Storage is nice, especially if it doesn't rotate
I would like to upgrade to an Nforce2 system, within budgetary constraints. For now, I'm considering Thoroughbred 1700+ processors, and hoping I can overclock the FSB to 166 or more (possibly having to lower the multiplier). I don't want to modify the processor or motherboard, though. Eventually I'll upgrade the processor, perhaps to a Barton, once prices drop enough.
I could hope my luck continues with a factory-unlocked Tbred (like my Duron 650 and Tbird 1.2). Or I can hope to get a B-stepping Tbred and use the BIOS multiplier-unlocking feature of some motherboards.
3 questions:
I could hope my luck continues with a factory-unlocked Tbred (like my Duron 650 and Tbird 1.2). Or I can hope to get a B-stepping Tbred and use the BIOS multiplier-unlocking feature of some motherboards.
3 questions:
- Which Nforce2 mobo should I get? I was interested in Epox's, but have seen some reports of problems with it. FWIW, only the Abit, Asus and MSI are on AMD's recommended list for the 3000+ processor. But I've heard negative feedback on the quality of those manufacturers. Soltek's is interesting, but doesn't have the SoundStorm audio I'd like. I've looked at lots of reviews, but I'd love to hear about real-world experience.
- What do I do with my drives: 2 hard, 1 DVD, and 1 CD-RW? Could I just put the optical drives on my old Promise ATA/33 card to let the hard drives have separate IDE channels? Of the boards with serial ATA, which ones would allow multiple drives to be independent, not forced into some kind of RAID? And what about the quality/performance of the serial ATA controllers?
- Should I just wait for this upgrade, for instance, to see which motherboards support official AMD 200 FSB processors (if they ever come out), to see if problems develop over time in some of the boards, or for capacitor problems to be fixed and bad ones flushed out of the market?