Search results

  1. blakerwry

    Arizone Convicts

    im glad he knows how to treat em coug. I'm all for tougher punishment of repeat offenders.
  2. blakerwry

    SF Folding@Home Graphical Sig

    In 1972, a crack commando unit was sent to prison by a military court for a crime they didn't commit. These men promptly escaped from a maximum security stockade to the Los Angeles underground. Today, still wanted by the government, they survive as soldiers of fortune. If you have a problem, if...
  3. blakerwry

    Seagate Warranty Information

    man that's stupid! Are they kidding? that almost sounds like seagate goofed and they're telling you that because they have no other excuse....
  4. blakerwry

    Image management software

    sounds like you need some sort of database software that will allow you to rank your files and associate labels with the pictures like genre, date/time, comments, etc. my best guess is to look under the file management tools on :(
  5. blakerwry

    great hosting deal...

    just wanted to let you know I was easily able to duplicate the problem... it's really just poor coding. There is no excuse for it to say that the account was successfully created when it infact was not. Just poor coding and error checking. Programming 101. looks like Cpanel coders got a C-
  6. blakerwry

    A good day at the office

    i know how that feels. congrats.
  7. blakerwry

    New Zealand or Bust!

    lol... I'm sure their network has a finite amount of bandwidth (without upgrading/complete overhaul)... with several points of possible bottlenecks. If they're charging 1/10th of their competitors then I think they'll have a problem eventually.
  8. blakerwry

    new in Office 2003

    in a "why did we make office 2003 when 2002/XP and 2000 were already more than adaquate?" kind of way?
  9. blakerwry

    new in Office 2003

    Are you kidding? I'd expect most techy type people to get every one except maybe the 2001 space oddyssey as that is somewhat cultural, and the #10 one (it just left me wondering). Office is getting pretty bad, Word Perfect 2000 seems like a better overall program, too bad it was not more...
  10. blakerwry

    [NEWS] - Windows flaws allow PC takeover

    welcome primate
  11. blakerwry

    New Zealand or Bust!

    hmmm... wonder how long that will last. reminds me of when AOL went unlimited.... no more rationing of something that is finite.
  12. blakerwry

    Users are stupid and I have proof.

  13. blakerwry

    SF Folding@Home Graphical Sig

    well, i don't think the expense would be justified. Even if we could use our own box I think it would be more expensive(from what I've seen). But my opinion may not matter too much at this point because i'm not bothered by the infrequent downtime... but people visiting the forum for the 1st...
  14. blakerwry

    Users are stupid and I have proof.

  15. blakerwry

    Users are stupid and I have proof.

    I see where you're getting. Good counter point. But I think with a little training, people can become familiar with a device and can ... I forget the phsycological term... but they can apply that knowledge to another similar situation. Our brains probably do this well, and that's why we can look...
  16. blakerwry

    look out weatherbug on the way!

    Hate popups? Hate popups designed to look like important windows features like "system clock update", "task bar update", etc? Thought they wre just immitating windows to get at the huge windows userbase that will click on and install anything? Not anymore! New weatherbug for Unix/Mac
  17. blakerwry

    new in Office 2003

    #2 and #3 were good... I also liked the reference to 2001 a space odyssey sometimes I don't find computer humor very... humorous. Maybe I'm too geeky.
  18. blakerwry

    Brilliant Clerks at Food Lion

    I should have included in that post that your experience isn't necesarily reltaed to her intelligence level or the education provided by your local schools.
  19. blakerwry

    Brilliant Clerks at Food Lion

    oh come on jtr, you're being a little harsh. She probably has the monotonous job of taking orders and handling money for hours on end with obnoxious co-workers, rude customers, and screaming kids. If you're not challenged by your work and/or you don't enjoy it then I wouldn't expect someone to...
  20. blakerwry

    SF Folding@Home Graphical Sig

    probably alot... a shared machine should be fine, assuming it's not overpopulated or under powered.
  21. blakerwry

    MySQL connection issues

    yeah, I noticed the phpbb error last night when i got off work. glad it's up again
  22. blakerwry

    Users are stupid and I have proof.

    i think it's often taken for granted by us that not everyone is born with technical knowledge of computers. People have to learn what a monitor is, what the keyboard is, computer, mouse, etc. If they have not had this exposure in school then it's usually when they get their 1st computer or...
  23. blakerwry

    Users are stupid and I have proof.

    heh, yeah the story got icq'd around where I work.. not a big surprise... But then they have moved to software switches and it seems that a manufacturer can put as many(or as little) switches and lights on the front of a computer as they want. Not only that, but the switches could have one of...
  24. blakerwry

    Buying a LCD in the next day and need advice

    I'd look at the better Mitusbishi/NEC or Samsung CRTs... CRT prices have gone down to hell lately, but you'll still pay a pretty penny for a top quality 20" CRT... my guess is you'll be spending most of that $500.
  25. blakerwry

    Cases with SATA power connectors?

    Yup, those look good, but are a bit expensive... the value(enermax, Enlight, compucase) stuff shouldn't be too far behind.
  26. blakerwry

    great hosting deal...

    anpersand and percent signs are usually no no's in email username/passwords... this is becasue some servers require the full email address for the username, but older clients don't always allow you to use an @ sign. The fix was to make servers accept % or & signs, maybe also # signs as...
  27. blakerwry

    [NEWS] - GNOME 2.4 article at Ars Technica

    i actually think gnome is a neater GUI, but it usually takes longer to load and uses more resources than KDE. I used to prefer gnome, but then I used KDE... Overall they're not much different, both are getting to be pretty refined window managers.
  28. blakerwry

    Mandrake 9.2 RC2 available on mirrors

    coug's jut an environmentally friendly kind of guy. he's thining of the costs on the environment and how it effects everyone, including you merc.
  29. blakerwry

    Mandrake 9.2 RC2 available on mirrors

    umm.. coug.. just looked at the iso's... all isos are within 1MB of eachother... atelast on the couple mirrors i checked out that had RC2 on them.... did you download the full files? the files show up to me as: CD1 666102KB CD2 665548KB CD3 665142KB this is on several different mirrors in US...
  30. blakerwry

    great hosting deal...

    yes, it's SSH. No, it's not enabled on my account, but it is/was offered.
  31. blakerwry

    great hosting deal...

    They keep changing plans around, I'm not quite sure what they're offering anymore... I do, however, know that I'm getting alot better deal than what they're currently offering... i'm basically getting their DSH-V050A plan with more email and FTP accounts for about $0.50/month (about $5 per...
  32. blakerwry

    Mandrake 9.2 RC2 available on mirrors

    i had the same problem.. slackware 9.0.. 1 CD... too big to fit on a 650MB CD-RW... Too bad I have yet to find any decent 700MB RW media for a good price.. guess I'll just have to break down and get some more one of these days. Makes me wish I could find some 700MB verbatim RW media... locally...
  33. blakerwry

    great hosting deal...

    as far as I know xcensus offers telnet to your server.. don't know what shell they use... last I saw on their site they run redhat... I too don't like Cpanel.. i've noticed some quirks and I think the interface is pretty poor... i'd prefer more options. speaking of options.. I think xcensus...
  34. blakerwry

    Mercutio's Term as a moderator is at an end

    no wonder I got so many votes, i aparently have imaginary people on my team.
  35. blakerwry

    RIAA ties Peer-To-Peer sharing with pornography

    Tea, what's up with the new avatar, been eating mexican lately?
  36. blakerwry

    great hosting deal...

    Xcensus is back up, wish I would have read my email earlier and my site would be back up yesterday. Aparently Xcensus switched their servers over to a new data center and something went wrong with the server my site was hosted on.. Xcensus claimed "reports" of some people's sites...
  37. blakerwry

    XP and sucking chest wounds. OK, maybe just sucking.

    merc, i have a crappy XP home SP1 problem... fairly new install of XP.. when I'm trying to browse networks shares it's ungodly slow. This happens when browsing shares from samba, winXP pro, or even from the local host... The problem is that I can see the workgroup, I can see the shares on a...
  38. blakerwry

    LBA48 and linux file serving... how much trouble?

    i just installed slackware... I'm liking some things.. others, not so much... I liked how in mandrake I could useradd and it would give the user a home dir, tmp, and trash very easily... in slack it just adds the user... in debian it prompts me for all kinds of information about the user.. but...
  39. blakerwry

    LBA48 and linux file serving... how much trouble?

    oh, yeah... What is recomended as a good file system for a large drive? ext3 seems like the standard, but ReiserFS and XFS seem to be popular choices as well. Anybody know anything about these?
  40. blakerwry

    LBA48 and linux file serving... how much trouble?

    crud, i installed debian, only to realize that it was 2.2.20 and not 2.4.20 It didn't run well out of the box, i had to spend about a half hour manually editing the X config file to get X-windows running. Then I spent an hour or so trying to get my mouse to work well with my KVM when switching...
  41. blakerwry dogs really sick

    I'm sorry to hear. I, also, empathize. We lost our cat Mocha a couple years back. We made the decision to put her to sleep. She was old (we'd had her for as long as I can remember), and it was probably her time to go anyway. We wanted it to be peaceful rather than painful. I hope you cherish...
  42. blakerwry

    Need Bootvis.exe

    bootvis has always shaved off 10% or more for me... I've gotten my boot time to ~6-8 seconds on my shuttle box before i linuxed it. LOL, my Soyo dragon+ was still doing the POST beeps by the time the shuttle box was openning windows.
  43. blakerwry

    Whats it mean when I get "Pinged"?

    blocking ICMP pings can really hurt when troubleshooting an internet conenction problem.. other than that I've not heard of any problems associated with it (I know I hear people saying that it may cause problems with games, but I have never heard which games or what problems.. I think it's just...
  44. blakerwry

    great hosting deal...

    With the plans Xcensus has right now, you really have to get theor "reseller" plan if you want to resell.. that will set you back $27/mo, $20 for additional units... each unit comes with unlimited domains, email, SQL, etc... 2GB data and 25Gb monthly transfers. The old plans were better. The...
  45. blakerwry

    great hosting deal...

    Just anted to inform everyone that the hoster seems to be having some sort of MAJOR problem on atleast 1 of their servers. Yesterday I tried to visit my site and was greeted with the default "newly installed apache page".. Today I am now greeted with an "abandoned property software"...
  46. blakerwry

    SCSI DVD player?

    not me
  47. blakerwry

    [NEWS] - Western Digital to introduce 72GB Raptor.

    there's no way they could have upped the density... WD has just recently started making drives with 80GB platters on the 7.2k IDE drives... and even then they had to slow down the seeks on them. With the smaller platter size of the raptor (3" diameter?)that would probably be the equivalent...
  48. blakerwry

    [NEWS] - Western Digital to introduce 72GB Raptor.

    just like everything else, things are designed for a set life and duty cycle... I expect this raptor to outperform the original... would be nice to have one.. but they're probably not for me till WD uses FDB.
  49. blakerwry

    XP and sucking chest wounds. OK, maybe just sucking.

    yeah, it didn't really sound like a TCP problem as you said you could ping, authenticate and such... but it was my best guess short of doing a restore/repair on the OS... i somehow always forget about the system file checking tool