Search results

  1. Adcadet

    Best compression program (7-zip, WinZip, etc)

    Hey gang, I thought I remembered discussing this before, but a search doesn't turn it up. I'm looking for the best compression program. Easy to use, good compression, relatively fast, and something that provides some data protection for archiving stuff. I've got lots of old data (high school...
  2. Adcadet

    WinXP Internet Time

    ...except that I happened again with the two default servers and a third that I added around 1:15 pm Central. Strange. Maybe the default servers are really overloaded.
  3. Adcadet

    WinXP Internet Time

    I bet your right. Monday morning, around 8 am, thousands of PCs across the US being turned on at the same time.
  4. Adcadet

    WinXP Internet Time

    Strange...I just copied and pasted a different server and it worked (list: into the server box and it started working...even after I deleted the exceptions from Windows Firewall (UDP 123 and TCP 123 - I tried both).
  5. Adcadet

    WinXP Internet Time

    Ooops...the service "Windows Time" was set to manual. I started it, but now it just get "An error occured while Windows was synchronizing with servier. The peer is unreachable." I get this with or without the Windows Firewall enabled, and with and without UDP 123 added to the exceptions list...
  6. Adcadet

    WinXP Internet Time

    Anybody else get "An error occured ... RPC server is unavailable" error when trying to sync their time in Windows XP? I've tried both default servers, I've added the North American one, I've run LSPFix.exe (no errors found), and based on a suggestion found by Google, I'm installing the HP...
  7. Adcadet

    Reinstall Windows on a Dell Laptop

    Mine does not have a hidden partition. Hmmmm...makes me wonder if I reinstalled Windows a few years ago, perhaps around 2003.
  8. Adcadet

    Reinstall Windows on a Dell Laptop

    Does anybody know if the Dell laptops (circa 2002) had a hidden partition?
  9. Adcadet

    Reinstall Windows on a Dell Laptop

    Dell uses "PC Restore by Symantec"....starting in 2004, but my system was made around 2002. And, just to be clear, I really don't want all the Dell crap back on my computer. I just want a decent OS. Well, I'll settle for Windows ;)
  10. Adcadet

    Reinstall Windows on a Dell Laptop

    Hey gang, Got back from vacation, during which I used my old Dell Inspiron 8200. The battery is pretty well shot, which is not surprizing I guess, seeing as how it's 4.5 years old. But it's still a useful machine, though large and clunky for sure. I also realized that I've got a lot of crap...
  11. Adcadet

    More Vista nonsense

    I saw a video interview with that guy. Perhaps that's what you're thinking of. The guy from MS sounded reasonable; the interviewer seemed like a stupid 15 year old kid.
  12. Adcadet

    Erasing your data before dumping your drive

    Nice program! And now with SATA support, too. Q: Does DBAN have SATA support? A: Yes, the current release has full SATA support. If DBAN does not detect a SATA controller running in native mode, then run the controller setup program and enable the "legacy PATA support" option. (ie: "Push...
  13. Adcadet

    Windows Defender

    Looks like Windows Defender is out of Beta. Anybody try it?
  14. Adcadet

    laptop wireless card vs. usb

    Oh, I also like that they clearly print the MAC address right on the device.
  15. Adcadet

    laptop wireless card vs. usb

    I ended up going with a Belking 802.11G USB adaptor, the one with the little stand. The USB adaptor feels sturdy enough, and while I was concerned about it hanging out the back and hitting my legs, it doesn't look like that's an issue. The little stand is pretty light and flimsy, but I imagine...
  16. Adcadet

    laptop wireless card vs. usb

    Thanks. I've always worried about leaving the card in the slot and banging the machine around and damaging both the card and the slot.
  17. Adcadet

    laptop wireless card vs. usb

    Hey gang, My old 802.11b wireless card for my oldish laptop has gone missing. My wife and I are going on vacation soon, and there's wifi access where we're going. I've got work I would like to do that would benefit from wireless access, and the internet keeps me wife sane. We're leaving soon...
  18. Adcadet

    Windows update has gone weird

    I usually use Firefox, but I do on occasion use IE. I really like the addition of tabs in IE7, and makes it a usable browser, IMO.
  19. Adcadet

    Windows update has gone weird

    For the past few days my Window Update has "failed!" to install a number of updates, all updates and security updates for Office, Word, Excel, Outlook, and PowerPoint 2003. I've tried to make sure that I've got absolutely no component of Office running, but that still hasn't worked.
  20. Adcadet

    Firefox page up/down broken - fix

    Ahhhhhhhhhh. So that's what got screwed up on my old computer!
  21. Adcadet

    How much faith do I have in computers?

    As some of you may know, I'm a senior medical student. After 4 years of medical school comes residency, which is from 3-7 years long. Almost everybody does residency these days, except maybe a few who only want to do research, or the moderately insane (the very insane and slightly insane stay...
  22. Adcadet

    Google Desktop

    After using Google Desktop for a while, I sort of like it. I like having their little applets on my desktop, including two weather ones (I'm a bit of a weather nut), a system monitor, a countdown timer to Match Day, an email applet that shows me my Gmail, and my Gmail callendar including my...
  23. Adcadet

    nVidia Active Armor

    My experience with Active Armor seems to have been much more benign. I installed it, decided it wasn't really doing anything, and then disabled it. I then noticed two copies of apache.exe running all the time, and tracked it down to the Active Armor web-based config, which is rather nifty. I...
  24. Adcadet

    First experience with Vista

    For the Vista Simulator, may I suggest running a browser with a ton of pop up adds to try to recreate the sensation of having to click "yes, I really want to do what I just told you to do" (or whatever MS labels it now).
  25. Adcadet

    First experience with Vista

    For the Vista Simulator, may I suggest running a browser with a ton of pop up adds to try to recreate the sensation of having to click "yes, I really want to do what I just told you to do" (or whatever MS labels it now).
  26. Adcadet

    First experience with Vista

    So, my buddy and I recently spec'ed out new computers, and basically went with the same hardware. (new computer link: My buddy decided that he had to have Vista. Why, I don't know. But he's the type who buys Norton Whatever each year...
  27. Adcadet

    nVidia Active Armor

    Does anybody have experience with the nVidia Active Armor Firewall? Link: It's a kind of firewall that is built into my network hardware on my Asus P5N-E SLI motherboard. I initially installed it, then disabled it because I didn't think it...
  28. Adcadet

    WTF are Micro$$$$oft up to now?

    And what's with Media Player 11 looking all Vista-ish? Blah.
  29. Adcadet

    Network utilization when copying files on a server

    I certainly wouldn't know. Usually when I see a heart sketched out it includes all 4 chambers and 4 valves.
  30. Adcadet

    Network utilization when copying files on a server

    No no no no. "linux boxen" and "<3-ing" should not be in the same post. What are we now, 13 year old girl wanna be hackers?
  31. Adcadet

    Network utilization when copying files on a server

    For a long while I just stared at this notation...but I'm starting to think that maybe this is Mercutio's attempt to use a heart symbol, but I can't believe he would stoop to using the language of an 8 year old girl.
  32. Adcadet

    Network utilization when copying files on a server

    Hey gang, My old PC acts as a basic file server, running WinXP (too lazy to switch it to something decent). My new computer is also running WinXP. Some large downloads on the old machine finished up, and I did a cut/past from one folder to another on the same hard drive on the "server."...
  33. Adcadet

    This site is awesome ....

    301 errors, looks like crap in Firefox, looks as expected in IE7.
  34. Adcadet

    Want to know why MS went for flash based cache in Vista

    God I hated WinME. What did it supposedly bring to the table? I remember jumpting to Win2k as soon as I could, and that was probably the biggest jump in computing pleasure I've ever taken - moreso than Win3.1 to Win95.
  35. Adcadet

    Google Desktop

    Anybody here using Google Desktop? I remember trying it out maybe a year ago but quickly uninstalling it due to resource utilization - I simply didn't have the RAM to dedicate to it. I actually found it through a search for a desk bar applet program similar to what OSX and Vista use. So far...
  36. Adcadet

    Windows/386 & crack-smokin' monkeys

    Wasn't he a former Marine sniper with a bunch of confirmed kills from Vietnam, and he always wore sweathers to cover up all his tatoos on his arms?
  37. Adcadet

    Spider tool

    Not unless he's suddenly really into online medical books.
  38. Adcadet

    Spider tool

    Hey gang, There are some webpages that I would like to put on my computer's hard drive because they load too slowly to be convenient to use. A while ago I remember using the DownThemAll firefox extension for a similar task, but it did not work on this particular page. I re-installed...
  39. Adcadet

    Realtek ALC650 Onboard 6-Chennel vs. SBLive!

    I am facing a similar dilemma 3.5 years later. I listen to lots of MP3s, mostly at 160 kbps through headphones (Sennheiser 280 pros), and I do play some games. With headphones I'm guessing EAX is a non-issue? Or is it? Anyway, my new motherboard, a Asus P5N-E SLI has an onboard Realtek...
  40. Adcadet

    Antec P180 $69.99 after MIR w/free S&H

    I believe Antec has come out with some updated cases. I remember the P190, although that might be a very large version of the P180. Perhaps stores are trying to clear their inventory of the P180s.
  41. Adcadet

    New Computer - Core 2 Duo 6400

    So, I tried overclocking the memory. In short, it was a futile experiment from what I can tell. As long as I tell the board to run the memory at 800 MHZ 4-4-4-12 2T everything is fine. As soon as I try to get it above 800 MHz, even at 5-5-5-15 2T the computer will refuse to boot. I suppose I...
  42. Adcadet

    Antec P180 $69.99 after MIR w/free S&H

    I just built a new computer with the P180, and its a great case. My PS cables were all long enough (though not by much), and it keeps my overclocked Core 2 Duo nice and cool and relatively quiet.
  43. Adcadet

    Windows/386 & crack-smokin' monkeys

    Does the BSOD count?
  44. Adcadet

    Windows/386 & crack-smokin' monkeys

    Just when I thought it couldn't get any worse somebody has to go and whip out old Ballmer. Thanks. Now I must shower. And then gouge my eyes out. And then rupture my typanic membranes bilaterally with a pencil.
  45. Adcadet

    New Computer - Core 2 Duo 6400

    No, no trouble at all except for the badness I got when using the black slots, contrary to what I've heard all over the net. My RAM claims to do 4-4-4-12, and as long as I keep it at 2T or auto it runs fine at 800 MHz at 4-4-4-12. I seem to remember that way back when a 1:1 FSB:Memory worked...
  46. Adcadet

    VNC and security

    Already doing MAC filtering, and there's probably 20 APs within a block of me, and at least a few are unsecured. In fact, I can see a weak signal from an unsecured AP from most of my appartment.
  47. Adcadet

    VNC and security

    Well....I do have a wireless router. Perhaps I should take another look at wireless security. Anybody know a good primer?
  48. Adcadet

    New Computer - Core 2 Duo 6400

    I'll go 15K when my budget triples.
  49. Adcadet

    New Computer - Core 2 Duo 6400

    OK, I spent some time last night and this morning switching between old and new computer. The software installed is virtually identical, but the new computer is MUCH faster in everything.
  50. Adcadet

    VNC and security

    I've got my old and new computer under my desk. Both are hooked into my flat panel: my new computer into the digital port and the old into the analog. By hitting the input button on the monitor I can flip between computers, but I still have to unplug/plug my keyboard and mouse. Instead, I...