I can see now that I was tired + grouchy when I put that final post up last night.
In any case, it took about 15 additional attempts to get that score. I had only one other one that exceeded the first post's score of 103 and that one was a 150.
The game capitalizes on the player overcompensating their inputs. The only things I noticed were that my best successes were from not giving jerky inputs but instead smooth slides of the mouse. Additionally, I'd try to start steering the guy to the center of the screen as soon as I saw him veer a little bit...Even a tiny bit of lag can lead to the ever-greater inputs to get him centered again.
FWIW, only on the rounds I took the screenshots of did I really have good luck. On most of the others I'd routinely crash the guy around 75 meters.
I fully expect that some of the other guys in here will kill my score. I've never been that good at these types of games. Clocker is probably just biding his time until he can put up a screenshot of an 800 or something. :wink: