Search results

  1. Tea

    How to clone an NT drive?

    Just a quickie - what's the best and easiest way to clone a drive for a system running Win NT? I need to do this right away (well, OK, after I go to bed, get up, shower, and drive to the office), so I don't have time to order software and wait for it to arrive or anything, just have to clone an...
  2. Tea

    Happy New Year to everywhere else!

    Well, it's 2003, and ... just checking .... yup, I'm still the same old me. So far as I can tell, I am still the same indeterminate number of years old, and still like bananaz. Guess that meanz it's going to be a good one. :) Happy New Year to all!
  3. Tea Hey - that's neat! I see that belongs to a cybersquatter, and is cybersquatted and not for sale. Oh well. Nice one Tim. :)
  4. Tea

    Quick: what is a suitable video card for AutoCAD?

    Have to send this quote off in a half hour or so, I'm doing some web hunting right now (bit of the old LTSTBW) but one of you gentlemen might be able to (a) save me some legwork and (b) give me an opinion I trust. He has a competing quote right now for a P4 2400 with 512MB , 20GB HDD, and...
  5. Tea

    Huh? Diug, I think you better look at this

  6. Tea

    Bazic electronicz primer

    Back before I waz born, Tannin uzed to play with zoldering ironz and have a reazonable underztanding of the fundamentalz of electronicz. He could have explained the difference between reziztive and capacitive impedence, or how a PNP tranziztor junction workz. Or zo he claimz - if you recall his...
  7. Tea

    HE'Z BACK!

    Run and hide! Lock up your daughterz!
  8. Tea

    Anyone remember this old ad?

    Back in the Sixties and Seventies, before tobacco advertising was banned, you couldn't switch on the TV or go to the beach without hearing someone's transistor radio (remember transistor radios?) playing those ubiquitous Viscount ads. (Did you have the Viscount brand in the States? I guess not...
  9. Tea

    Video card for mid-range business systems

    Video cards for family and gaming systems are easy right now: generic 64MB TNT M64 at the low end, generic 64MB Gforce II MX-400 in the mainstream, 128MB Sparkle Gforce III Ti200 in the upper mid-range, Leadtek Ti 4200s and 4600s at the high end. I have not the slightest intention of trusting my...
  10. Tea

    Who da best now?

    NEWSFLASH: Dateline Storage Forum, 11th November 2002. New avatars abound, and there are one or two more still to go since the great avatar swap. Lotz of creative onez, too. But of them all, I have one particular favourite - yes, even better than that wonderful new one of mine, showing me in...
  11. Tea

    Idle curiozity

    No particular reazon for thiz at thiz particular time, but I am curiouz about thiz one. Here at work I uze Mosilla under OZ/2, but at home I have zeveral browzerz. Zo at home I use IE 5.0, and Tannin uzez Opera. We both have our favourite browzerz zet to auto log uz in az (rezpectively) Tea and...
  12. Tea


    Why do you have an angry platypus as your avatar? I don't think it suits you.
  13. Tea

    VPN for dummies

    I gather that there are a million ways to organise a virtual private network. I often toy with the idea of setting one up between home and work. I have broadband connections at both ends, and the work end (the one where the data I'd want to access remotely is) has a static IP. The actual...
  14. Tea


    It's about time you got up, Flagreen! And where is that lazy Prof. Wizard when you want him? Coug? You used to be an early riser. Getting old, are we? grumble grumble hell with it i'm going to bed
  15. Tea

    Which Linux Disto (yet again)

    Yup. It's that time of year again. Time for me to once more waste $10 of Tannin's money on our annual sample of the Linux water. One day we are going to do this and say "Hey - wow! We can finally stop selling Microsoft junk!" I doubt that that happy day is here yet, but every time we look at...
  16. Tea

    Another stupid late night idea ...

    I was just reading The Giver's post in another thread, and wondered where his avatar was. And that led me to wondering if I should search for something suitable and suggest it to him. And that led to to wondering how much fun it would be to have a "Choose your Opponent's Avatar Week". For...
  17. Tea

    Which is worse?

    Here's your chance ....
  18. Tea

    POLL: who is your favourire LOTR character?

    Slo's mention of Lord of the Rings brings this to mind. Of the nine adventurers, which one do you like the most?
  19. Tea

    Just tried Netscape 7.0

    I must have been bored. After the discussion of browsers and email clients in another thread just now, I tok it into my head to take another look at Netscape. OK, I know it's based on the Mozilla engine and I already have Moz, but I was curious. After the dreadful 6.0, could they have made it...
  20. Tea

    POLL: Test your marketing skills

    Are you a sales monkey or just a pretender? How well do you know your customer base? Take the Hairy Ape's Quiz and find out. Just answer this one simple question. People who would buy a Microsoft security product would also buy:
  21. Tea

    Why is everyone up so early today?

    I can't recall ever seeing so many people on at this time of night before. (10:00PM my time.)
  22. Tea

    Really, really stupid error messages of our time

    I clicked MY COMPUTER I clicked CONTROL PANEL I clicked ADD/REMOVE PROGRAMS I clicked OUTLOOK EXPRESS 6 I clicked REMOVE "Are you sure you want to completely remove the selected application and all of its components?" I clicked YES "Warning: removing Microsoft Outlook Express 6 may mean...
  23. Tea

    North shore Canada?

    Ahh, forgive me if this is a stupid question, and bear in mind that my geography lessons in Borneo were a little light on in the frozen wastes department, but does Canada actually have a north shore? I always thought the North-West Passage was a strictly seasonal thing, and that Amundsen had...
  24. Tea

    Sometimes the phone rings ...

    "Red Hill, good morning, this is Tony." "Oh, hi Tony. This is Jason Smith of Namechanged Accountants. I'm just ringing to get a price on the latest version of Internet Explorer." (Silence) .... Just when you thought you've seen it all.
  25. Tea

    Leadtek mainboards - good?

    My Gigabyte rep called me today and they have sold out of the AMD 760 chipset boards that they were specialing out. This was inevitable, as they were going way below cost. But they have offered me Leadtek SiS-based boards at around the same price. We got one to try out a while ago and it seemed...
  26. Tea domain registration

    For years now my domain has been registered through my ISP and in turn through are no longer handling the namespace, so I have to change to a new registrar. They suggest that I go to Melbourne IT who are the largest...
  27. Tea

    Setting up NT & W98 multi-boot

    It's easy enough to install NT or Win2000 side-by side with an existing W9X install, and then dual boot between them. But is there a relatively easy way to take a system that has an existing NT 4.0 install (which my customer doesn't want to lose if he can help it) and add a Win 98 install as...
  28. Tea

    Very interesting 911 TV ratings figures

    Australia has the following TV networks: Nine Network: the unchalenged market leader Seven Network: the perennial number two Ten Network: the poor relation. Struggles to survive. Has even gone broke at least once - which is considered almost impossible. Owning a TV network in Australia, where...
  29. Tea

    My word, SR has been down for a long time

    Since, oh maybe three or four hours ago
  30. Tea

    Nero sucks

    Mitsubishi 24X CD burner, Nero 5.5.something or other, Win98. Works fine at 16X. Utterly refused to give me any option higher than 16X burn. Read help files, visit Nero web site, endure their incredibly crappy Javascript that doesn't even work properly with IE 5.0, let alone a real browser (Moz...
  31. Tea

    Geforce 4 Ti 4400 bites the dust

    Last week I ordered a couple of GF4 Ti 4400s from Leadtek. Rectron (our Leadtek people) called me to say that they had no stock and did not expect to be getting any. Apparently, Nvidia have decided not to make any more Ti 4400 chips. This seemed a bit hard to believe, so I rang around. No-one...
  32. Tea

    LiamC's new page in case anybody missed it. A good effort, Bill. I never did like the old layout too much, it always looked a little cramped and fussy, this one ismuch nicer. OK, I don't like fliickery white backgrounds and prefer the old colors, but that's just a personal...
  33. Tea

    AutoCAD printing problem

    Jim has a small office with two computers. His old machine is a P-III 733 (or something similar), his new one a Duron 900 DDR. Epox main board, Gforce II MX 200, 512MB DDR, internal modem, Win98SE, nothing else. I mean nothing else. Printer is an HP Deskjet 1120 A3 unit. When he prints a...
  34. Tea

    Where to download IE 6.0?

    Not quite as stupid a question as it looks. I want to install IE 6.0 on a customer's machine to see if it resolves his AutoCAD printing problem (which we suspect may be caused by IE 5.5) All I need is the Zip file (or .exe, whatever) but the Microsoft site only offers setup.exe which is a half...
  35. Tea

    Stupid P4 chipset question

    We almost never sell Intel CPUs anymore. Today, we sold our very first P4 CPU and mainboard ever. We might sell the odd other one over the next few months, might not - it depends on the price-performance equation, which at this stage still favours AMD. In fact at the moment, we are buying: A...
  36. Tea

    Oh no! Not another Pearly Gates joke!

    (Yup. Another one. I never tire of them.) You know the scenario: the little old lady died last night and she is standing at the Pearly Gates talking to St Peter. So far, so good. Suddenly there is a blood-curdling scream. "Oh Goodness", says the little old lady, quite alarmed, "what on earth...
  37. Tea

    Folding Protein P145_1L2Yunf

    Has anyone had any of these units lately? Two things can happen if you get one: a: :) You get a P145_1L2Yunf workunit. It zips along pretty quickly and you assume that it's not worth many points - and quite rightly so: like a half-dozen other ones with similar names (P142_1LY2unf and...
  38. Tea

    I see that the old Dawg hasn't lost his touch Kudos.
  39. Tea

    The things people do ....

  40. Tea

    Revisiting the website graveyard

    In responding to the K6-III thread just now, I happened to follow a Google link to Tom's Hardware. You know, I had honestly forgotten that that site existed. I don't think Tom's had crossed my mind as a place to visit (or even as a place to stay away from) for ... oh ... maybe three or four...
  41. Tea

    China to build it's own Windows compatible OS? If true, very interesting.
  42. Tea

    Forum backups

    Within the next week or two, I expect to have a cable system up and running and connected to my office network (see this thread for details - and also if you want to help me set it up right). That will give me: 1: A cable link in the 512k class. (They no longer cap the cable link speeds on...
  43. Tea

    Email and networking issues

    Forgive me for the length and complexity of this. I'm hoping that you guys will be able to make some sensible suggestions to make email a usable practical thing for me, as opposed to my current chaotic non-system, which is all but useless. First, the background (I've hacked the addresses in...
  44. Tea

    Cougtek @ 1000!

    Hey, Coug, am I the first to notice? Wow! I never get to start off the milestone threads. Cool! And, if I may say so, 1000 posts shot through with humour, wisdom, and real depth of knowledge. Congratulations! PS: When are you going to knock Mercutio off his perch as the #1 poster around here...
  45. Tea

    Papst fans - are they not supposed to be quiet?

    I jush bought 10 Papst 80cm fans and the one I plugged in is a long way off quiet. Is it a dud? Or is their reputation hohum?
  46. Tea

    Spam defeated!

    I just downloaded and installed a package called Junk Spy. You can get it from I've tried many and various junkmail blockers before, but this one is far and away the best I have ever seen. So far, since I installed it on Friday, I have had 64 emails, with the following results...
  47. Tea

    Quiet PCL laser printer recommendations

    Well, the old Hewlett-Packard 6L is getting troublesome. As ever with the 5L/6L models, it's the paper feed that's playing up. The fact that it's winter here and the paper tends to get a bit damp doesn't help. I'll take it down to the local printer guy and get him to have a play with it, but...
  48. Tea

    Interesting SPEC comparison

    I nicked this from The Inquirer. Interesting. SPECint 2000 400 Itanium 1 800MHz 96KL2 4MB L3 458 IBM RS64 IV 750MHz 8MB L2 604 HP PA 8700 750MHz 0L2 0L3 610 Sun UltraSPARC III Cu 1.05GHz 8MB L2 648 Intel Xeon MP 1.6GHz 1MB L3 679 Compaq Alpha 21264C 1GHz 8MB L2 749 AMD Athlon XP 2100 1.667GHz...
  49. Tea

    You are all a lot of fakes!

    Ha! "So what do we all look like", eh? What a lot of shonky fakesters you all are! Seems like there is not one of you who has the guts to post a picture of your real self. Do think you can fool me? Well, you might be pulling the wool over some members' eyes, but I ain't falling for it. So...
  50. Tea

    Barracuda ATA V announced

    Anyone noticed that Seagate have announced the Cuda ATA V? 60GB/platter, Serial ATA to come as a running change in the northern autumn. They claim 560Mbit/sec and 9ms. I believe the first figure, don't believe the second one.