Search results

  1. Tea

    Sonic sucks sucks sucks susks sucks sucks

    A while back I put a DVD burner in my home machine. It was the last of the single layer units just before double layer became affordable. It came bundled with the Sonic recording software. Seeing as I didn't plan to use it much, that was OK. OK, Sonic sucks seriously from the point of view...
  2. Tea

    Spybot updates off-line?

    We use Spybot heaps. These days, it's the best spyware cleaner around (at least the best that I know of), clearly superior to Ad-Aware. Trouble is, it insists on downloading the latest updates for itself before it will run at all, and that is a major pain, for two different reasons: * A: It...
  3. Tea

    OK, I give up. (Scriped installs)

    OK, I give up. Now that Kristi has gone to university and I'm the new Queen of the Workshop, there are going to be some changes made. There has got to be an answer out there somewhere, but I can't find it. I want a script to perform two tasks: (a) Configure the Windows desktop the way it...
  4. Tea

    Wanted: tool to delete undeleteable files

    What's the best program to use when you need to delete a locked file? You know the routine: you need to clean a virus or other nasty off a system, but you can't delete the exe/dll/etc file itself because Windows says it's in use, you can remove the reference to it via Hijackthis or Regedit, but...
  5. Tea

    Would you buy a used dishrag from this meathead?

    Take a look at this Ebay item: This moron is trying to catch a buyer for a worthless 2.5GB hard drive. Let's examine the vendor's credentials and work out if the guy is honest and/or knows anything at all about his...
  6. Tea

    Going on a bandwidth diet

    I'm trying to cut down on the bandwidth my site sucks. Er ... sorry .. Tannin's site. I don't want to take bits of the site down, and it would be easy enough to just buy more bandwidth, but why should I? Hey, it's a free service I provide, and I'm already paying for 6GB a month, that ought to be...
  7. Tea

    RewriteRule .*\.(html|php)$ [nc]

    I am trying to learn how to make Apache do what I want it to do using .htaccess and mod_rewrite. Tannin haz given up coz it'z too hard. I always get the tricky jobz. :o Tannin iz too old to lean anything now, and just parrots the same old nonsense at people every time but no-one ever seemz...
  8. Tea

    Ban the power brick

    YES!!! I hate the damn things.
  9. Tea

    WTF? Who maks good big CRTs now?

    Mitsubishi are no longer making CRT screens. (sob) WTF am I going to do for a good CRT now that there are no more Mitsubishi Professionals? Sure, I love a quality TFT - Tannin and I have been TFT fans since the days of our beautiful little 12 inch LCD-PC - but for photographic work you need...
  10. Tea

    Poll: second-worst hard drive

    OK, you've all voted for your favourite hard drive maker, now what about your most disliked brand of drive. (Not counting Western Digital, I mean.) Which current drives do you really hate/distrust/put in sacks and threaten people with?
  11. Tea


    Has anyone noticed that we happy few have now racked up 64K posts? (Give or take a few units here and there.) That is some serious yakking!
  12. Tea

    Hints for happy living

    Because we have a number of newly domesticated members at present, I thought it might be helpful to provide some hints and tips for happy domesticity, gleaned from Tannin's and my extensive experience in running a happy, efficient household together. It is particullarly important to see that the...
  13. Tea

    Quick question: which Linux disto?

    If I can (somehow) find the time, I want to get a Linux/Apache/MySQL/PHP machine up before Thursday, so that I can do a live demo of the wiki software in a lace where Internet access isn't really possible. So I need to take a server with appropriate software loaded with me and just plug my...
  14. Tea

    New Tecra (Mercutio probably vomits)

    Tannin just almost ordered me a new notebook. Current model is a Toshiba satellite A10. Celeron 2000, 512MB, 80GB (came with a 30 but he upgraded it 'cause 30 was nowhere near enough), 14 inch TFT, Intel all-in-one shared video chipset, CD/CDRW/DVD combo. It had a 2 hour battery life new, but...
  15. Tea

    Windows Media Player: which version is best?

    Easy question. Is it worth upgrading Windows Media Player from whatever version is standard with W2K (err .. I just checked, it's 6.4) to 9 or 10? * What would I gain (if anything)? * What problems do the latest versions introduce (DRM crap and etc.)? I rarely use Media Player, but sometimes...
  16. Tea

    Way to go!

    Puerto Rico! Whoah! Way to go! And up until this moment, I never even used to like basketball! Fantastic!
  17. Tea

    Madness X 9

    I'm having a few video problems, and I'm contemplating updating my Direct X to V 9. Am I crazy?
  18. Tea


    AV You know, Kristi mentioned something today that gave me one of those "oh yeah, I know that, I've just never actually said it out loud before" moments. About every second or third time a machine comes in to have the viruses removed, it turns out to be running Norton Anti-Virus. Sometimes it's...
  19. Tea

    Geil RAM .... wonderful stuff

    Lateley we have switched over to using Geil RAM for everything. Since .. er .. about December last year, or possibly a little later. Geil market their RAM to the overclocking community, but we never overclock it, just use it for stock-standard systems. Previously we used a range of stuff, most...
  20. Tea

    Would you raher be a sock or a puppet?

    You know, it just occurred to me that there is usually quite a difference between the socks and the puppets around here. I mean, take Buck. Buck is a top guy. But the Bartender, on the other hand, swans around pretending to be a nice bloke, smiling at everyone and offering free drinks now and...
  21. Tea

    Cases (more general)

    Cases are something of an issue for us at present. Traditionally, we have carried 3 lines: A premium case. Quality PSU, moderately expensive. Slow but steady seller. A standard case. Cheap as we can get without sacrificing too much - i.e., we can't put up with shoddy build quality, too much...
  22. Tea

    Quick video editing software recommendation

    Quick recommendation required. I have a customer who needs a video editing software package. He is considering Pinnacle 8 DV to take the output from a JVC digital video camera, and output to DVD. Cost of that package is $279AU. I have heard numerous horror stories about Pinnacle software and...
  23. Tea

    How to overlay a web graphic

    Help! Tannin is away and he's left me here all on my own to figure out how to code a web page (one that he rather foolishly volunteered to do for a local landcare group). The thing is, the design is more-or-less fixed. I have PDF mockups of a half-dozen example pages, and my job is simply to...
  24. Tea

    Code mod?

    OK, this is a blue-sky idea, but I'm a blue-sky sort of person, so I might as well bring it up. It may well not be practicable to implememt it, but for what it's worth ..... Lately I've become very used to the wiki software editing conventions, which are essentially the same as the ones we use...
  25. Tea

    Firewall question

    Bloody Tannin. Leaves everything to me. I've no sooner got back to the office than he tells me I have to figure out a better way to connect customer machines up to the cable modem for on-line virus scanning. Back in the old days, Tannin used to get a fresh copy of VET in the mail once every...
  26. Tea

    Stupid question #4309

    How do I tell my stupid browser (Internet Explorer 5.0) not to use that pox-ridden "personalised menu" that leaves all sorts of stuff out until I click on it? I can never remember.
  27. Tea

    Goodbye (for now)

    Tannin and I won't be around much, if at all, for the next 5 or 6 weeks, because we are heading off to points unknown with camera in hand. Yippee! We are taking a laptop, which has a modem, but probably won't be anywhere we can log in from very often. So be good. PS: as soon as Mrs Pradeep...
  28. Tea

    Huh? I thought Windows 2000 was designed for networking

    Simple job. I need the following directry structure on a server: C:\data\sharedfiles (any machine on the network has full acces to this) C:\data\Alan (Shared folder, available only to Alan and on the server) C:\data\Betty (Shared folder, available only to Betty and on the server)...
  29. Tea

    All-in-one printer thingies - do they work right yet?

    Having had a number of horrible epics with Hewlett-Crapard All-in-one printer-scanner-fax-copier things, to do with incompatibility on software and hardware levels, very bad documentation, useless help desk staff, not working with Windows 2000 or XP or any other bloody version of your taste...
  30. Tea

    Only in America ...

    Someone posted this on the BirdForum, where Tannin hangs out almost as much as I hang out here. Apparently a true story. Worth repeating. An elderly Florida lady did her shopping, and upon returning to her car, found 4 males in the act of leaving with her vehicle. She dropped her shopping...
  31. Tea

    Quick question: best Gforce FX5900 card

    Yes, another one. My customer wants the best GF FX5900 he can get. Doesn't really care about the price. wants it yesterday. He ordered an ASUS nearly a month ago but ASUS have given us three firm delivery dates and not made any of them. My ASUS dealer told me, frankly, that they now have a 4th...
  32. Tea

    Quick question: easiest imaging software for instanty backup

    Simple question: what's the easiest way to achieve this goal: Server will run W2K SP4, 80GB At least one of the workstations will be identical on a hardware level. What I want to do is fit both machines with a hard drive caddy, and have a daily or weekly backup run on the server to image the...
  33. Tea

    Flagreen: 1000 posts! Whoohoo!

    You da man, Mr Green!
  34. Tea

    Where iz we hiding?

    Tannin and I are slipping off for a few days birding and with any luck we won't be on-line again till next week. Bags packed, batteries charged, car filled up with petrol, great big bag of bananas in the back, and Tannin has shouted himself to a new notebook so that we can sit in motel rooms...
  35. Tea

    Database connectivity error 21/7/03

    And we are back on-line. [/i]Whoo-hoo![/i] JoJo and I were reduced to chatting by email.
  36. Tea

    Seeing az we are all being creative tonight ...

    Seeing az we are all being creative tonight and my writing ain't great and my zpelling zucks ...
  37. Tea

    Gigabyte Radon 9200

    I have just aquired a Gigabyte Radon 9200 128MB video card. I'm not sure why. Or how. Something to do with buying a box of ten Gigabyte KT-400 motherboards and it being Friday, so they sent me a promotional video card as well. Trouble is, I don't know what the damn thing is. How much do I...
  38. Tea

    A camera with some serious zoom

    Well, Tannin's red-it cred-it card is finally working for its living. I talked the old bugger into lashing out for a digiscoping setup, and ... about six grand later ... it's taking shape. The idea is that you use a fairly cheap, plain-jane digital camera to store the images on, but, in order...
  39. Tea

    Compact flash write speed

    Does anyone know anything about the different write speeds of different compact flash cards? I've learned a little browsing here and there in the last half-hour or so, but only a very little. I'm about to buy some flash cards for my new Coolpix 4500 (why the Coolpix? Long story, I'll make a new...
  40. Tea

    Wide thread for putting pictures in

  41. Tea

    Mindless Zecurity Folliez Read. Laugh. Weep.
  42. Tea


    Doez Ztorage Forum have a birthday? If so, when is it? Anyone remember?
  43. Tea

    [NEWS] Interesting Hector Ruiz interview Operon, 64-bit Athlonz, all zorts of interezting ztuff. Click. Read. Learn. Laugh. Cry. Buy popcorn. Or zomething.
  44. Tea

    3Com embedded NIC - is it any good?

    I seem to have a gift for stupid networking problems. A few weeks back my Soltek SL-75DRV5 died. So I replaced it with an Albatron - a KX400 8XV Pro - see: Nice board. I like it. Nothing fancy, but effective and quite cheap. Along with the other...
  45. Tea


    (Tannin?) (Mmmmm?) (Why are we writing poztz to each other when there are zo many interesting threadz we haven't even read properly yet, let alone replied to?) (Possibly because you keep asking such idiot questions, Tea.) (No. Zeriously!) (Probably because it's half past one in the morning...
  46. Tea

    Internet Explorer 6 - what are the traps and tips?

    OK, seeing az Tannin makez me use Internet Explorer and hogs Opera and Moz to himself, and seeing as my IE 5 suddenly started crashing for no reason that I'm aware of, I decided to try IE 6 instead. So far, it seems to be working just fine. I haven't actually noticed anything different yet...
  47. Tea

    Rant: I hate it when people quote really really long slabs

    <Rant> I hate it when people quote really really long slabs of stuff that other people wrote and then the other people quote the zame thing back again and then the firzt perzon quotez the whole damn thing a third time and then zomeone elze comez along and quotez the bloody thing a ninteenth...
  48. Tea

    Humor: State of the Universe Address

    A friend zent me thiz today. I guess he would have zent it to Tannin, but Tannin doezn't have any friendz, only money. (And me, of courze.) 2003 State of the Universe Address by Swami Beyondananda Hello everybody -- it is great to be here ... and you know what? We really have no choice...
  49. Tea

    Humor: State of the Universe Address

    A friend zent me thiz today. I guess he would have zent it to Tannin, but Tannin doezn't have any friendz, only money. (And me, of courze.) 2003 State of the Universe Address by Swami Beyondananda Hello everybody -- it is great to be here ... and you know what? We really have no choice...
  50. Tea

    Case Sensitive web searching

    Does anyone know of a search engine that is, or can be set to be, fully case-sensitive? Google, for example, translates everything to lower case. Alta Vista uses a scheme to (if I remember correctly) treat lower case as upper case but not the reverse (i.e., searching for "tea" will find "tea"...