I should know better, but here goes.
First off: Having been in public schools for 10 years, I can from my experience, tell you it's a system that mirrors our government.
One quick example:
The miserable excuse for a Superintendent employed a media person to represent her, using the school funds, and paid her 125,000 a year. How many teachers are paid that?
The message of the Tea Party is the same of the revolution:
When the government becomes so oppressive, back then it was with overtaxing, etc. it is time to radically alter the system.
I haven't really looked at the American budget, but, I suspect the first thing that should go is aide to other countries. To borrow against
our future and then give that money to other countries, at the same time they are saying it will lead to our fall is madness.
Another area that might be looked at is the cost of the American Government. Does it produce anything? Do government agencies
do anything? Regulatory agencies in particular make it so difficult to produce products that we are going to end up like the U.S.S.R.
Then we have the issues of The Constitution. Most of what FDR did was out of desperation, and, most of it unconstitutional. He had to threaten to pack the court to get the justices to approve his programs. It really took a war to get the economy back on track, and, we ended up producing things for people who never paid us back, adding to the debt.
Perhaps the saddest part is DavidD is right, the states have become too big, and unmanageable, and, only the rich or groups wise enough
to understand that the only way to keep rights is to lobby for them, or, they will be taken away.
California is a real piece of work. The model used above, about rich feudal lords is already happening. Look at L.A. On top of this, the AVERAGE Mexican student percentage for a California public school is 51%. That figure is eventually going to be the voting %. Yes, we have been invaded, and Mexico has won, while our group of Nero's fiddle away.
I actually believe in our Constitution, and, that is one of the best government designs ever. However, we are so far from that design
that our solutions are not going to be easy.
In essence I am going to use California Transit as a model for the effect of a bloated government. CalTrans takes a huge part of the
California Budget. They tell us how we are supposed to act, not serve us, by putting in car pool lanes now that require payment to drive in(Feudal model support?) yet create traffic jams for the 85% of people that have to use those roads. Why? Because our government wants to tell us what kind of cars to drive, and how to drive them.
Caltrans has started a tremendous number of projects around here, yet they don't finish many. I would guess their plan was to get as much of the budget as possible, by starting a bunch of projects, and,
getting as much funding as possible. To continue to get this funding, they start, and fail to finish stuff that creates a loss of productivity
to the people who are paying their salaries. In other words, the goal
of Caltrans is no longer to serve the people of California, but, to perpetuate and grow as big as possible, taking as much money as possible from the people of California. I can think of a few other Federal Agencies, BATF in particular, that mirror this model.