Search results

  1. F

    Best movie you've seen

    Have you read other S.Lem books? I read several about 15-20 years ago. I don't remember them very well except that they were rather different than what the American SF authors were writing at the time.
  2. F

    Resurrection of old macintosh g3 333mhz

    The effectiveness of zipping varies by the kind of file being zipped. MPEGs, JPGs, and other already-compressed files won't gain much of anything when zipped since they are already compressed. Word processing documents, text files, and other non-compressed files can generally be reduced in...
  3. F

    Resurrection of old macintosh g3 333mhz

    Whatever media type you decide on, make 2 copies and store them in separate locations. 1 set in a safe deposit box, another in a home safe. That provides protection against media defects/read errors as well as fire/theft/other damage. Burning 36GB+ to CD kinda sucks unless you can compress it...
  4. F dogs really sick

    Merc, as they diagnosis proceeds you may want to inquire about any environmental factors that could have triggered the condition. Since you moved fairly recently, it is possible the prior occupant had a diseased pet (eg. a cat with feline lukemia) that could have left traces for Gracie to be...
  5. F

    Flash card question

    Not sure if it matters for your application or not, but I read the other day that MMC cards are slower than SD cards so you may want to stick with SD.
  6. F

    Microsoft Targeting MPs in Ad

    What's an 'MP'? Mounted Police? Multi Processor? Mary Poppins? I thought Journalism 101 taught that one should spell out something that will be referred to by an acronym, follow it by the acronym surrounded by parens or commas, and then freely use the acronym going forward. Example: "In...
  7. F

    User agent IDs (browser ID strings)

    I just submitted an entry for the new version of Blazer on the Treo 600.
  8. F

    So, um, where is everyone?

    I guess by 'real' I should have specified 8x +/- R .. just +R isn't too interesting for me. That's also a bit beyond what I'm willing to pay; under $200 would be acceptable. And I don't care if the media isn't immediately available; I can wait on that.
  9. F

    So, um, where is everyone?

    I read far more than I post. I've read almost every posting in every thread since inception. I'll check the site about 14-20 times a week (2-4 times a day but also the occasional day of not checking at all). But I don't post that often. Frequently I just don't feel I've anything unique to...
  10. F


    I personally do F@H for the potential betterment of the human condition. Nothing else. If SF embarks on a new DC project, I'll follow along as long as I agree with the goals of the project. Otherwise I may stick with Folding and join another team. To me, this is not a race. Nor is this a...
  11. F

    Review of new Toyota Prius

    First of all, I've very glad no one had any injuries worth noting. The worst aspect of any accident is what can happen to the vehicle occupants. That said, the Jag did what it was supposed to do; it sacrificed itself to protect the occupants. But if your Jimmy had been equipped with antilock...
  12. F

    Review of new Toyota Prius

    I read over the weekend that Toyota's hybrid technology will be migrated into their Highlander crossover/SUV (and the Lexus RX) over the next couple of years, enabling it to get 35-40MPG. While I'm no fan of Toyotas in general and the Highlander specifically, this is a good move to see as it...
  13. F

    Kids and Classic Games

    I'm not so sure. Playing cowboys & indians or army or capture the flag are all team oriented games where you physically interact with the other players. Game-system gaming doesn't do that. Even a LAN party is abstracted as you're dealing with the person's representation and not the person...
  14. F

    New toys

    Grrr... It'll make him wonder...
  15. F

    New toys

    My latest toy I just got yesterday. FedEx, of course, delivered it to a house with my street number but on a different street in my subdivision. Luckily, we were already used to that treatment from the US Post Office so I pretty much knew where the package was when the tracking info showed it...
  16. F

    Review of new Toyota Prius

    Of course, if Craig were to do that few hundred a year in a Prius, he'd go through only 1-2 tanks of gas and pollution would be even less. I have a hard time imagining filling my gas tank just once every 6 months... :) Hey, I love a powerful engine as much as the next guy. But I've decided...
  17. F

    Online IQ test

  18. F

    [NEWS] - Maxtor validates 175GB platters.

    Sure, few consumers have use for a TB drive -- at least until the next version of MS Office is released. :lol: But I think it would have appeal in the corporate market. Petabyte arrays are not far off and drives such as this would be a natural. Much of the corporate market is about dense...
  19. F

    [NEWS] - Maxtor validates 175GB platters.

    Minitowers and up all have at leave two 1/2-height bays: 1 for an optical, 1 for a TB of disk. Or just make it take up 2 slots in a normal 3.5 enclosure (position the mounting screws appropriately). The only chassis' that would be problematic are micro style or proprietary and those aren't...
  20. F

    [NEWS] - Maxtor validates 175GB platters.

    C'mon guys, make the form-factor a 1/2 height vs. a 1" and you could probably get 6 platters in there. Now you've got the first terabyte drive.
  21. F

    SCSI reliability?

    I've got 93 IBM 15K drives across my 2 AS/400s. I lose about 3 drives a year. RAID is a wonderful thing.
  22. F

    Played with the G5 1.6 and 1.8 yesterday...

    The last Apple product I used on any regular basis was a ][e. Or was it the ][+. Never really worked on the GS models... :lol:
  23. F

    Moving (Sucks)

    I've not seen any increase in performance so far (still getting about 250ishKB/s max sustained), but I'll unplug my cable modem as SteveC's article suggests.
  24. F

    Moving (Sucks)

    Comcast with no caps for me: $42.95 US for 1.5Mb/128Kb + $3 for cable modem rental = $45.95 expense report each month. My boss just started letting me expense my home access.
  25. F

    Do you have to wear shirt at work?

    Where I work is 'business casual' which for us means collared shirts, better-than-jeans, no sneakers. For me, a polo shirt, khakis, and deck shoes are fairly typical. I don't mind regular button-down shirts and wear them regularly as well with a decent pair of slacks & dress shoes. I...
  26. F

    Site Change?

    I've no problems with what we're using now, but if you feel another product would be better from an admin or user standpoint, then by all means give it a whirl.
  27. F

    Pradeep gets hitched

    First of all, congratulations! :tounge: Making me mad isn't the issue. All I want is for people to realize the impact they are having on society and the environment. BTW, sometimes even having that first kid can be tough. My wife and I are going through infertility treatment right now...
  28. F

    Yet another reason to like Autralia

    Their argument doesn't apply to what I suggest. What I suggest is to apply this on a global level, not just the US or even just the primary industrialized societies. It would never work otherwise. And yes, it will take a few generations for the leveling-out to occur and the end result may...
  29. F

    Yet another reason to like Autralia

    I think the more logical solution is to freeze the population .. approximate zero growth. I read it in a sci fi novel a number of years ago and the idea made perfect sense to me. Each couple is allowed two children -- basically you're allowed to reproduce to replace yourself. After that you...
  30. F

    All-in-one printer thingies - do they work right yet?

    I don't know anything about it, really. I'm just a lowly user. 8) But you can read a little about it here:
  31. F

    Laptop doesn't "see" Power Supply

    Make sure the pins in the male side of the connector haven't been pushed back too far to make solid contact. We used to see that all the time on serial cables and later on some VGA cables. Haven't seen it on a laptop power adapter but I'm sure it's a possibility. I usually use needle-nose...
  32. F

    When RAI5 is not enough

    New iSeries (AS/400) machines can do anywhere from 3 to 18 drives in a single RAID5 set. Older machines, like the ones I manage, max at 10 drives/set.
  33. F

    Zip files....drawbacks?

    Re:NTFS compression If I compress a drive using, say, W2K, how portable is that compressed volumes? IOW if I compress an external USB2 drive can another PC running W2K or XP read/write the compressed volume? Also, would a compressed volume created in XP be read/writeable by a W2K machine?
  34. F

    All-in-one printer thingies - do they work right yet?

    I don't know who the service provider is (it could be eFax) but this is what I do for a private fax line for work. I have my own fax # and anything I receive arrives as a TIFF attachment to an email. Multipages are all within the TIFF image and I use XP's image viewer to view/print. I can...
  35. F

    Mobile Phones

    Yes, 4-5 hours talk with Sprint; 6-7 hours with other carriers. Much improved over the 2.5ish my Treo 300 offers. The 600s are already appearing in Europe and are expected in the US from Sprint in mid-October. I couldn't say about Ox but I'm sure someone in the forums at Treo Central would know.
  36. F

    Mobile Phones

    The 8500 is a pretty good phone. With the extended LiIon battery it'd last quite a long time on a charge. But even with it's limits I prefer the Treo 300 I've got now. The Palm-phone integration, color, etc. have been very worthwhile -- especially since work pays for it. You might want to...
  37. F

    Buying a LCD in the next day and need advice

    I live in ComEd territory. A good stiff breeze and power fluctuates. A UPS is practically mandatory. I can get a replacement battery for $145, battery + new UPS warranty + app update for $190, or APC has a trade-in program (up to 40% off the replacement). Tax + shipping = $20. Or I can buy...
  38. F

    Mobile Phones

    Any of the Palm-based phones like the Handspring Treos can run Palm-based IR remote apps.
  39. F

    How do people meet people?

    But certainly not with any desire for such an outcome. I just refinanced a few months ago... Yep. Treat it the same as if someone spilled a soda or flipped over a plate of food. Clean it up and move on. No big deal. On Thursday 3 of us from work went out to lunch. We settled on my one...
  40. F

    Best movie you've seen

    You might want to spell out what ch 595 is. DirecTV channel numbers can vary not only by region but by decoder type. This is very true for the local stations; I'm not sure about the nationals. A friend 2 suburbs away using a Sony decoder had the local channels re-assign to random numbers in...
  41. F

    Interesting "survey" - user comments on Raptors

    That's what I ultimately wanted but my budget did not approve. The 930SB looks like it'll be a nice unit for me for awhile.
  42. F

    Interesting "survey" - user comments on Raptors

    Sorry, but I've got to disagree. My NEC-Mitsu Diamond Pro 930SB with a black cabinet (DP930SB-BK) is TCO99 certified. It is documented as such and I just verified it at the TCO web site.
  43. F

    I received this hilarious spam Here's what one guy did: he started an email conversation with the spammer, egged him on, and used HP Lovecraft characters to do it. Necronomicon, etc. I barely skimmed it but it looks hilarious.
  44. F

    Best DVD Burner for less than $200.

    Vendor shirts are great. I wear them when gardening, painting, working on cars, helping people move, and in any other circumstance where clothing can get ruined.
  45. F

    How do people meet people?

    It's no imposition; we like having people over. Her folks come over once in a while. I've a friend who lives in Indy; he stays with us about every other month. Another friend comes over a couple of times a year. My sister & her kids stay on occasion. My wife's nieces (my nieces-in-law?)...
  46. F

    Buying a LCD in the next day and need advice

    So a few minutes ago I strolled into Microcenter and picked up a NEC/Mitsubishi Diamond Pro 930SB for $329 + tax. I could have saved $30 or so buying online but this way I avoid shipping damage issues and I get to hook it up tonight. The used monitors were very tempting, and a good deal if I...
  47. F

    Norton System Works Pro 2001 and W2K SP4

    AVG from Grisoft. Free for individual/home use.
  48. F

    How do people meet people?

    Merc, I can drive down to Indiana pretty much any weekend if you want to hook up again. Or you could come over and stay a weekend at my place We've got guest bedrooms and it'd get you away from your corner of the world for a few hours at practically no cost. What would we do? Heck, I don't...
  49. F

    Any problem reading this?

    I had Honey Nut Cheerios for breakfast this morning.
  50. F

    [NEWS] Mercutio proves...

    My orignal PC, a Zenith Z-151, went from powered off to A:> prompt in exactly 4 seconds which included booting MS-DOS 2.11 from floppy. Close enough to instant for me. I've been waiting for 'modern' machines to catch up ever since.