Article on Regional Pizza styles.
There continues to be no good pizza where I live. In fact, I have to say that I have been to three local restaurants that, in successive weeks, have held the title of "Worst Pizza I have ever had in my life."
I'm not sure if it's a characteristic of the area where I live or just a fluke of geography, but the only restaurant in my area that will deliver food is a Jimmy John's sandwich shop. The Chinese places don't and the awful, awful pizza places don't. It's not like I live far away from these places or out in the middle of noplace where there are no restaurants. The restaurants just don't deliver. Weird.
Anyway I read that list and "Grilled Pizza" and "New Haven Style" both sound unbelievably awesome.
Well, anyway, I want pizza and I don't have any, so I guess I'll do the next best thing and get some
cheese, hotdogs and bacon going...
Ewwwww! So gross, now I've lost my appetite for dinner
Not sure how much of Merc's statement above is truthful, since his own reality distortion may be as far off as Steve-0 Jobs

. There maybe good pizza in his area, and he may just be a whiner

. Along with pr0n, Merc seems to get into these temporary insanity/obsessive modes with pizza and I guess other things?
Just so we don't have to hear you whine about it, I have a solution, albeit a weak solution that will only provide temporary gratification at best. At this time of year, it's cold enough such that all of us could FedEx Merc, via next day (actually 2nd day would work to, but you know, we run the risk of him getting sick) Air, pizza from all of our favorite local area restaurants in their original cardboard boxes (bet FedEx ends up folding some of them, smashing others) if stacked in twos and tapped together.
Other thought as has been elucidated before, Merc is just plain too lazy (and likes to whine as an excuse) to actually spend some effort to satisfy his pizza craving, or again too lazy, to attempt to make his own.
I don't think it was ever established exactly which town in Indiana Merc lives in, but just nearby localities. I forget where those are, but is Indianapolis more than 1/2 a days drive away, more than 50 miles in the winter...clear roads?
Indi has 2 Trader Joe's markets, where Merc could by some imported from Italy frozen pizza, some not too bad that I have tried.
Trader Joe's IN
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Created on Apr 6 - Updated Aug 29
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Trader Joe's Castleton (671)
5473 E 82nd St Indianapolis, IN 46250 Phone: (317) 595-8950 Trading Hours: 9 am - 9 pm
5473 E 82nd St
Indianapolis, IN 46250
Phone: (317) 595-8950
Trading Hours: 9 am - 9 pm
Trader Joe's West 86th (670)
2902 W 86th St Indianapolis, IN 46268 Phone: (317) 337-1880 Trading Hours: 9 am - 9 pm
though probably different from what he's used to eating. If you had an aluminum wire-mess round pizza rack, you could reheat one of this pre-cooked pizza in your oven and have a pretty decent crust.
They call them 'screens' from the place I bought mine, but you could buy other styles that let the crust receive heat of the oven while cooking such that they get nice and crispy:
Trader Joe's also sometimes sells pre-made, ready to cook, pizza dough in the refrigerated deli section, should you wish to hand stretch/roll your own. Trader Joes TBD ('to be determined') $5 2006 Zinfandel blend red wine, would be what I would drink with any such pizzas- highly recommended by me

In fact I'm so annoyed by Merc's whining

, I'm going to walk to my local TJ's right now and get some...hope it doesn't rain on me as it's been sprinkling on and off all day here in lala land.
Tomorrow I will do a once or twice a year, 'rounds' of the local dim sum establishments to get takeout dim sum from 3 or 4 (4th one being a freeway drive of 35+mi away from the westside where I live) of my favorite dim sum service Chinese restaurants before the Chinese New Years crowds come around this CNY's Feb.8th, year of the Rat. That means tomorrow I'm driving RT ~80mi, and spending ~3hrs driving back and forth to pickup takeout orders, collecting it all up, before returning home, where I re-heat in the toaster oven, the deep fried items to perfect consistency and temps (paper towel some of that grease off of them), and then carefully use the bamboo steamer to get the steamed dumplings back to perfect consistency (sometimes the noodle wrappers fall apart, but they do that in the restaurants also, so i don't lose much in quality/perfection by bringing it home and serving at optimum temperature, which cools rapidly and also get to drink and enjoy wine at my
own pace).
That's what I do when I want to maximize my enjoyment of dim sum, and I always buy enough so there is left over to put into the frig, and
do it again the next day...just like a pr0n star, lol. Does Merc even bother to expend that kind of energy even once or twice a year???
There's this dumb TV series on ABC, 'October Road' (what's that chick's name from the current box-office 'godzilla meats blair witch project' movie...who also stars as the current g/f 'Aubrey' of the main character in OR), where this skinny 'geek' guy who has a phobia of never leaving home (forget what it's called), has himself a pizza delivery g/f, that is what Merc needs to get himself, lol.
Wow, Armand Assante has hit rock bottom in his career if he's a guest cameo on this series.