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  1. blakerwry

    Doom 3

    The single player campain is decent, but the netplay in farcry is aweful from my small experience... I agree about the requirements.. I ahve a 2400+ with 512MB PC3200 and a geforceFX 5600 256MB card and I still didnt think the game played very well. I was going to buy the game, but after...
  2. blakerwry

    How long does your bad sector HDD survive?

    I think it depends on the drive Grim. Not all ATA drives did this.. it's only been within the last 3 or 4 years that it has been standard. I think IBM's SCSI drives used this technology before their ATA drives, don't know about the other manufacturers though..
  3. blakerwry

    Does this crash your Firefox?

    works fine for me in moz 1.7.1... i have the newest version of flsahblock installed.
  4. blakerwry

    How long does your bad sector HDD survive?

    as long as that value is nto increasing it is within specs... if you're worried then send the drive back for RMA.. just beware that the drive you get back may not be any more reliable than the drive you have.
  5. blakerwry

    How long does your bad sector HDD survive?

    in my experience it's not uncommon for a drive to come with a few (< 100) bad sectors. As long as the number doesnt increase there's no cause for worry. About once a month or 2 I check out smart data and verify the numbers havent gone up...
  6. blakerwry

    Something Random

    i like the site update Tony.
  7. blakerwry

    The Best Mice are back...

    my beef with the wireless mice is the battery weight. i prefer a light weight mouse.
  8. blakerwry

    The Best Mice are back...

    I've just purchased 13 mice.. most of them were ms intellimice (?) however, i also got a few logitech wheel mice. The logitech ones are vastly superior. 1) They get dirty slower, 2) they glide smoother and track batter 3) they have more consistancy between mice (wheel pressure and tracking)...
  9. blakerwry

    The Best Mice are back...

    grim, we don't use the mouse.. we learn the keyboard shortcuts.
  10. blakerwry

    I need a new TV

    Oh, but the plain digital cable boxes are fine in my experience (atleast the pioneer one I had.. they now use scientific atlanta) has USB, Ethernet, Svideo, coax digital audio...
  11. blakerwry

    I need a new TV

    The DVR boxes time warner gives out are crappy too. The UI is extremely slow, but its interface is ok. No popups ;-) Even switching channels is very slow (think 2 seconds minimum, sometimes longer) The box have coax digital out, but it is unreliable. During content with dolby digital it works...
  12. blakerwry

    WOW, Seagate ups warranty to 5 years.

    yeah, but hard drives hardly ever fall below $60... so you'd get atleast $6.
  13. blakerwry

    WOW, Seagate ups warranty to 5 years.

    1) percieved reliability.... maybe seagate realized that with every other major player offering 1 year warranty they could garner some business from the competition. 2)competitiveness. If everyone else is saving money on crappy warranties, seagate doesnt want to miss out.
  14. blakerwry

    Fan placement and drive cage question

    just about all 80mm fans will run at the same noise level when ran at the same rpm level... which is why I'd advocat getting a low rpm fan... like 1500/2000rpm in the 1st place.
  15. blakerwry

    WOW, Seagate ups warranty to 5 years.

    Mark, the power on hours was a recomendation... It was not a limit and it did not affect the warranty.
  16. blakerwry

    SCSI questions

    u2w is 80MB/sec IIRC. You may be able to get u160 out of it.. but i'd do some testing before you decide to go past its specs. You won't notice a difference between 80 and u160 or u320 with a single drive. But if you're going to do RAID you'll want something u160 or higher.
  17. blakerwry

    WOW, Seagate ups warranty to 5 years.

    They were one of the 1st with WD as I remember.. maxtor was there also... IBM/HGST last.. samsung was the only one not to join the fray.
  18. blakerwry

    Fan placement and drive cage question

    I would recomend adding just a single fan... something like the Enermax adjustable 80mm fans are great... Otherwise a Zalman or a 5 volted speeze.
  19. blakerwry

    Doom 3

    i played the call of duty demo, very much like DoD (with improved gfx) to me. I have downloaded a farcry demo so I'm going to test it out here in a bit... One game I am looking forward to is The SIMS 2.. however, without free multiplayer gameplay I'm sure I'll get tired of it within a month.
  20. blakerwry

    Doom 3

    i was under the impression that there would be a story behind doom3, similar to the 1st and 2nd doom. Unlike ut2004 or quake3 which were simply shoot em up with either multi player against computer or multiplayer online... The only reason I found counter strike so interesting is that I was...
  21. blakerwry

    Doom 3

    im looking forward to both doom3 and HL2. I havent even seen farcry, maybe I should download a demo.
  22. blakerwry

    Power Measure/Rating? Cost?

    my god jtr, I would probably get a tan just sitting inside your house. Would you believe my entire living room is usually lit by a mere 18 watt CF bulb after daylight? During the daytime there are 2 large windows that let light in. The bedroom is lit by a single 75watt incandescent bulb, and...
  23. blakerwry

    SCSI questions

    I would only buy that controller if you're sure you're going to do RAID. Otherwise get the $32 controller with a $20 cable. Technically, only one drive at a time can be transfering data, but the bus operates so much faster than an individual drive that they may as well be talking at the same...
  24. blakerwry

    SCSI questions

    The reason for u320 controllers is server use. A basic u160 controller is more than enough for use in a PC. LSI makes some cheap (<$50 @ u160 controllers that are going to be as fast and good as the more expensive adaptec ones. just like ATA, SCSI drives cannot saturate the bus they...
  25. blakerwry

    Dell to offer 16ms response time 20" LCD (2001FP) bump
  26. blakerwry


    woot! I think we deserve a round of applause.
  27. blakerwry

    Wish me luck

    wow, looks like I missed a big moment. see whayt happens when you're away for a few days? Glad you made you peace and hopefully a new friend.
  28. blakerwry

    Power Measure/Rating? Cost?

    I was reviewing my bill and no where does it state the charge per kW/hr So I just took the total cost and divided by the total kw/hr used to find out how much they are charging per kw/hr. ;-( Turns out to be just under $0.09 per kW/Hr. so I estimated each PC w/ monitor takes ~$8 per month to...
  29. blakerwry

    Swinging by to say hi

    yeah, I definately missed something. By the way, thanks for the compliment Tea... I think ;-) As someone here once said, I like poles and clean living.
  30. blakerwry

    Fedora Core 3 Test 1 released.

    i was just wondering when core 3 would be out earlier today.. infact I was going to make a joke because it does seem like core2 went final just a short bit ago... but I guess it'll be another couple months before core3 is final.
  31. blakerwry

    Power Measure/Rating? Cost?

    Computer power supplies pull only what they need. They are usually pretty efficient too. Atleast 75% I believe, the better quality PSUs are more efficient... upto almost 90% Power supplies have a range at which they are most efficient. Deviate from this range, either higher or lower and they...
  32. blakerwry

    WTB: Cheap PC133 SDRAM dunno why but looks like there are some pretty desperate price differences... $80 for the brand name kingston/crucial stuff while $40-$50 for generic??? This PC133 stuff is getting expensive.
  33. blakerwry

    Power Measure/Rating? Cost?

    Mage, to give you a comparison. For every computer you leave running, it's aproximately the equivalent of leaving a light bulb on. For every 2 LCDs, assume 1 light bulb. For every CRT it's 1 bulb. Over time it adds up, but for me I'd guess it's about $18 a month for 2 complete systems, a...
  34. blakerwry

    Suggestions for hooking up cable internet

    it really depends on the chipset. On a modern computer it shouldn't have made any difference, probably just something about the cards that didnt play nice together. Since you're probably not using USB and LAN at the same time I wouldn't expect sharing an IRQ to make a difference.
  35. blakerwry

    Suggestions for hooking up cable internet

    i've had good luck with that chipset. It's cheap and generic, but has the potential for 10MB/sec transfers.
  36. blakerwry

    [NEWS] - StorageReview reviews Maxtor's MaxLine III.

    Don't we have to wait for S-ATA to work first? hehe.. really, S-ATA support in linux is basically beta status. Since linux has TCQ support it shouldn't be a problem to implement NCQ support once basic S-ATA support is there.
  37. blakerwry

    I had some visitors this morning...

    ...probably some law. Or maybe they'd rather not ketch someone off guard if they think he is likely not to run and not dangerous (somebody didnt pay a ticket or missed court for example). Those that are dangerous are probably brought in swiftly and get no notice. :-)
  38. blakerwry

    Suggestions for hooking up cable internet

    btw, 3MB/sec isnt all that bad. when transfering fragmented files( like things downloaded via edonkey or torrent) or am doing multiple I/O related tasks simultaneously I cant even max out a 100MBit connection using my WD 1200BB which is a 40GB platter 7200rpm drive.
  39. blakerwry

    Suggestions for hooking up cable internet

    I've postsed some results on 100MBit ethernet SMB file transfers here before 11MB/sec is almost unatainable.. 10MB/sec is a very high goal. With pII/pIII equipment you shouldnt expect to reach >9MB/sec and with a pMMX expect about 6-7MB/sec max. Autonegotiate almost always works perfectly in my...
  40. blakerwry

    Survey on Moz extentions

    no extentions right now...
  41. blakerwry

    5400 RPM

    newegg carries a few, but likes to stay away from 5400rpm units. Locally I bet I could buy some 5400 rpm units from various manufacturers.. although probably older models.
  42. blakerwry

    5400 RPM

    there's the 5400.1 from seagate
  43. blakerwry

    Finally….someone who broke ‘the code‘

    am i suposed to see cat's mating?
  44. blakerwry

    Bloody garbage NTDLL.DLL

    cant you just install the patch and then overwrite the file with the old one?
  45. blakerwry

    Getting Hard Drives out of Computers...

    I have no problem getting hard drives that are silent (too quiet to hear from a few inches) so I don't see why you would have to remove the hard drives from the system unless you just want the fastest thing on the market like a raptor or cheetah (neither of which are silent). Maybe you could...
  46. blakerwry

    Geil RAM .... wonderful stuff

    I remember someone who worked for shuttle recomending Geil a little over a year ago before I purchased my second shuttle bare bones cube. The prices and performance looked competitive, but i simply had and continue to have no reason to switch from Kingston or Crucial which are cheaper and run...
  47. blakerwry

    Why do wireless to wired bridges cost so much?

    wow, looks like in version 2 of this router they are now using a 200MHz CPU and in the GS model they have doubled the RAM and flash ROM size to 32MB and 8MB respectively. It is kind of surprising that this masterpiece is sold for so little compared to the very basic WET11 device
  48. blakerwry

    Why do wireless to wired bridges cost so much?

    man, the WRT54G is a nice piece of hardware for the cost... 125MHz processor and 16MB RAM and runs linux 2.4 out of the box. I would purchase one just to play around with if I had the need.... or could somehow justify it.
  49. blakerwry

    Why do wireless to wired bridges cost so much?

    I believe if you use 3rd party firmware for the WRT54G you can make it act as an ethernet -> wireless AP as well as the reverse. The wired -> wireless bridge functionality is offered by almost all of these NAT devices that offer a built in AP and wired switch. I think there are probably a...
  50. blakerwry

    I need some data services.
