless Router & cards

    I know a managed gigabyte switch will do part of the job: You place the machines with Jumbo Frames on a seperate virtual network to the devices that don't. You still need that expensive Jumbo-Frame professional router to route between the two networks. An expensive solution for the normal...
  42. P5-133XL

    How to force Vista to do smaller than 96dpi on high resolution monitors?

    Exactly and the minimum is 96dpi and too large.
  43. P5-133XL

    How to force Vista to do smaller than 96dpi on high resolution monitors?

    I have a client that does not like Vista because, on her screen, the Windows Icons and Text are bigger than she is used to with XP. So, she asked me, how to make them smaller and I don't know. My quicky internet search didn't bring forth any ideas.
  44. P5-133XL

    Wireless Router & cards

    Are there any wireless routers that support jumbo frames?
  45. P5-133XL


    Let's see where that can go: Let's not pay for sex ... After all, the only thing the women and their pimps would be pissed about is all the money they can't stick into their pockets. Let's not pay taxes, After all, the only thing govt. would be pissed about is all the money they can't stick...
  46. P5-133XL


    March 17th was the announancement. Sorry if I didn't announance it here ...
  47. P5-133XL


    I do much better (2x PPD) with the Linux clients than the Windows. Supposedly it is the small cache on the x2 4600's and the specific WU's that the clients are getting. The Reference machines that determine the PPD are supposedly 2M cache machines and my mere 4600's only have 512K. There's...
  48. P5-133XL


    It appears that EOC and Kakao are both having problems with Stanford's flooding script locking them out from the Stanford's stats database:
  49. P5-133XL

    Slow WD740 Raptor on nVidia Chipset.

    Check to see if all the devices (or specificly the HD in question) on your primary/Secondary IDE controllers are all still transfering using UDMA.